Meanwhile in New Sup Forumsegas

>these NCR shills still think they'll be able to keep the dam

Patrolling the Mojave almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter.


>NCR shills
Go to bed Lupes


Why is New Vegas an enduring classic, while 3 and 4 simply aren't?

Anyone a member of the White Glove Society? I hear good things about them and want to join up.

*mortar shelling in background*

>Jingle jangle trips

Multiple endings that take more than a quick decision at the last quest and an ending itself that mentions pretty much everyone you've fucking met in the wastes.


>tfw always do kill every NPC runs
literally everyone
yes man

fuck em all

Why doesn't anyone talk about fallout 4's story? It wasn't even bad

big iron

Worse, it was entirely forgettable.

Indiscriminate murder is counter-productive.

I wouldn't. Don't get me wrong, that resort there is ring-a-ding but my gut says stay out of the basement.

Yes it was. The Institute's plan was pants-on-head retarded and none of the options for dealing with them made any sense.

>ey Maxson, you know that faction you want destroyed? They want me to be their boss so I can just tell them to knock it off with the Synth project and we can use their science for whatever we want.

>hurrdurr nuke it.

New Vegas, despite being rushed out the door, waa created by talented people.
3 and 4 were made by fucking Bethesda with Todd Howard at the wheel.

>see yes man in distance running to me
>literally dont want to talk to him
>just want to be left alone
>he chases me all the way to new vegas gate


It says something that this many years later you can still make a thread on Sup Forums and- aside from the occasional Toddposting- have 300 posts, 150 image replies omitted, click here to view of people arguing about which ending is best for the Mojave.

Benevolent House ending obviously.

>get a chuckle over Camp McCarron having a bunch of slot machines inside
>land in the actual McCarron airport for a weekend trip
>the first thing I see when I step out of the plane is a row of slot machines

Also, the Hoover Dam is cool.

I get that reference

No pictures of the slot machines?

>hoover dam
>tfw always get lost inside it
>just want to leave
>cant find fucking exit
>end up deeper inside the dam

I ought to visit there someday

Why is New Vegas so empty?

Share your fun experiences with mods
>download freeside open, new vegas restoration, and freeside uncut
>get to freeside, have had 60 frames all the way up until then
>get inside, 3 fights break out, everyone starts running away, screams and gunshots heard all over, there are about 20 more people
>frames drop to 15
It was both the best and the most terrifying new vegas experience I've ever had.


But do you get why the newest albums are SO FUCKING AWFUL


Same with the Omerta casino.

The deeper you go in, the more of a maze it is to get out.

Don't worry, it will be full once the legion takes control

>finding a duffle bag

I took one, but decided not to post it since it's hard to tell in the actual picture that they're right at the boarding area.

that fucking casino

Are there mods that expand New Vegas? It feels so barren and pathetic

I don't know what happened. I wasn't expecting much since it was vidya style music.

>yfw you find your first MRE
>store it in your house
>never use it, continue to exist solely on rad-away, radscorpion pie, fried gecko, and dirty water (because you HAVE to use up your dirty water before touching your ridiculous stash of purified water)

New Vegas felt like an actual world.

Anyone got a set of working GE triodes?
I need to fix my tetromino game machine.

Yeah, lots of mods that add more people to the strip and remove some of the loading screens.
If you're just shit posting about a desert feeling barren you can just fuck off back to Bethesda games.

The shitty engine really does this game a disservice. There's a bunch of shit most people won't find if they're just hitting quest objectives (refugee camp, hh tools, west side, the psyker kid).

People still think this is a GOAT game?

It's an 8/10. Take it and leave it.

what XP sound did you like the most?

F3 cha ching to new vegas' DUMM

probably not but it's still better that 3 or 4

>consuming anything radioactive

It's fun

>yfw vault 34

It's unironically one of my favorite games of all time. I'm a huge fan of Bethesda's open world formula and New Vegas is the first game to take that formula and have good quests, world, and story all at the same time.

>opinions differ

oh no!

>implying I have enough inventory space to carry a bunch of cooked food and purified water instead of just finding the nearest sink/toilet with only 110lbs of carrying capacity, 70 of it just armor, guns and ammo


>looting the silver rush

>not bringing everything to the bathroom
why are you running user?

>finish dead money
>tfw want to do it again

what is wrong with me?

>ever needing to loot shit once you get inside Vegas and wipe the casinos clean

the story and characters are so good, but the gameplay blech.

