Fire Emblem Heroes


First for God

This is Nino. She is cute. She can't read, so be extra nice to her and give her good training

First for end my suffering

Why is this allowed
Poor kids will be scarred for life
Everyone knows US citizens can't be witness of this kind of lewdness
Delete it right now

Day 4.
Still looking for best Fates girl.


I want to commit a crime

I wonder if she knows that she's pedo bait

Friend Code 9919358673 looking for Amigos.

Also fuck you guys throwing away 5 star waifu's to get 2 in a roll. It took me almost 12 hours to get a single 5 star waifu.

any advice on team composition?

but it's censored, user


I'd raise her like my own daughter.

Nino is not for the lewds or sexualizing.

r8 my team

Reminder that corrin is shit

The old threads are archived you lazy newfag

5 Star Marth
4 Star Lissa
5 Star Takumi
4 Star Nowi

I just rolled 4 Star Male Robin, what do with him

Exit healer and get that other lance 5 star blue in, healing isn't completely nessesary. It's good for takumi but Lucina can hold her own.

latest account
Well, it's something

drop the healer for cordelia or hinoka


me too. what went so right?

Retarded question

≤ means less than, right?

Pick your Fire Emblem waifu/husbando that is NOT in the cast of FE: Heroes.

Nice, user. Now hope she doesn't get a bunch of shit levels like mine did

Takumi "if they use a spear they get an arrow in the rear" Hoshidan.

Equal or Less than

Have her. See no reason to train her. Think I'll let her rot at the bottom of my roster.

and equal to.

less than or equal too


Less than or equal to.

You posted her

I know people hate on Avatar characters, but I want FE7 and FE8 remakes with Avatars because they had god-tier girls.

Less than or equal to. What the fuck user.



cordelia is

I think my Camilla may just forever be slow



Prince "Penetrated your waifu from 2-range" Takumi


Her sisters are better.

FemCorrin > MaleCorrin
She really is underrated.

>No SS tiers
Time to reset bubby


I wish she had a 5* version.

Well it's something right

Same same basically, not like I'll actually calculate whats exactly 70% of 35 health
I was talking more in terms of the direction of the arrow rather than the lines underneath
Rude as fuck
I was just making sure

A whore that will never love you

fucking faggot.
I wish you get shit rolls

Link that shit and save it.

Only good of this game is the art, mediocre map and gameplay.

It already is.
Been linking any decent rolls any playing them through 40-60 orbs.

Add me! 0487232113

literally nobody gives a shit about farina

Melons weighing her down.

>using Camilla
She's gonna be worthless no matter what

I'm happy
Got my Waifu Lyn and Husbando Odin all in the same roll
Rate my team please

That's not bad.

I've been using Dudebro Samurai and he's not bad, give him a shot if you keep that roll.


post your team. no whales or takumemers allowed.

Leo is a cancer far beyond Takumeme.

>le absurdly powerful fast horse mage off free additional AoE damage and no counters

I'll be honest, I keep forgetting Florina has sisters since she's far and way the only one that matters

Can anyone tell me how to reroll.

Stupid game gave me 3 blue hair royals. Just pick up Robin this morning so now I wont get rekt so bad by any blues

who else /playingFEgamesagain/

>tips fedora


Fuck off shills

From using him I've gotten the feeling he's a lot like a glass cannon, as soon as they get to him he's either 1 hit or very near it

put pennies in a jar of hot water

This is gonna be my main team, just switch Hinata for Beruka.
Let's see if in the future I manage to get better a ranged and green.

>2 Ninos

Fuck you.

delet app and install again

hope you didn't redeem your free 10 orbs from the MyNintendo Rewards page cus you aint getting it back

Looking for friend codes, add me 7146277732



I really want to play Fates since it's the only one in English I haven't played yet. But every time I start the shitty localization makes me want to drop it.
I hate it. I wish it'd get re-localized. And no, the fan localization is no better.

>farina and anna will never have a jewoff

Yeah, trying Fates again but started Sacred Stones as well because I fucking love that one.

Gonna get some Cias for my 3Ds and try blazing blade and thajia 778 or whatever it is.

not kanpeki enough

>4 5*
You ARE the whale.


>she can't read.

So how the fuck is she able to use a Magic tome so well?

>inb4 is a picture book.

>inb4 she's well trained either, if she were, she would actually know how to read already.

I'm replaying Shadow Dragon

god this game looks like shit

Too lazy to screenshot.

>5* Tacomeme
>5* Lyn
>5* Maria
>3* FemCorrin

I'm training maria just in case I need a healer and FemCorrin just cause Femcorrin.

I an also training others on the side for flexibility: 4* Nino, 4* Est, and a 4* Selena.

>Anna gets to learn Vantage 1 upon turning into 3*.
I can feel she's going to get Vantage 2 at higher rank. Should I at least try to invest her into 4* or save it for my 4* instead?

Making babies in Nino's illiterate womb!

Thinking of giving FE3 a go. How is the translation for that game?

do what I am doing
skip everything and pretend you're a weeb genociding the west or vice versa
nohr is pretty fun gameplay wise and the characters are garbage anyway, there is like 2 cool things about the game

>serious threads about mobile shit

arent those book full of symbols anyway

Rate my team. Should I keep rolling for Hector and Cordelia? I seem to have decent synergy with this team.

She had someone else recite the book to her and then she memorized it cause she's so smart and cute.
She only carries the book so people won't realize she's not actually reading from it.

Amelia is my trusted knight sister.
I hope she gets good skills when she finally gets added to Heroes.

if I was a whale, I'd have a hector and 3 takumis

The 3 MCs are better than people let on. There aren't really BAD units, just ones that aren't as amazing as raer tacomemes or tiddy sisters.
