Tell me about a Switch game you want to buy that isn't Zelda

Tell me about a Switch game you want to buy that isn't Zelda.

Megaman legends 3


I'll name several, Fire Emblem, Fire Emblem Warriors, Shin Megami Tensei, Project Octopath, Mario Odyssey, and Arms to name a few.

Wont get one at launch but the console broke my 5 game rule in their showing so I'm fairly excited though I want to see more of some of those games.

m a r i o o d y s s e y


I don't want to buy Zelda

This. As well as Snipperclips.

Monster Hunter

Preferably 4U

It's a big game

the new SMT game

Bomberman, fucking retard op

The (mainline RPG) Pokemon game coming out for it

Memes aside, the idea of being able to play god damn SKYRIM on the bus is giving me a nerdgasm.


This, add Bomberman R.


Shit, there's already 10 games announced that I want, which is way better than the Wii U.

This year:
>Missed out on Disgaea so why not

Sometime in the future
>No More Heroes

it should be literally impossible for this thread to be longer than like 5 posts

Maybe ARMS
Super Mario Odyssey
Stardew Valley
Maybe Persona 5 if that ever comes.

You are a meme, so set yourself aside faggot.

>memes aside
>god danm SKYRIM
>playing switch on a bus


Fire Emblem Warriors is just another warriors game with a FE skin and lol when SMT gets retooled three years from now into a Japanese Pop Star rpg.

Arms, Disgaea 5, Mario Kart 8, Super Mario Odyssey, Waku Waku 7, Splatoon 2


The only one that matters.

Splatoon 2, ARMS, Skyrim (potato PC and no non-Nintendo consoles so I haven't played it yet),Super Mario Odyssey, Fire Emblem

>buying another Nintendi console after the Wii U
I'll wait and see how it turns out this time


I liked TMS

>this time
you actually but a wii u lol?

switch looks good, nintendo obviously learned from their mistakes

I've never played an SMT game before so I wanna try that are the 3ds ones any good?.
besides that
Loved the first one
>Mario Odyssey
Haven't played a mario game since 3d land and it looks fun
something in my gut tells me it has potential
>Fire Emblem
I like Fire Emblem
looks fun
>Stardew Valley
portable Stardew sounds great
>maybe Snipperclips
if I can find someone who would play with me

The Wii U Mario Kart I didn't played because no one fucking owns Wii U.
Mario Odyssey
Real Final Fantasy by the Bravely Default people

Must plays
>soul hackers
>snes inject smt&smt2
Maybe you'll like it
>devil survivor
>the second one
No one who hates it could beat Minotaur or Medusa
>smt iv
They're all worth a playthrough.

>have to buy a Switch just to play the new SMT



Because Atlus knows who has their back, and it definitely isn't you. You won't buy their games no matter the console.

Nigger I've been buying Nintendo consoles since the N64 (had a NES clone in child). Had all the handhelds save for the Virtual Boy too


also Arms looks like shit

Super Mario fucking Odyssey!

Fuck your jaded shit, those buildings look like EXTREME fun. I'll be dicking around in that level for a long time! No goalposts in sight! No Stars either, but that's not a bad thing.

Sandboxes are back, baby!!!

Because PS4 has Persona 5, boyo.

Nerd is a marketing term. Please stop identifying yourself with it. You'll be less easy to manipulate if you do.

>he bought a wii u

well true I have pirated every game they have ever released ;)

>Tfw Squeenix gives Nintendo all their DQs
>That same feel when Atlus gives Nintendo all their SMTs

thanks will check them out

As far as I'm concerned, the switch releases when Xenoblade 2 does

Of course. It feels great being a poorfag user. Up top my brother!

It's okay user, you can still play your lame-ass Persona games!


I have $10,000 in the bank faglords.

Its that I have to buy a console I ideally don't want just for 1 game.

No More Heroes 3

Same, which is too bad, because that's probably 2018. I can play Breath of the Wild on Wii U, and catch up on Arms and Splatootie when I finally get the system with XC2.

Except I already preordered mine because I came into a fuckload of money

>just one game
>but he has a ps4 for persona 5
>before all it had was bloodborne
Your own fault.

>Fire Emblem Warriors is just another warriors game with a FE skin
Doesn't matter to me. If it gives me another way to play as characters I like, I'm all for it.

user, I bought multiple consoles for one game.
You're retarded if you think there won't be a handful of games on any console you want to play.
Just wait and buy it later if the money is an issue.

>gaming laptop with modding capability
scratch that, more games in general?

Captain Toad's Misadventures in the Mushroom Kingdom


Pikmin 4

While neither is confirmed (and Captain Toad will never be), I am pretty pumped for Pikmin 4 especially after Pikmin 3 was so damn good.

>he didn't play bayonetta 2

Mario Oddysey
The eventual MHSwitch

So I have plenty of time for other announcements, will pick one after both E3 and TGS are done this year. In the meantime I will play W101 for the first time until Zelda arrives

I'd rather play pikmin 3 actually, only game I wish gets ported to switch

>and he never will
This makes me warm and fuzzy inside.

this, THIS!

Octopath traveler is everything i have wanted for a long time. My dream game is like octopath but instead of pixel art, panting like 2d sprites inspired in Amano art work.

That would be a really pretty game...

Everything but mario and zelda and other boring old nintendo IPs. Splatoon and arms are the ones I'm really hyped for.

nice pepe

Oh it's fun now, but you're buying the Switch. Enjoy making the same mistake Idid

Why aren't all you fags saying XC2?

Donkey kong something or rother.

