Why did soulcalibur die?

Why did soulcalibur die?

I want to bury my face in Takis tits and ass.

I hope not, and I hope it gets brought to PC. It's not eve really a great fighter, but the character customization of the series is still endless fun to me.


It was always the B game to tekken

not really Namco's main fighter. all development shifted to Tekken and its upcoming Tekken x SF

>make iconic characters older and retire them from the series
>nobody cares about the new ones

When they started prioritizing sex appeal to gameplay. Playing a game where women are literally naked is just to embarrassing to play around people it felt like a DOA game.

Didn't anyone learn from SF3 never axe ANY fanfaves

Replacing all their characters didn't help.

Unpopular at Japanese arcades so it gets treated like a red-headed stepchild by Bamco, despite selling pretty well on consoles.

>Everyone's favorite characters are gone
>Fighting games loosing popularity in general
>Lol clothing damage, isn't it hot?!?
>Cameo characters were cool, but often meant people would drop the series next game when Link or Yoda wasn't in it
>Cameo characters were either worthless or broken as fuck with little inbetween.
>Character creator meant online was full of OC's, ripoffs, munchkins, and lolsorandom

I get she smells like cabbage on hot day.

nice try amerifat

Two bare bones games with no modes in a row

I miss Soul Calibur so much, holy shit.

I'd even welcome a Broken Destiny II on 3DS or Vita.

Dear God, this!

Honestly man in hyped for Tekken 7 but SolCal is more true 3Dfu. I just like weapons based combat more.

I wish Bamco would stop raping the legacy of this fucking game. If we don't get an announcement by E3 I'm gonna Reeeeeeeeeee till the cows come home.

Also posting best girl

Waifu pandering with barebones characters that had as much personality as a sack of shit. Then it tried to go with Free to Play games that sucked ass all while trying hard to be a poor man's DOA.

I've lost count of how many times I've fapped to SCIV Ivy.

>tfw she showed more skin in her normal costume than when she was stripped down

Never got a PC release

there was a time when soul calibur was like the best videogame series in the world, shit is surreal nowadays.

it got popular by hype alone with the guests characters and the fact that it was an actually interesting series to get into.
it was also the days of LOTR, and console wars kind helped it build hype with people excited to see each version change.

nowadays guest characters are fucking everywhere, tekken got a better competitive scene and the story didnt really developed in an interesting way, change the characters didnt helped, so people forgot about it.

if we ever get SC6 it will feature dark souls guy, skrym guy and zelda, that could be interesting, but really is gameover for this series.

as a side note i was autistic enough to expect pic related someday, times fucking change.

>Taki wasn't in SCV
>series died
Really makes you think. But in all honesty, the series degraded because of a lot of terrible character designs, questionable changes to combat and overall bad design decisions.

>it got popular by hype alone with the guests characters
Wow, you must be young (no offense intended). The series was amazing back on the PS1 and Soul Calibur was great too, only held back by being on the Dreamcast. Guest characters did help gather more casuals, but the series was popular with the fighting community way before then.

>Never got a PC release
Best part. Kept you cancerous fags away at the very least.

5 just felt like a big fuck you with the roster and content really.

2 & 3 had so much content to offer.

Soul Caliber died because it didn't bank on it's good points hard enough. Like the extra modes for 2 & 3 kept people playing that shit for weeks on end, and yeah, the guests cast would get people to double dip at times just to use their stand in fav.
The real bad parts I think came about from 4 onwards, though some could say it started in 3. The story started to become more convoluted and unresolved, the cast became less interesting when the only driving force where feuds long since passed, and the guests cast just started to become undesirable.

3 had the strange plot devolution, but had a decent 1 player mode.
I'd say 4 is when the whole thing just fucked off.

Fucked up the gameplay with 4
Made the gameplay better but fucked up everything else with 5
Turned it into P2W trash, which is always without fail the death knell for a franchise

>it got popular by hype alone with the guests characters
nah that's when it died, when kratos appeared you knew the series went to shit

I say this a lot but it's not even them replacing the characters that bother me. It's replacing them with shit if they replaced them at all.

And the justification of "Too old to be a magic ninja, here have a young girl" just comes off as skeezy in that Japanese h game sort of way

We'd still have easy online play for all the SC games if it were on PC

Honestly after Blade and 1 I think Guest Characters did more harm than good. Instead of players focusing on the world we would just get the quick crossover surge of fans who want Link in everything and then bail when he's not back.

The series can stand on it's own but now it has a reputation of guest characters that really take away from it's own sense of identity. Adding create a soul was just twisting the knife too because, while this surely doesn't apply to everyone, most gamers aren't creative at all and would just create whatever popular anime or unrelated game characters they could shoddily make

5 was the golden age for competitive SolCal. Also for customization. It was just barren in all other aspects.


The problem is that despite their insistence to the contrary the people playing competitively only make up a small portion of the game buying public and likewise fickle and will drop the game the second something else has a bigger audience.

>popular anime or unrelated game characters they could shoddily make
This happens in every game like this.
Even in VF5FS and Tekken people would just customize their character to look like some known fictional (mostly anime) character.

I never understood this fucking logic, why can't they be original and make their own shit?

What's worse is that the small percentage of self aware fucks can't find a better idea to simply strip their character of any possible piece of cloth.

Atleast Taimanin Asagi lives on, barely, for my titty ninja fix.

It's kind of unfortunate as far as any progression of time with the series goes. You pretty much have to keep the story in a bubble of the same couple of years; hell, street fighter five should technically be taking place in like the 90s, yet Rashid's map has buildings in the UAE that shouldn't even exist for another ten+ years.

>yet Rashid's map has buildings in the UAE that shouldn't even exist for another ten+ years.

Which, if I might add, if Street Fighter 5 took place in modern times then a lot of the characters should be in their thirties/fourties/even fifties. Cammy is eighteen around 1992, where SF5 should be taking place around. She would be fourty-three in 2017.