I liked Mewtwo's original design better, it looked more beastly and alien...

I liked Mewtwo's original design better, it looked more beastly and alien, too bad the design changed soon and they made it more femine looking

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both designs are absolutely amazing and arguably the peak of pokemon designs

The mega evolutions are absolutely hideous, this Pokemon shouldn't never have gotten one

Almost every single mega evolution is over designed and looks like retarded jenky shit
I like mega gengar a lot but thats the only one I can remember off the top of my head that I don't hate

mega evolutions were a mistake in general

Now it's hips for days!

I just now noticed that Mewtwo has Simpson's character overbite.

>mom said it's my turn to be mewtwo

Happy birthday Mewtwo

What happens if you put a bike lock on his neck hole tube?

Happy birthday!


is that fucking real?

It would be extremely painful.

Weird that they mention Mew, but didn't have it in the game (expect by glitch). Plus badass pic of Mewtwo


There was a way to obtain it legit.

Pokemon Blue/Red Mewtwo was just the best. The intensity of first meeting him and catching him was the best feeling an austic 7 year old can have.

Was pretty cool catching him in Pokemon Silver too when you go back round Kanto

>battery will die one day and mew will be gone forever

Like tears in the rain...

Wow he's really weak

I would pay10kgrand for that game pal and certificate. My entire life I have always wanted to be a legit Mew owner

shame they never made possible for transfer pokemon from red&blue/gold&silver to newer games

Couldn't he just trade it to another copy with a fresh battery?

>only 1 mewtwo
>gets captured 3 years ago
>now there's a new one

You can't catch Mewtwo in original gold/silver/crystal, but in the remakes

>You can catch Mewtwo in Pokemon Silver

>user actually prefers that to pic related

Pokemon Stadium.

They give you at level 5.
Mew is not really the strongest pokemon though, but he can learn any TM/HM

We wuz clones and shiet.

>had a Mew in Crystal that was box cloned off of one my friend had received from a legit event
>the battery died

Gold/Silver/Crystal are notorius for their short battery life, I think due to the real time clock that keeps the day/night system.
My gold cart died, while my old Blue one is still perfect.

I don't even know where this is from, but this is now my favourite rendition of Mr. Mewtwo.

Is it from Crystal?

Yep, it's an alternate dimension Pokémon, its meant to look weird

Mewtwo is a cute, A CUTE in every iteration

It's from Red & Blue.

I like chibi Mewtwo with eggplant digits.

So do it

The Mewtwo sprite in yellow was a downgrade.

They improved on many of them, but the sprite was a lot better.

>Check out deez master balls, bitch!

He'd pick it apart telekinetically, and reassemble it around your neck.

Why the fuck is he so thicc?

Mewtwo is my husbando.

we just call him Mewtwo, son

The real victim of redesign is pikachu

Really, though, just in case you weren't just pretending to be retarded, what is in OP's image is Mewtwo's illustration from around the time of Red & Green's Japanese release. is a new illustration made around the time Red & Blue were localized for the west. All Pokemon received similar new illustrations; when comparing the two the newer one usually has more dynamic posing and just generally better-looking anatomy.

Compare for yourself: