Other urls found in this thread:



Wow he's delusional


jesus fucking christ

>whats in the bag?
>Nintendo 3-DS

make sense

The wall of text is a joke, right?


its just so weird, who would ever even speak like that

Randy confirmed for holding all his hate until he transforms into fucking Giygas holy fuck this is creepy.


alter "fursona" ego




ronnie's so fucking based

Why are Nintendo and Apple product such nu male staples?


I cant believe that's real, wtf randy

tryin too hard at the end




Not sure why the fuck I have it but there's a tl;dr comic on my hdd

commencing search

thats the worst stand I've ever seen.

Is the Blue Bear his stand? what's it's ability?

I did this recently irl and felt bad


Is this...

sadly no. this is a randomly selected panel from a more recent comic.

Transforms whatever it's looking at into food.

why are the frogs so based

someone joking around?

Are these posts references to the popular Japanese manga series Jojo's Bizarre Adventure?


There we go

And I hope it's what I'm thinking of because fug reading that wall of text again


to btfo Sup Forums

End yourself.

>etrian odyssey
I figured Dobson would find such a game problematic


a hero

its still not funny randy

This isn't BAD, but it feels like it's just a cover for someone's fetish.

Is this a ATHF reference


>muscle Peach


It's a Winnie the Pooh reference actually

I want to fuck it.

I wanna fuck that bear


Got a good laugh out of me.

I want to do the fuck with that bear

>I'm an actual videogame character
No you're not.

>the cartoons were canon because I SAY SO!

I'm all for artists having different styles, but this guy is missing the point of comics having pictures. Just write prose if you're going to draw uninteresting subjects talking like "real people"


nintendo fanbase in a nutshell

he can manifest floating anvils over people's heads, sick shit to be desu

Is this real? Its too good to be legit.

so how much shit is ronnie gonna get for this comic?

Except she is. She was designed for a specific videogame. No idea if said game came out yet or whats happening with it though.


viv was reddit masquerading as Sup Forums, board has enough problems as it is without offsite refugees invading a funposting general and turning it into a fucking slacktivist movement mascot and all


>Is this real?
The comic itself or my therapy mention


>You know what a normal person does when they don't like something? They move on to something else.

Holy fuck this fucking inflation bear is so blind to his flaws its sickening, this asshat drives me crazy with how strong his self-denial is.

A """project""" isn't a game. If it is then any character can be a vidya character, all you have to do is make a shitty prototype in a week and voila, game character.

YES! thank you.

wtf Sup Forums girl got her own comic???


This guy knows that if he didn't accompany it with admittedly good art, no one would read his textual diarrhea.


When will Vivian get her own game?
>Persona 6 will never feature Vivian
>Vivian will never reach you how to cook in Cooking Vivian
>You will never play Vivian and White Korra Save Vidya

that was worth it I guess. take your (you)

What if we had three ears instead of 2?

bär fug plz

what a lonely man.




Afterlife Empire

Google revealed this in about 30 seconds.

Why were you unable to find this out on your own?




Google is down for most parts of the world right now.

>Please bother me Stranger

did you post this too him so he can see the error of his hypocritical ways?

Or did you just screen cap it to share with other cuck fetish teenagers on Sup Forums?

Because I didn't try due to a deficiency of fucks. Thanks anyway user.


No, no, user. Her /own/ game.
>YWN play Vivian Teaches Typing within your lifetime

I remember that early backlash to both DLC and paid online, lots of resistance to the concept at least but some how it became an industry staple. It was a really odd concept then, most folks were of the same mindset that $60 is more than enough to receive all the content for a game at once.


Thank you for posting a vidya comic and not thinly-veiled politics.


Dobson blocks everybody who he thinks is a troll. That includes me. So I did the latter.

is he trying to flirt?

>No, no, user. Her /own/ game.

There IS something like that
