Fuck this gay Earth

Fuck this gay Earth

Tried Siege out during free weekend, quite boring mate. Not even the co-op missions were fun, and it took some minutes before you could shoot anyone.
>Not even counting all that P2W garbage


>Hey I know you just started
>Here have a free character unlock
>There are 20+ more characters
>Just play the game to get them
>Have a faceless generic placeholder till you can unlock a new character

dawg it took me barely any time to get a bunch of characters. You don't even need all of them, or even very many. Just 2 attackers and 2 defenders.

I thought you were complaining about the DLC characters which require tons of grinding. like lmao nigga shut up



this is bait

in almost every modern game you have to unlock shit and its not that hard


´Would be kind of mad if I had to buy the game first on top of grinding for what should be there from the start. Fine if it´s F2P.


I didn't buy Siege through Steam.


So you think quantity>quality?

You gotta realize the climate when No mans sky was coming out

>everybody was shilling it
>sony gave them main stage coverage
>they were seen as indie darling underdogs
>they promised everything under the sun and more

It was all built on games people thought they were getting and thats why it had that peak

Hibana best siege girl

This isn't really surprising. No Man's Sky was super hyped game by a new developer that turned out to be shit. Siege is just another game from a known terrible developer thus nobody bought it in the first place.

>Ubisoft is a terrible developer

Fucking neo/v/.

I think some fags scamed a bunch of retards with lies and a shitty game and sold 200000 copies only on pc while the other game adds "free" content and improves the game and just recently reached 65k simultaneous players

2 things:
Steamcharts doesn't track Uplay, which many users will use over Steam if they want to play Siege, since it's one less button to click.
>Launch Uplay directly, then just click on Siege to launch it instead of on Siege in Library to launch Uplay to then go click on Siege
And there's the people who never touched Steam version of Siege and bought it directly through Uplay or a Uplay key from some key site.
The ! on Steamspy, pic related, is just denoting a Free Weekend, so current estimates are heavily thrown off as to owner count.

In comparison, NMS is Steam-exclusive and note the current player counts.

But you dont even have to buy it. You just get some of the base operators by playing. There doesn't even have to be money involved.

Plus it takes normal people a few hours to get all operators besides the dlc ones with how much renown you get for not only winning but playing ranked or doing daily challenges

siege has the potential to surpass csgo in some years

its worse thinking that it has reached 65k cause of the free weekend REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

no wonder almost all modern games are pure trash

siege is shit, has no tactical elements and has no semblance of an actual rainbow six game, hell its only called that because they wanted to hype up another ""tactical"" shooter, even though its about as tactical as fucking cod

destruction is pretty cool though

>Qualitative data about how many people play [my favorite flop game] ISN'T REAL because hundreds of thousands of people play the game with secret untraceable methods!!!!


Wouldn't be surprised if they close off the Siege servers this year since literally no one is playing that shiet, what a flop.

video games are shit right?

>Ubisoft is not a terrible developer

Guess you just love your monthly edition of Assassin's Creed and schlock like For Honor, Far Cry Sequels, and Watch Dogs.

>24h peak: 706

>tfw I didn't buy it

Siege is trash


Said no one. M8 all recruit is legit of you pick the right recruit (protip: There is more than one recruit you can choose from for free).

It has double that on uPlay alone though

>game which had a runaway hype train has a high peak but basically no current players, while a good growing sleeper hit has a lower peak but an existing player base

Not even counting the fact I don't even it have on Steam cause the free copy I got was Uplay-only.

What's the point of this thread again?

Don't worry bub, if you keep trying in school you'll learn to read someday.

Nigga, every single key sold on the internet is for the Uplay version, not Steam. This shit sells a LOT in places like G2A, Nuuvem and shit.


Fuck Uplay that's why. Never buying this shit because of Uplay

Also a shit ton of people got the game as a Uplay code with a hardware purchase, and I bet as a result most aftermarket codes for sale are cheaper if Uplay

chill m8, no one has the obligation to suck steams dick so they made its own platform like origin, battlenet, etc

Siege is fucking terrible though. The fact that you can play ranked with premades sums up just how fucking shitty it is. I could go on for hours with its flaws. You'll have better competition in CoD than Siege. If you don't play premade, the game is undeniable garbage.

>inb4 the reddit cuck who supports premade or bust idiocy, even in ranked

waaa i can't have fun unless i win waa waa waa waa i belong in diamond waa my teammates suck


Okay I'm kinda surprised, but this game is really good.

Why is competitive CS more popular than competitive siege again?

I can't think of a single thing that CS is better at.

sure is a sad life without friends huh user? :(

I love Siege but yeah that is a huge issue. I solo queued to Diamond and there's nothing worse than joining ranked and seeing 5 man XxXMLGXxX clan on the other team versus your ragtag group of solo queuers. It's an almost guaranteed loss, especially at high level because these guys are almost always semi-pros. It discourages people from solo queuing ranked, it definitely discourages me. There should be separate ranked playlists for solo queuer and premades, maybe you could solo queue the premade playlist and get put with a 4 man team, at least that way you won't be playing with people who are strangers to each other and will probably be communicating.