Sup Forums has shit taste obviously, just look at all the retards here buying fire emblem warriors


It looks cute. CUTE!

i don't remember the wii u being as hyped as the switch though

That's easy:

>1-2 Switch

Will be a fun title to pull out and play with roommate and the gf. I love the concept and the execution is a great application of the joycon controller. I look forward to seeing how they will incorporate the controller in future, more inventive ways. If you think about it, there's really no limit to what you can do with it, and 1-2 Switch is a great "warm-up" for the future potential.

>Mario Odyssey

You didn't specify launch titles, so I'm including this. A return to the great Mario games of old. This will be this generation's Super Mario 64, mark my words.


This game is fun personified. When I think of what makes Nintendo platforms great, it's games like this.

>Super Bomberman R

It's Bomberman, of course I'm going to fucking get it. It also looks fun as fuck, legitimate hype for this.

>Just Dance 2017

Again, another title to play with the gf. We've had a lot of fun with previous Just Dance entries. This is multiplat but I'm including it on the list because you didn't specify exclusive only (and also, I happen to think the definitive platform for this game will be the Switch).


Portable Skyrim. Finally. After all these years. Need I fucking say more?

Niggas, XC is a better series than Fire Emblem, but we all know which one is more popular.

If it makes you feel any better, I told myself I wouldn't give a fuck about Switch until I saw Monolith's next game for it. Lo and behold...

same, I didn't give a shit about the switch unless a proper metroid/xeno game was annouced


doesn't mean shit on Sup Forums, shit like CoD doesn't get discussed. It's just the weebs who eat up garbage like neptunia

$0.05 has been deposited to your Nintendo account! :^)

well there's ummm...... ummmmm..... uh..... huh..... well.... oh yeah ther-..... no wait.... shit

God damn youre a glorious winged faggot extrordinaire arent you?

>muh gf
>you didnt specify!!!!
>fucking just dance

Fucking grow some nuts you labia flapping in the wind under your sun dress broad

>ask question designed to get shitpost responses
>get a long, serious response instead
>accuse said person of being a shill because serious responses don't fit the reason for making the thread

Congratulations, you're a shitposter.

I'm not gonna get a switch but I might buy Bomberman if none of my friends get it. Looks heaps fun.

Just Dance is fun you autist.

If youre a 14 year old girl maybe. Im a 29 year old grown man, im not playing fucking just dance.
Arms, bomberman, and mario look fun though

>calls me a faggot
>tells me to grow some balls
>meanwhile, he's some lonely fatass who spergs out at the mere mention of someone playing video games with their girlfriend

Yeah mate, sorry if I don't take your attempts at using emasculating language against me seriously. It's hard to take that kind of shit seriously when it comes from a basement-dwelling, fedora-tipping neckbeard who lives off of autism/NEET bucks.

Odyssey, ARMS, Splatoon 2, Octopath whenever that comes out
Maybe Snipperclips

Super Bomberman R.
I don't think you understand just how hype I am for this game.


Im married, 29, own my own house, have a 3 year old daughter, and am an eletrical engineer for GE aviation in evendal oh.
I am none of the things you described, and yet youre still a faggot who plays just dance with your water buffalo gf.

There seems to be quite a bit of art and asset creation tied to Octopath already. Maybe Squeenix wasn't ready to announce anything, but if that game came out in 2017 it would be pretty neato

I'm really shocked how many people have shown interest in ARMS, especially on Sup Forums

As soon as I saw it I immediately thought it looked like first party shovelware.

>just another warriors game
But user, most warriors game have some mechanical differences between them or differences in the type of content they can offer.

oh god. I just realized.

Hyrule Warriors had Adventure Mode.

Will... Will Fire Emblem Warriors have a Tactics Mode or something similar, where it's like Fire Emblem, but when you engage combat in tiles, you enter into musou combat?

The potential is out of this world.

fuck off back to ribbit faggot

Bomberman R and Spla2n.

And maybe Skyrim for the THIRD FUCKING TIME

>here's a laundry list of life fantasies that I cling to and hope will one day come true

Just stop typing and go to sleep. You're sounding more and more pathetic as time goes on.

It's because of all the new information we've got coming out on it.

Different characters have different stats and special properties (ribbon girl having multiple air jumps, mecha girl having hovering and moving freely in the air, black guy going invisible on successful dodges).
Weak points (IT'S THE ARMS).
Dodging or jumping or blocking "charging" you for a short time, during which your fists will have added damage and secondary effects depending on the first (knockdown, burn, stun, even more extra damage if the enemy is airborne), as well as the ability to charge on purpose but creating an opening for your opponent in doing so.
Air dodges.
Every character has multiple weapons they can choose from, and you can choose each arm individually for different effects and tactics.

Apparently there are more characters, more stages, and more game modes than we've seen, too.

it's an evolution of punch out or teleroboxer

It'll be the first time for me. I've been subsisting on a toaster for years. I knew I'd get Skyrim eventually but honestly I kept being intimidated by the time investment the game can coax from the player. Not being locked to being in the house seems like a good fix to this anxiety issue I've had, and now that it's been remastered, I feel like it's a good time to finally get into it.

If Punch Out can be a full game, then so can ARMS.

Plus the devs and treehouse peeps pretty much confirmed it was made to be a over-the-shoulder 3D fighting game

>Xenoblade 2
>Splatoon 2
>Mario Odyssey
>FAST RMX (That one doesn't really count as much because it's an updated port like MK8D)
>Bomberman R (Not as big a deal because it's just Bomberman but I still love Bomberman).
And it's getting the sort of third-party support that I enjoy like roguelites and weebshit.

I'm pretty pleased with the lineup so far.

i thought nerd was what chad called us in the highschool drama films

I'm getting ARMS to play with my niggas at Sup Forums and there's nothing you can do about it

bomberman looks like shit wait for reviews.

Shut up fag