Which games have the best explosions?
Which games have the best explosions?
Mighty No. 9
Metal Slug
Kazuma Kazuma!
What game best simulates the experience of having to deal with legitimately retarded teammates?
Hai, Kazuma daioh.
any team-based multiplayer game
why does he have to suffer so much?
The recent Doom game has pretty satisfying explosive weaponry.
Rainbow 6:Siege also has some great breaching charges that blow the fuck out of terrain, but the actual game sucks
Any L4D game or Rainbow 6:Siege
Megumin's game
Literally any online MP game if you don't play with friends
is this animu any good
it's pretty funny
the first episode is pretty bad but it picks up pretty quickly
Watch the first two episodes and find out
The premise turned me off initially but it turned out surprisingly good
Dota 2
What games let me be a complete scumbag that takes advantage of cute girls for personal amusement?
Yeah, it's pretty funny.
Does me game have good explosions?
fuck off
those are just circles
Rainbow Six Seige
Yes, watch the first Season now, wait a while and then you can binge season 2.
Also on topic, Rainbow Six Siege has some nice explosions.
Just Cause 3
Even if the game isn't to you're liking, you can't deny that the explosions look awesome. They function pretty well too.
dude it's so good
Kazuma is literally sorta-SFW Rance. His colour scheme even confirms it.
You're under contract not to be working on side projects. Stop that.
>poorly animated DEEN shit
>humor consists of repeating the same gags over and over
MS explosion sprites were such good Hollywood explosions. So much fire and billowing smoke.
this faggot hasn't even watched it, not more than the first ep anyway
What are some games with dumb and useless goddesses?
>So good
>Rehashes frogs three times
>Starts the new season with fucking frogs
>Gone through three directors
It lost its charm.
What games let me drink a lot of booze and make accumulate debt?
>1 male surrounded by 3 hot chicks
>not a harem
>muh frogs
I still think it's funny. But if you don't then you are entitled to your opinion and I hope you have a good day.
yeah it is just 1 guy and 3 girls, no harem stuff going on
they're not competing for his affection and he'd rather get rid of them and get a better party
This dumb dog needs to be put on a leash
if anything its a tale of user trying to ditch a group of normies
It's literally confirmed that the girls would suck Kamuza's dick if they had the chance. I swear to fuck Konosuba fags are just harem and isekai fags in denial.
>3 hot chicks
>Konosuba fags are just harem and isekai fags in denial
Its harem and isekai deconstruction
It's pretty good
stop posting
The Ghostbusters Game
thank you for proving my point that konosuba fags are retarded.
To be fair Aqua would only do it if he paid her and Darkness would suck an orc dick if given the opportunity
It turns into harem but I just don't give a shit as long as it's funny
I see this word thrown out a lot when describing shows but what does it even mean?
>reeeee stop liking things
you can go whine elsewhere, guy who has never watched a single episode of the show
Ignore it.
It's a parody, not a deconstruction.
I watched it and dropped it by episode three. It's incredibly dull and boring, Sup Forums and Sup Forums only praise it because muh waifus.
Windwaker for sure.
Is Sup Forums down or something?
Binding of Isaac if you have the right bomb synergy.
It means nothing at this point.
>tfw you pity user for thinking that having 3 platonic friends of the opposite sex = harem
Does Kazuma actually care about gender equality or does he just want an excuse to bully girls?
who are you quoting?
Bot matches in Red Orchestra 2/Rising Storm.
Seeing two bot teams fight against each other is hilarious, either they are crack shots that hipfire and kill you with bolt action rifle from 50 meters away or they cant navigate through door or five of them won't even leave the spawn area.
redditsuba fans.
go back and stay back
But you would love the 24/7 Konosuba generals on Sup Forums.
why is this one triggered autist trying to shitpost so hard? he's pretty pathetic
he wants to dropkick some sluts
It's konosubreddit, get the insult right at least
Is konosuba the Dark Souls of anime?
It's more like anime 8-Bit Theater.
It's Dark Souls meets Always Sunny in Philadelphia
But who of the main 4 match the gang is the real question?
No, Re:Zero is.
That's Slayers
How is Megumin so cute?
Because she just is
So is Sup Forums gonna do a 180 and start calling the show shit now
wish I knew user
Would Sup Forums give Megumin some "emergency harassment"?
it's da yo casual
>go in expecting her to be the worst
>expect her to be a one joke character
>expect her to be a generic tsundere moeblob
>actually funny and full of personality
>and her doujins are the best in the world
9/11 would explode again
Do you think that hasn't already been happening since the first season?
Kazuma is Dennis, no fucking question. Aqua would be Charlie since they're both the most useful but have the intelligence of a lamppost. Megumin is Dee being the smartest after Kazuma but is relelntlessly shit on for being useless. Darkness would be Mac because they're both the most physical members and secretly want shitty men to treat them like crap and fuck them raw.
There was some shitposting mixed with some legitimate complaints near the beginning of season 2, but it's mostly calmed down
It didn't help that there was an entire year of hype building up to it
FF XIV, asfaggots, league of legends, etc.
And the barmaid is frank
monster hunter
world of warcraft
>jerking off to the flat board
there you go user, have fun!
Without getting autistic about it, it's when the story is written in a way that reflects how it would realistically play out if a group of characters found themselves in that specific situation.
Konosuba is not a deconstruction, but a deconstructive element it has is how Kazuma actually has to work day to day to pay for lodging and food, which he specifically states is "not how these stories are supposed to go."
daily reminder