The REAL great debate

The REAL great debate

3 for me btw

MGS3 has online multiplayer. beat that.

Never played any MGO, what did you do in them?

3 was good, but after playing V it's jarring to come back to the controls of either

Kind of unfair though since V had godlike gameplay

MGS2 is the best in the series, so I don't see why there's even a need for a debate.

2 is my preference because I dislike the jungle setting. I used to hate 3 with a passion because of the stamina system before I realized how easy it was to manage.

I've only ever played 1, 4, and 5. I hate myself for missing 2 and 3. What's the best way to experience them now?

2, but to be fair I haven't played Subsistence. Vanilla 3 is not a good version of that game.

HD remakes are really good. They're just straight upgrades to the originals.

Being able to control the camera alone makes subsistence a whole lot better

Snake eater for gameplay sons of liberty for story but only towards the end otherwise snake eater is better in that area too.

>beat that.
MGS2 did NOT have online multiplayer
beat that

I have to give it to 2.


I think that's the reason I'll always side with 3 in the end because the quality is consistent and it seems well planned compared to the all over the place quality of 2. 2 is still great though.

3 is probably the best paced game in the history of video games and easily the peak of the traditional MGS gameplay.
2 is ok and the themes are fun but it honestly isn't even close, anyone saying 2 is just being a contrarian shithead.

I don't understand why people would hate 2 it's a lot of fun

I like 3 more tho

3 is one of the best stealth games of all time, it probably has the most depth in terms of what you can do to guards and how you interact with them than any game. But I do respect 2 because without it 3 would not have been as good as it could have been

Oh yeah?! Well neither have multiplayer now! Checkmate

>traditional MGS gameplay
I view 3 as more of a transitional game with its gameplay style.
When I think of traditional MGS gameplay, I think of being able to run full speed at a guard and not making a sound unless you're on a metal grate.

"Whose footprints are these?!"

>want to replay a game
>remember THAT part


How was tanker so good but the rest of the game so bad?

The bosses in three stood out more, the story was a bit more fun, it had higher replay value, and the stealth mechanics were perfect.

Two shines in that you're able to get a "traditional" Metal Gear experience, it has more memorable music (aside from Snake Eater and Battle in the Base), is a bit more 'crazy' in its story and bizarreinteractions, and has that magic of still being relevant in discussion. I also feel like it's a game that nearly everyone beat in a marathon far into the night because the ending got so deep.

I pirated every game except the first and the fifth.
What versions should i buy just for posterity sake?
Ps2 orignals or substance? Or just legacy collection, or just hd collection +4 since i already have mgs 1.

Heh. I'd say the complete opposite.
3 is best story. Two is a bit tighter gameplay (though the bosses mostly suck) and two gets worse near the end(story wise, bosses get better)

Both are amazing though.

HD collection or Legacy Collection if you can find it as well as the updated ps2 port for the extras removed when they ported it.

2 because I don't need to pause the game every fucking second to get the best camo for each area.

Fair point.
I mean i already have multiman version of legacy. And free mcboot of 2 and 3, subsistence so i guess just buy subsistence versions since they have the most content. Gotta do raiden skateboarding.

They're missing a few neat things though
Snake vs Monkey, the Guy Savage dream, and skateboarding Snek being examples

MGS2 had skateboarding

Get legacy collection if you can, box is cooler. Really any version is fine except try not to play non-subsistence Snake Eater (if you want to see what people had to deal with re: the camera just click the right stick in). But try to get the HD versions if you can, mainly so 3 can be 60fps

You don't have to do that if you don't want to. Personally I thought all the survival stuff was fun but you can get by just fine wearing tiger stripe+splitter for the whole game

it's even more fun with the sneaking suit

mgs2 has skateboard minigame and batshit crazy non-canon missions for snake

they're both fantastic games.

>not owning all four games

Also, fuck the Xbox versions and the remakes.

Sneaking through the struts of MGS2's plant chapter before hitting the radar consoles is the worst experience I've ever had with the Solid games and I love the more open setting of MGS3, so I'm gonna have to go with 3.

The only part of MGS2 that I completely enjoyed was the Arsenal Gear bits after Ocelot tortures you, really. Everything else I have mixed feelings with at best. The codec calls were also beyond fucking extreme.

I agree, at least 2 has the decency to pause itself for codec calls.

Jokes aside, the codec call signal bars forming a fucking gun pointed at Raiden's head blew my mind when I first noticed it during Arsenal Gear. They don't take that form with Snake on the tanker, either.

xbox has the objectively best cover art thought

also, the game play got progressively better with each new game

mgs1 is best game fuk u all piss out bye

MGS 1 is the best game in the series all around.

3 for game play and a solid if stock standard story

2 for mind fuckery

MGS3 is overall better because it's more fun to play.
MGS2 has the better story by far though.

>doesn't know the metanarrative

MGS3 is for people who don't like MGS and prefer standard stock stories
MGS2 is for people who appreciate MGS

Shot soldiers
Rescued duck toys
Captured frog toys
Snake'd the microfilm
Grabbed crotches
Twirled revolvers
Glitched yourself invisible
Rapid fired shotguns
Did the headshot dance

2- patrician

3- plebeian

Fucking GenomeGodzilla

mah nigga

The sneaking suit is what makes it possible user