ITT: Games that will never get an official sequel

ITT: Games that will never get an official sequel

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fuck you

Kill yourself

we wuz dargons and shieet

Goddamn the pain still hasn't healed from that fucking teaser site. Worse yet Squeenix hasn't done any follow ups on the sequel teaser at the end of the IOs port.

Hell at this point though after hearing how far behind they are in FFVII R and how incomplete XV was I don't trust them to do TWEWY justice.

The pain still hurts.

How good is this? I have a sealed copy and debating on to play or sell.

I swear to god if one of you fucks post THAT image

The only thing that could convince me to buy a switch is a sequel to this, in general I hate handheld games but I was playing monster hunter at the time and got this on a whim, now it easily one of my favorite games.

This one?

The fuck? Sell it and buy a digital copy

Is TWEWY really that good?

Absolutely play it. Air parts of levels are basically better than anything Star Fox has done inothing years, and land segments are fun and pretty indescribable. I'd recommend you watch a no commentary playthrough of the first few chapters, that convinced me to get it and I never regretted it.


It's addicting as fun, I bought the digital copy when club nintendo was still around and Sup Forums was doing the wii mini raids. You will get devoured in only a couple of hours.

Yes. TWEWY is one of the few games I consider to be damn near perfect. Everything about it is A+
>radical soundtrack
>engaging gameplay
>engrossing story
>HOURS of post game content
Honestly it's almost a 2-part game with how much you unlock after beating the story. It's one of my top recommends for the DS. If you can get past the first couple hours of neku being a whiny bitch, you'll love it.

This one?

NOTHING. Not a single word on this. Now we've gotta deal with Final Fantasy VII, KH3, some Marvel shit and the patches for FFXV before square will even breath about TWEWY.

I hurt myself today

>implying square will ever start working on twewy2
let it be user, the dream is over

Was watching my friend play KH 2.8 and didn't even realize Neku was in Dream Drop Distance. Seem so weird they put him in there while never caring about the game.

Nomura cares and has the clout to make those decisions. It is a shame that FFXV, KH#, and FF7R have/will keep him busy for the next eternity. He was the only hope of TWEWY2 getting made

It's one of those games in my mind that I need to beat. I have a huge backlog but it's just one of those games. I was into it, then something happened and I lost interest. The battle system was hard at first but when you get normally good at it, it's fun.

Not only is it incredibly fun and polished, with great production values, a kickin OST, and a fantastic story, but it is also one of the most innovative games in the last decade and probably the game that takes best advantage of its hardware in the history of the medium

Let's relive the pain together user

Fuck this song is so good

I'd argue that it's the best game ever made, so yes.

>Living the hype with Sup Forums
>Getting killed like that
I wish only death for this word.

I'd settle for a remake with online multi

This one hurts to know we'll never get a sequel.

They could do it with Switch's gyro. I wonder what Sakurai is working on now

With Bomberman coming back you think other companies will follow along and bring back classics?

Didn't people think that with the Wii?