Who wins in a fight?

Who wins in a fight?

Better question, who the fuck is that hazmat suit guy in the upper left?

Scout could probably all of overwatch by himself to be brutally honest.

As much as I hate to say it, probably Overwatch because of the much larger number of characters

unused from an old ass promo art

If it's the MvM-era mercs, then TF2 wins no contest
If it's pre-MvM then it's debatable, but I'd still put my money on the mercs
Spy's sapper alone will be able to take out or at least immobilize more than half of the Overwatch crew. Also Heavy has more dps than anyone in Overwatch

Scout, Soldier, Demo and Engineer would demolish overwatch.

but in a server its 12 vs 6

Can the mercs win 9 vs 23?


I'll give it to overwatch because of all the shield nonsense coupled with Ana.

>Ana can two shot the tf2-medic
>ana can two any light health class

But sniper can one-shot every light class with upgrades/canteens

Using canteens makes it completely lopsided. No point in even arguing

Reminder that those 9 mercs singlehandedly kicked the ass of a robot army, numbering in probably the tens of thousands, for years on end, even though those robots were supposed to be their superior in every way possible.

Medic has shields too though, and it actively zaps enemies who touch it.

So does using most ults

Most likely an upcoming hero that will quite possibly share likenesses with TF2's Pyro.

I don't see why not.

The sheer number of ultimates may overpower tf2.

Depends on if it's one life for all of them or not honestly.

It's the classic Pyro

Hero that used toxic sludge, later reworked into Mei.

23 competent players can destroy 9 competent players
overwatch wins even without ults

Are we talking MvM tf2 or just Vanilla tf2 with canteens? Because The Tf2 mercs could pop their crit canteens early and just BTFO the Overwatch squad instantly. If they're allowed refills it's just kill, kill, kill, refill. Assuming respawns, The Overwatch team could only do anything when their ultimates are up.


I'm pretty sure MvM mercy would be able to stop the whole Omnic crisis single-handedly

To many heroes in Overwatch and TF2 combined and to many variants. So I'm just gonna compare them by their most equals
>Tracer vs. Scout
Scout, does more damage and far more faster as well as some melee's having good utilities
>Soldier vs. Pharah
Pharah, more ammo per clip in rocket and while not as inanely mobile, is mobile enough without sacrificing health
>Pyro vs. Mei
Mei, can freeze people as well as headshot. Pyro can also create combo but from stunnning, headshotting and replenish health she can essentially do W+M1 better and more.
>Demo and Junkrat
Demo easily, most powerful class and has two primary weapons. Nade's and Stickie's are so much better then Junkrats who can't even have multiple stickies
>Heavy vs. Bastion
Heavy can actually move around and has far better health replenishing
>Heavy vs. any Overwatch tank
Adding this because Heavy is also Tf2's closest equivalent to a tank. That said every other tank in OW blows Heavy out of the water in usefulness or damage
>Engie vs.Tobjorn vs. Symetra
Engie, Sentry is far stronger and has dispensers and teliporters for great support and shotgun does good damage. 1v1 Engie wins
However, Symetra is far better support with shields and shield generator. Tobjorn is awful at everything
>Medic vs Mercy
Medic no contest, overheal and invincibility. Revivng the dead is good, prevent people from being dead at all is better (technically can also revive dead in MvM but I'm just gonna use PvP Mercs)
>Spy vs. Reaper
Reaper, overall better damage dealer, can be invincible and can teleport.
>Sniper vs. Widowmaker
Sniper, literally comes down to who left clicks on someones head first and Wido has a slight delay before firing weapon.

>putting Spy against Ripper
Ripper is way closer to Scout. Also Heavy would kill any OW tank with his insane dps (a little over 500 at point blank), especially since every tank has to get close to his target to be effective. Soldier also has the Direct Hit, which deals minicrits to airborne targets (aka what Pharah is almost all the time). Sniper can also survive 1 headshot with the DDS

what if we throw all MVM maximum upgrades in?

Then a Brass Beast Heavy can deal over 2k damage a second with no fall-off.

>anything VS Superman
>seems kinda reasonable
>"what if we take them at their most powerful"
>Superman became a literal Golden God at some point in space-time
I'm not falling for this shit ever again.

Superman is the most boringly op superhero ever, don't bring him into this shit

Indeed. Which is why you don't bring MvM into this conversation. Nobody in their right fucking mind would argue they are in the same weight class. Except for funzies

MvM is explicitly canon though, Medic's new toys are shown in The Sound of Medicine, and Saxton Hale mentions selling upgrades to the mercs.

And Superman Prime is canonically the future of Superman.

The point is that using characters at their strongest usually makes it so one-sided the question is moot. OP probably didn't have an extensive knowledge of TF2 or MvM when creating the thread and was using base-game mercs.

Still his fault, though, and now he pays the price.
Heh. Nothin personnel, kid.