>no more contract with activision
will his next game be good?

What did he mean by this?

He thinks jew marxists buy video games and he's trying to pander to them.

He's making a Trump meme

Glad his turd game flopped anyways.

Don't get triggered Captain Autismo

>Sup Forumsacks turned into triggered snowflakes

I've been trolling SJWs for a few years now guess I have fresh meat

>trying to cover up your turd of a game with political memes

Considering they sat on the license and then right as the contract was expiring shat out a disk with a tutorial mode, I doubt they did either.

>anybody who hates Trump "ban legal inhabitants of the country, hire ex-CEO of Breitbart for head of security, hire compulsive idiots as White House spokesmen, and put tarrifs on all Mexican trade because it works" is a commie Jew
Republicans, everyone

>letting illegals in is good
>allowing mexican produce to undercut US produce is good
I dunno man, you sound like a commie jew to me

No I get that, but still shilling THPS5 a year after it came out and even now when it's hit 15 dollar bargain tier?

>greencard holders are illegal
>thinking that jacking up prices of goods is going to bring jobs back

>implying wikileaks didnt prove that media outlets get direct orders from DNC to coordinated create fake news and fake polls


>allowing mexican produce to undercut US produce is bad

>Everyone has to be a political satirist now

The past 2 years of social media made me more cynical than 9 years of Sup Forums. At least you guys make me laugh from time to time, I've never laughed at anything someone on Twitter or Facebook posted.

>muh fake news
This user gets it!

"Alternative Facts" and "Bowling Green Massacre" are just audio edits, and the immigration ban is just a hoax!

embarrassing yourself in a reply wont make the wikileaks go away, david

>buying produce grown by cartels that use literal slave labor

we have a thing called labour laws user, though I know you liberals love cheap goods made by emaciated children and women instead of in western countries with wage laws and workers rights

>everything I don't like is fake news
I've always wondered what right-wing SJWs would look like

>tfw don't like trump
>tfw don't like sjws
>tfw stuck in the middle with (you)

>tfw too rich to give a shit about politics

It's more a joke acknowledging that THPS5 is bad and saying all the bad reviews should be banned.

>ban legal inhabitants of the country
Only ones that are out of the country during the 120 day ban, he changed it anyways

>he still thinks muh right wing sjws catch phrase will make the wikileaks go away
I can't let you do that, Dave.

>drug cartels are in the vegetable business now

I thought NAFTA destroyed the produce industry in Mexico though, user!

that's against the rules tho

I mean, the tweeter is probably a white male.

>ban legal inhabitants of the country
This is not even possible to do. What you are saying is self-contradictory.

If their presence is legal they cannot be "banned", because their presence can only be "banned" through the legal framework of the federal government - by making their presence illegal. Fucking US education system, I swear. No ability to think critically and you've probably never seen a dictionary before either.

haha drumpf BTFO am I right?

The legit truth.

These last few years, and looking forward to the next four years, it's pretty much impossible to look at social media and think that America has legit lost it's fucking mind in Twitter.

Just going to double down and spend twice as much time on Sup Forums, and Sup Forums is a horrid shithole.

Is there anything currently on Sup Forums which is more cancerous than the Sup Forumstard?

>This is not even possible to do. What you are saying is self-contradictory.

You know that green card holders were banned, right? They are legal inhabitants, not citizens, but they have the right to be in the US.

He's acknowledging that it's a shit game though, you insufferable cunt.

the undercover libtard trying to distract from the fact that the people paying to have Sup Forums spammed are part of a giant pedo ring that is going to get busted real soon

>omitting interviews that spins the entire narrative
>not fake ne--I mean reviews
Tony Hawk is in the right here.

Wait, so is Tony Hawk a white supremacist neonazi now?

>taking a bunch of ultra-liberal rags seriously when it serves your argument

Fauxservatives never fail to amuse

It's not funny any more.
Fuck off back to Facebook, Twitter, Reddit; where ever it is you fucking came from, you cancerous piece of shit.
All you fuckers do is ruin boards.

it's a "bitchmade progressives pretend that protecting american workers is bad even though it runs contrary to everything they've ever professed to care about" episode

on a fucking video games discussion board

hell yeah, let's roll boys

>tfw Poe's Law is being pushed to the brink at this point with posts like this
I seriously can't fucking tell what is satire and real.

daily reminder that all the spam by "crew" (formerly known as correct the record) is a desperate attempt to distract from the fact that theyre all about to be busted by law enforcement soon

>before release
>Tony Hawk: "THPS5 is the return to form, we looked back at what made the series good and decided it was time to add the number back to the title. It means something when we do that, you know?"
>after release
>Tony Hawk: "Haha, yeah guys, THPS5 sucked, am I right? We totally know we fucked up, we listen to you. We're making a new one with another publisher, it'll be really good, I promise!"

What a nice guy

it was always funny m8


>the people paying to have Sup Forums spammed


At this point I don't even know anymore.
Sup Forumstards are annoying, but anti-Sup Forumstards are also annoying.
I think the truth is just that people on Sup Forums, no matter where they stand, have all become (or have always been) annoying faggots.