Reminder that if Obsidian are allowed to make another Fallout game, they will be forced to use F4's version of gamebryo.
How does that make you feel?

The Tops is the best casino in town, it's where all the PS4 players go, unlike all those PCucks who stick to Gomorrah and their fucking fedoras.

>Let the guy suicide bomb the Van Graffs when doing an energy weapons run
>Almost everything is gone
I wish I thought these things through

Patrolling the imageboards almost makes you wish for severe autism

>looting camp golf
>find 7000 caps worth of ammo and weapons without losing any NCR fame

Glad that they torched that relationship to the ground after New Vegas and the Fallout license can go to shit now. The only studio that's going to touch any BGS properties is probably going to be that new Montreal studio.

>know where remnants armor is
>kill all the deathclaws
>armor is gone
>apparently there is a really high chance of it flying away

Bullshit, he gets killed fairly fast by the scorpions

>caring about NCR pigs

Well, at least you don't actually need it

good? F4's version of gamebryo is superior

How did you guys get through the Courier's mile?

>get enough caps for one of Dr. Nagasaki's implants, even the more expensive ones
>running jsawyer and rebalanced economy so it takes fucking forever
>courier I've made would never stick robot parts in their body by choice, much less pay for it


Obsidian had a nightmare time adding their dialog and quest modules to gamebryo. I think they'd probably bankrupt themselves trying to add rpg mechanics to Fallout 4's engine.

true, but I will never stop dreaming

stealth boys and riot shotgun + and stay back

Theres a new mod that clears the wasteland so you have an empty template to make a whole new game. I've been thinking about picking up moding since I saw it

>25 years after new vegas
>courior rules new vegas with questionable methods
>you play play a merchant/prospector that sees whats wrong and wants to change things

my goal is to change all the interors, replace all npc's and add a whole new story and side quests

my only question is what kind of side quests would you guys like to see in something like that?

...and if they choose to make it on a different engine, say Unity they've been using for their latest games, it will never get nu-fallout audience and therefore will flop at sales in comparison to Beth's games.
Sure the oldfags will buy the shit out of it, but we're dying breed. Big moneys are in the hands of normies and teenagers. Bethesda realized that

>New Sup Forumsegas
>capital v
This is the real problem in this threaad

Quests about the fallout nv companions and what happened to then after the aftermath.

Stay back is so fucking broken, made the game too easy but had to get it once I confronted Deathclaws in there

>change all the interors

Can you please remove all the fucking newspapers on the ground and burnt out empty computers and shit

Like I know it's post-apocalyptic but for fucks sake can people please tidy up



>my goal is to change all the interors
Make them non-shit, please. Obsidian always got the idea that Fallout is about new civilisations rebuilding right, but in FNV they still use the same old ruined shit from F3.

>houses occupied for decades by the same people
>still holes in the windows
>still half-ripped wallpapers etc
The houses shouldn't look absolutely pristine, but worn rather than half-way ruined.

sounds like a good Idea. not sure If I want the player to see them in person though since I'm getting some friends to do voice acting. if they were really old it might work though

What's the best quest mod and why is it The Inheritance?

Gamebyro is used in a lot of games user. There's nothing wrong with the engine it's just Bethesda. Obsidian isn't the best develoPer either honestly.

What was/is your favorite kind of character to play as?

Sounds good. Godspeed user

god I need to play this. I already have it downloaded too

Don't forget all the fucking burned books.

You've got shelves FULL of them! You can't even read them! Get rid of them and get some pre-war books or service manuals or fucking fifty seven copies of Grognak the Barbarian, I don't give a fuck you goddamn retarded NCR faggots!

NCR cowboy

How many mods can you use before things start to break down?

I know the hard cap is like 255 or so, but shit stops working at like 150 right?

Siiiiiillllllver Rush
Feel the rush of a warm laser

in your hand

Should we just skip to posting these?

>that ONE skill magazine you can never find in any run
what is called again?

If you'd like! I'm really just looking for new characters to play/RP as. I enjoy NV a lot but tend to get bored before I finish the MQ or even one DLC.

I think I may be too damn indecisive.


>cass AND cpl. betsy

>most character defining perks
>no Chemme La Fleur Petit or whatever the sodding fuck it's called

thats my pet peeve so there will be none of those unless its like an unexplored bunker or something. I might add a few new locations for the side quests