Unfortunately, I doubt it would happen, considering how big of a game it is and how much the Seitch can handle. Still a good idea, though

Pretty sure the Switch can handle it, just needs to be optimized and downgraded.

B-but graphics don't matter am I right boys?

Probably the main issue is the need for an online connection at all times. Can't do that on a bus/on the go

Well they do to all the Sony and Microsoft fags on Sup Forums, which kills my mood a lot

I wouldn't be surprised if it happens. My PC (before I got a decent GPU) was running Overwatch on integrated graphics (at 720p, everything low) and I got 100+ fps.

Wifi hotspot on my phone is unlimited my dude

I think the bigger problem is, why play an online multiplayer shooter like that on the go? Seems like it'd fuck up your play, either by having to deal with distractions more often, or worse internet.

Well I remember Hearthstone twitter applauding the Switch reveal, so maybe they're looking to throw that on Switch first.

A waste of a port considering that it requires online to play and the Switch isn't designed for that, unless they find a way to make a local coop mode it would be pointless.

Switch can easily handle Overwatch

It gets 60 FPS with high settings on Xbox One and PS4 as is. The game is also only 9 gigs in size.

The majority of casuals which makes up 99 percent of its playerbase wouldn't give a shit

I don't think the Switch's power is the problem, but how much Blizzard gives a shit. They already have a hellish time dealing with Xbox One and PS4 versions, don't think they'll add Switch to the mix.

>it gets ported to switch
>there are no gyro controls

Honestly all I see Blizzard doing is porting Hearthstone to the Switch based on their tweet.

realistic ice cubes is too unfair for those poor, poor, abused PS4 players.

>all these people ITT treating switch like a portable

It's a console you can take with you on the go.

It has the bells and whistles of a traditional console (minus ethernet port of course).

I can see Diablo 3 being on the switch

Blizzard wouldn't waste the resources.

Pius they'd need to censor all their girls.

That seems possible since Diable style game are really more popular on mobile than consoles.

>It's a console you can take with you on the go.

So...a portable

Within the year. Blizzard will follow Bethesda, and once Switch hits 10 million, it will get attention

I highly doubt that. Overwatch doesn't run that great.

I really think Diablo 3 in particular would only be worth playing on a mobile device. Could be great for road trips and shit, but it's just not good enough of a game to sit down and play for three hours, at least for most people. Now, if PoE ported to Switch, that'd be tits and I'd realistically buy it just for that.

>and once Switch hits 10 million

>playing Overwatch in public

Never since it will OVERLAD your Switch

Only if they emulate a trackball with the touchscreen

Oh man, phone wifi online play, that wouldn't be unreliable and janky at all...

Never, since both Sony and MS fans would bitch non-stop that the gyro from the Joycons makes the game ez-mode for Switch players.

>It has the bells and whistles of a traditional console (minus ethernet port of course).
And minus the power necessary to render current gen games


You guys are adorable.

Overwatch uses hardware well. If it has bad hardware to use it's still gonna run like shit. It's not magical.

Overwatch isn't that intensive of a game, I'm sure the Switch can run it without too many downgrades.

The idea of a 12-player local multiplayer game sounds cool desu, I don't know how feasible it would be in practice though.

Switch can handle it, but it's doubtful that Blizzard gives a shit. If they did, they might've released it on WII U, WHICH COULD ALSO HANDLE IT.

Nintendrones get Skyrim as their third party support. They're used to eating shit though, so they'll be fine.

what? i have to lock it to 120FPS on my PC, and that's maxed out
overwatch runs fantastically

>No ethernet jack
>$30 usb ethernet peripheral

so close yet so far

>gets shown proof
>muh talking down to you


What the fucks that supposed to mean?

I hope things play out like this. Not because I give a shit about the switch but because I love it when Sup Forums is wrong.

The Internet got bigger I guess.

Try using your brain.

No it isnt

Stupid goyim

It's a portable

Here's a better one.

What the fuck is the blue term anyway?

"Switch" in phonetic moonrunes.

It's not a very big game and can run on a potato. I feel like Switch would be able to handle it. Not sure if it would handle it well though.


And the global summation of search terms in both languages

>playing overwatch

how nu-male beta can you get?

I would really like this.

Sure it's not a portable game but it would still be a great solid title for the switch.

I wonder if LAN play could happen? Can 12 Switches connect to eachother?

Results are similar by comparing only "pre order xyz" and "xyz予約" (with スイッチ only, no switch), and it only gets worse with extra variations on the Japanese

>nintendrones on Sup Forums thing the switch will outsell the ps4 and not flop
>they think the console isn't a wii u 2.0
It's gonna be glorious on how much shitposting there's going to be on the thing when it flops

>every character gets a nintendo skin

Pls god

the game is around 35-40gb with all the patches

>Implying launching outside of Christmas period isn't automatically going to give it a disadvantage in pre-orders

Wait and see the graph in December this year

Exactly, preorder searches are higher for the switch by a significant margin, after the holidays have passed. It will destroy the PS4.

Why would anyone want to play the worst balanced pile of trash FPS game in the last 15 years on a portable?

>Console sold out
>Pro Controller sold out
>30 million trailer views
>10 million + views of Zelda and Mario trailers
>4 million Superbowl trailer views in 3 days

>>Console sold out
Just like the Wii U. It's gonna be so successful user! I can't wait for Nintendo to trickle out 3 games a year and kill support for it in two years. I wanna give them all my money!

What do you guys think the battery life would be if trying to play this theoretical Overwatch on the switch? 1 hour?

>pyf when your rig could probably run the switch inside Overwatch

an inductive argument based on correlation is hardly proof

all you've shown is that there was a spike of people typing strings into google that included in some way "switch" and "preorder"

If you're going to present evidence you first have to make an argument as to why the evidence is valid. The is no data that speaks for itself. You are being lazy and expecting people to believe you without putting the effort in.

That's about as much as I can stand the game before turning it off. I don't know why anyone even wants to entertain the thought of this. Overwatch is legitimately one of the worst FPS games in the last decade

Shit maps? Check
Shit game Modes? Check
Shit character balance? Check
Little incentive for playing solo? Check
Cancer inducing character kits? Check

On which platform? It only takes around 14GB of space on my Xbox.
Or am I confused and you're talking about something else?

Why would I want to play a MOBA on the Switch?

Switch's first year already has more actual games than the Wii U had at all.

Can you wavedash in Overwatch? I don't need any more casual shit on my Nintendo

It probably would run at 60 FPS 720P like my 2012 laptop can. I wouldn't be surprised, especailly since it's mostly CPU intensive.