Gimme some Macca

Gimme some Macca
Gimme a bead
Gimme some health
Gimme some energy
Gimme some more Macca

Alright, so you wanted me to join you? Right then.

Actually, I changed my mind. See ya.

>he doesn't just swing his dick at demons and refuse to give them anything

works more then being a cuck

Do I even have shoulders?

>He doesn't check his alingment beforehand

post rare Monumofus

>giving everything they demand
>not lying at their asses for anything that's not like 600 macca or a Life Stone
lmao what a gay

This. Never give MP, never give anything more than Life Stones, Medicines, or other basic shit.


>[x] Yes
>Skips the payment part of negotiation and joins the party right away.

>my shoulders hurt
>do I have shoulders?


>fuck you

Especially since in most SMT games you're capped out on Life Stones halfway through the game, even if you're frequently recruiting demons.

ALL CAPS demons are some of the easiest to negotiate with for some reason. Is this just me, or has anyone else noticed?

You can placate them by acting retarded - needless to say, most Sup Forums users get beast demons with relative ease


I remember my first playthrough of Nocturne I thought being "a smart negotiator" would work.


Second playthrough I decided to be an ass to everyone, and it worked more often.

>Lilith approaches
>you think you can beat me?
>I love that confidence in a man bla bla
>Lilith joins

Rinse and repeat. And if they don't join, then you kick their ass for real. Fun game~

Who is the best demon and why is it pic related

I love having any demon that flies in eight shapes in my party. Kodama, Inugami, all that jazz. They are just amusing to look at.

Too bad some of them become easily killable unless you go out of your way to fuse them with resistances.


>play Imagine
>doing fine
>bunch of. Kodamas self-destruct
Shit demon.

>"You humans are hopeless. Right? There's no hope for you..."
>"Then I shall bring hope to you!"
>Demon became your minion.

Trust this angel. He is your friend.

What a nice handsome looking fellow.

>Jake Frost come in and ask for a handshake
>Put thumbtack in hand
>He gets upset and leaves
I'm so sorry, I thought you were a prankster too

Give me all your macca or the Jack gets it.

You kill your friends yet?

Gimme Macca
Gimme Life Stone x2
Gimme some of your health!

Thanks kid. Looks like I'll be traveling with you now, huh.

>gained 1342 Macca!
>The Demon gave you Life Stone x2!
>Heal after successful negotiation


>it was just a prank bro

>"Guess what I want."
>[x] HP
>"No, you retard."
>"Gimme some of your HP."


Getting demons in the SMT series seems fun/funny as fuck

Which games should I play

I mean, he carried my sorry ass through YHVH's universe, and was a key player in taking the big guy down. I don't establish bros easily, but he earned his place.

Movie when?



>Dagda and Gig will never have an edge competition.

Hopefully never. Watching one American-Japanese walk through some long ass dungeon would be boring as hell.

HBO series, then.

>Hey gimme "that"

>do it for once because why not

>takes a fucking summon stone

God damnit.

Implying it would be a competition

Well, do you?

Yeah. It's really too bad. Dagda's sappy motive totally ruins his edge factor.


>Hey, guess what I want.
>That's right!
>Demon takes the only 2 Balm of Risings I've got at that point in the game.

if he's selling magatama then fuck yes, otherwise no

am i the only one who can't get into Soul Hackers?
I like it's style
I like it's characters
I like it's world
but the MAG shit makes things so annoying


Just understand that full parties are for bosses.

Space Marine>Flynn>Demifiend>Hero>Aleph.

Just buy some, if you're that desperate. By the end of the game, you're swimming in MAG anyway.

Where is Nanashi in all this?

what do you have against Aleph?

Hero > Demi-fiend > Aleph > Spess > Nanashi > Flynn

>Generic Hero with cool helmet
>Generic Hero with cool coat
>Generic Hero with nice tats
>Generic Hero with #1 dog
>Generic Hero with questionable fashion sense cool moustache though

Flynn should've been a smug, slightly sadistic bastard in Apocalypse, but noooooo that's too interesting.

what do you have against Flynn?

>Tfw Shesha-Flynn was a more interesting character

>>Generic Hero with #1 dog
>Nanashi that low

He's incredibly bland looking and the Samurai uniform looks like shit on him. He's also a retarded jobber in Final.
Oh and his cockroach hair looks stupid.

I love how he hammed it up when he was revealed.

His fashion sense sucks ass.

Pascal >Asahi
That's a fact.


>all the porn of this guy

>"Hey Mister I want *that*.
>Choose HP
>"Aw you should have known I didn't want that!"
>"Hey Mister, give me some of your HP."

>youll never join the Oni Mafia



>That subtle red make-up around the eyes
Instant boner, every time she appeared.



>"Hey Mister, are you lonely?"
>"I'll keep you company!"
>Demon has joined the party

Bobo is not for sexual

>Sup Forums thinks demon negotiations have actual depth and aren't just randomly generated

Isabeau is pure and faithful until the very end. And she likes manga! How could you not love her?

>"H-Hey wait! Please don't kill me!"
>Become my ally

>user doesn't take pleasure in the weird humor that develops from randomized conversations

Maybe I was just extremely lucky, but picking whichever option seemed to most fit the demon's alignment worked like 95% of the time in Strange Journey.

She likes Yaoi manga.

>YOU... DIG... HERE..!
>[x] Dig
>[ ] Dig
>[ ] Dig

That's hot.

>Needle Shot

Requesting Moth man asking who your favorite demon is.

For the stories, obviously

We have to kill her, user. She came into contact with manga. She cannot be saved.

why doesn't the best game get a sequel or at least a remastering?

Because it doesn't need one.

>Try to recruit Phantom
>Fuck it, it's cool. I'll just fuse my own
>Get confused during the next encounter
>Demi-Fiend mindlessly walks up to a Phantom and blabbers incoherently
>yOu StROng DEmoN! VErry!
>LeT JoIN?!!

That's how it works in strange journey.

SMT IV however gave all demons the fuck everything alignment.

What is his problem?

Whys this guy showing up in SMTIV + SMT IV:A lately?

He hasn't been seen since SMT1 right?

Is he literally stronger then fucking everything even YHVH?

That's because SJ is an actually thoroughly developed game, unlike the abortions that followed.


Because of fanfiction tier writing.
He showed up in SMT2.

He looks like Wojak with a wig.

He was in SMT II, he gave Aleph the DSP.

remove chimp

why does he wears the demonica?

Because it helps him survive in the Schwarzwelt.

You only use your demons for bosses tho, they don't even level up, why bother having them when you can handle pretty well with MC, Nemissa and Zoma

Is this some event on IV or IV:A?

Kyuuyaku for max frustration on negotiation

Because he is really really weak. Wearing a demonica only makes him slightly weak.