Was he autistic?

Was he autistic?

>with Estelle

yes. She is a brainless bimbo but she's the only girl who showed any interest.

Estelle was the autistic one

no logan is

I'm pretty sure every character in the Legend of Heroes series besides Toval is autistic.


Even Olivier?

No he just had a DARK past

no, but you are.

was Joshua blacked?

estelle a qt

Especially Olivier.

trails a shit

Going to have to agree with this. The first game had a unique plot for a JRPG but the second one
filled so many generic JRPG checkboxes that it made me question why I liked the first so much.

Josette tho

Doesn't the princess admits she lusted for his cock but gave up cuz she knew he only liked Estelle?

Very much so.

>pirate girl

I think you'd have to be autistic to actually recognize this as a character and not some anime head.

Yeah. As her and Estelle are sitting on the stage at Janis Academy reminiscing.

"Guys, what about me?"

Does this LoH even have the extensive levels of writing, detail and wordbuilding as the Trails games do?

That is some awkward looking box art.