That's the joke you idiot.

Skate 4 confirmed?

Green Card holders aren't citizens dipfuck. They are inherently temporary visas, with a specific purpose.

They're by far the most unsufferable faggots I've seen on this board in nearly 12 years.

Even worse then the mlp faggots when they didn't have a board.

Skate has nothing to do with Tony Hawk.

Did you even read what I said, fucktard? I never mentioned the word citizens. It's like you don't even know what the powers of a government are - what they can do and what they can't do. Because you're whining about something they can even do within their own legal framework, which they have no obligation of following - so you should be glad they have the courtesy to follow their own rules and procedures.

Yes, that's correct.

Atleast 99% of the time.

You've gotta go back.

Fox "in the pocket of big business" News is even worse - at least liberals get it right sometimes in spite of pressure. Fox just does what they're told.

>start getting interested in bipartisan politics
>can only discuss it in Sup Forums vicariously because nobody takes their opinions seriously
>everywhere else posts it everywhere despite not being the proper place for discussion
Why is life hell?


Daily reminder that Sup Forums is the new Sup Forums and equally shit.
>IRL raids
>raiding other boards
>acting like they own the site
>filled to the brim with normalfags from reddit
Within a year they'll probably have their own version of Project Chanology and dress up in public for it.

Reminder, it is morally wrong for celebrities to attempt to influence people using their celebrity status. Especially when you may never know who could be pulling the strings in the background.

>im-fucking-plying companies don't have hired shitposters to spam their faggy AAA games
Andromeda and CryTek guy say hello, newfag.

>fox just does what theyre told
>despite wikileaks proving liberal media outlets get direct orders from the democratic party and no proof of fox doing anything similar
you cant hide behind your coordinated fake news anymore, dave. the wikileaks are out.

Unless you're talking about "independent" youtube liberals, the liberal media is identical to fox news. They work for roughly the same interests.

Why is this accurate

do you really think we need a reminder?


Doing the thing you were just called out for again doesn't win you the argument my dude.

Paying an extra dollar for guac is worth it for a wall you retard

>anything leftist "news" says is 100% true

That is retarded. Celebrities may be giant hugbox morons, but they have every right to talk about whatever they want. Ignore it.

>barley 3 weeks and it already feels like we've been through four years of shit
I voted for the guy, but must everything be about Trump? Can't we just talk about fucking video games?

Not really.

Certainly, their motivations for influencing others could be objectionable, but that is completely separate from their status.

if all you can buy is USA you will

Yes. Blacked and cuckold threads in /gif/

good question. why dont you ask all the devs and publishers that feel the need to push their politics in everyones faces?

>mfw you probably read Breitbart and Infowars

>Sup Forums is the only place you can discuss political views calmly without someone going in to a literal murderous rage about an opinion.

I have no idea what created this hell, user, but I do know this is why Sup Forums will win.

>im-fucking-plying spamming 4chins is an efficient use of resources for a political organization when there are HUNDREDS of MILLIONS more people who use Twitter and Facebook who aren't all young men ages 13-24

Get a grip!

Breitbart and Infowars are more accurate than CNN and MSNBC.

babies cry the loudest

>tfw not even the superb owl is safe from politics

But when every developer, tv entertainer, or media source is bashing on about politics 28/7 it's hard not to hear about this shit.

So Sup Forums 3.0? Because I remember when Sup Forums was Sup Forums2.0 and most of you didn't seem to mind.


No they do not. Especially not when companies can literally fund memes through celebrities. Pic related.


Is this how you expected this thread to go?

>Sup Forums is the only place you can discuss political views calmly without someone going in to a literal murderous rage about an opinion

Sup Forums just dismisses anyone that strays from the groupthink as shills.

let me know when wikileaks reveals breitbart and infowars coordinate fake news stories after being directed to by political parties like wikileaks proved.

until then you cant pretend to be a smug anime girl, because everyone knows youre just embarrassing yourself and exposing yourself as a shill

>muh politics
All Sup Forums tears aside, why precisely was Tony Hawk 5 so shit compared to the earlier ones? The engine was fucking abysmal.

>and Infowars


get a hold of this user trying to make this thread about vidya

Reminder that Tony Hawk literally has a genius level IQ. Meanwhile, Trumpfags are worried about illegals without high school diplomas stealing their jobs.

You are literally arguing against a constitutional right.

You're always welcome here, Neogaf.


Can we talk about why a new THPS game needs to be made with gameplay that resembles the mid-2000 games?

He's right you know. Infowars indisputably, Jones has scooped CNN like a million times and he's one faggot and a couple of buddies.

Because it was a cheap money grab by activation since they were about to lose the TH license

>Wikileaks is absolutely trustworthy, I know because Julian Assange has nothing against anyone in the world, especially not Hillary Clinton!

ok faggot

>a dem operative gets some question in advance because she knows how to play the game of politics


Not him, but man are you grasping at straws