Gravity Rush 2

Wait, I didn't preorder the game...

Am I fucked out of those 2 DLC costumes?
That's bullshit

Also Gravity Rush 2 thread

Other urls found in this thread:

>GR2 PSN Avatars are locked behind the digital pre-order bonus

I just don't understand, do companies actually make more funny with pre-order incentives rather than making DLC available for everybody?

more *money

Maybe they'll come as separately sold DLC one day...maybe I'll still care to buy them then...

is the PSO2 costume out in NA yet?


I hope all the costume slots get filled out.

DLC costumes?

Pre-order bonus

I can't find it. Is it on the store or do I just get it in game?

Where can I look up how many Dusty Tokens I got?

Who the fuck is Permet??

System > Stats

She was a secretary in that army corps from the first games DLC.

>That nostalgic feeling when you get back to Hekseville

Also, jumping around in Lunar style is way too fun. I should be doing all the side-content and finishing story missions but I just want to jump around.


>Think Kat is cute
.Want to try out Kats game
>Download demo
>It does a really poor job of selling it to me

Wow I cant do anything here except run and float. Cant travel to the majority of the islands I see, there are no collectibles or secrets, only 1 story mission and thats it. Is the combat really this simplistic? Just smash square and occasionally throw things with O? Is there a level up system with skill trees?

Did you play both courses?

Buy the first game if you must. They didn't improve anything other than graphics and qtness of Kat in the 2nd.

>visible nipples

Dear lord I want to see more of this in future games.

>They didn't improve anything other than graphics and qtness of Kat in the 2nd

Is this going to be the new meme shitpost for these threads?

the combat doesn't change really. you have 2 other forms you activate with the touch pad but it's all simple shit. you can travel to those other islands in the full game though.

play the first, if you hate it don't play the second. the first game is cheaper and you wouldn't understand or give a fuck about the characters in the second game anyway.

it's 90% true.

Just got 6000 Dusty Tokens. Do we not have confirmation of the release of the Pso2 skin for NA? I can't find it anywhere.

You think throwing in unneeded styles is improving?
I would argue that the combat in the first game (on PS4 only) is better, because it runs at 60fps. And makes gravity kicking everything way easier.

Raven's DLC will have trophies?


Is this a made up language?

Even if it was 90% true that makes the statement totally false.

At least it's just dlc
Meanwhile if you did not pre-order the physical version of GR Remaster you are shit out of luck or need to get lucky.

not the guy who said it. either way it's not a meme you apologist.

Beat it but I have questions.

Who was Raven? Where are the kids? How is Alias/Syd still alive? WHAT ARE THE NEVI? Why was everything implied to be a dream in the first game?

Game getsuch better when you get to Hekseville. Not so much because of the area but the missions actually become enjoyable. Hopefully it keeps it up.

The story is retarded in the second half though what the hell are you smoking?

I haven't said a damn thing about the quality of the game but if the the phrase

>they didn't improve anything but graphics and Kat being cute

Is only 90% true, then it's not true at all because of the word "anything" because it means 10% of something else was improved.

Who cares about the story? Both games have terrible stories and it's a fucking video GAME.

Wait, what do you mean?

I actually did technically pre-order GR Remaster, for the Kat figma that came with it. Is there something I got extra, like the DLC that came with it or something?

Those 10% are graphics like the first user said.
Stop being an autismo.

launching this game right after finishing the remastered version of 1 was a mistake
30fps makes everything feel so clunky

also anyone else feel as if GR1 just fell apart right at the end? all of the missions were really frustrating and unfun

calm down apologist.

What? The GAMEplay isn't actually that good?
WHAT? The story isn't also actually not that good?
wew lad

>also anyone else feel as if GR1 just fell apart right at the end? all of the missions were really frustrating and unfun
GR2 is far worse in that regard.


It drops under that frequently and I hate it. All the graphics pop in too.

Well it was good while it lasted

Nope. The missions in 1 were much better overall, including the later ones.

So general consensus is GR1>GR2?

Holy fuck you're an idiot. The missions, as in their designs and not the shitty filler plot that only you care about, get better after reaching Hekseville. The game design improve, making the gameplay experience improve.

2 is pretty much better in every way


I'd disagree personally.

I appreciate the story didn't try for any 2deep4u and was filled with cool shit or cheesy feel-good shit.

I 2 for about an hour or so, do they put the swordfish shaped enemies back in? because those things are pure AIDS and are a big reason of why I hated playing certain missions

Missions in 1 are better. 2 has more content, better core mechanics, and is more fun to fuck around in. I liked 1 a tad more but if I ever want to get my series fix it'll be 2 that I boot up.

Most are going to say 2 is better but to me 2 is just a sequel, neither of them are better than one another. 1 had better pacing, progression, and missions but 2 has more to do.

Rocket Jump is the fucking best.

>At last Raven, it looks like we really are the Gravity Daze 2.

2 is an all around improvement in every way but it does kind of pad the game out with really shitty missions at times like the ones where you have to talk to random NPCs until they decide to give you information. God those are fucking awful and just grind the game to a halt.

Post webms.


lots of aids enemies in 2 but I don't know what you're talking about specifically.

I think the combat was a little more fluid in 1, but other than that everything in 2 is better

I mean, the world itself is fuckhuge and tons of fun to roam around in. GR1 had that too but not nearly to the same extent. Add in the Treasure Hunts and other online features and it makes it all that much better

There is absolutely nothing in GR2 worse than the swordfish enemies in GR1. Those things were fucking annoying as sin and would have been great to use Lunar Style against.

GR2 needs less side missions and more challenge missions. Most of the side missions end up being unfun. At least the challenge missions don't take a long time and can be fun if you try to compete for times.

This game has online MP?

About 70% of the way through GR2 and so far GR1 is better simply because it was so new and fresh. You didn't know what quite to expect and it gave you quite an experience though the game. Being able to fall seamlessly between the cities and up and down the world was a delightful surprise. I think GR2 is a better rounded game so far, with a lot more to do and more variety, but it builds on GR rather than revolutionizes it. And that's not a bad thing.

That we got both is a blessing.

>get close
>gravity kick
Wow so hard.

There's treasure hunts, and when you complete one you can leave a photo hint of where it is for someone else - if someone finds the treasure using your hint, you get Dusty Coins

both huge boss fights and kali are worse. those bosses in gravity farming areas are too.

Like I said I don't even know what enemies you're talking about and I finished replaybing the game in January. You probably just suck :^)

honestly I'd prefer a major graphics downgrade if it meant that we could play at a stable 60fps
how anyone thought that 30fps would be acceptable at all should've been fired

>Cant travel to the majority of the islands I see, there are no collectibles or secrets

Wow gee, maybe it's a fucking DEMO YOU TARD

GR2 rounds of the plot fairly well too which is nice.

>tfw the last song in GR2 is the first song in GR1, having everything come full circle

I don't think any actual human being has that opinion, no.

These fellows. They make quick attacks across the screen that you can't interrupt, meaning your gravity kick is going to be ignored and you'll probably take damage instead. They aren't going to kill you, they're just annoying.

Haha bitch I can fly, what now? What are you going to do abou--

>Five story high pile driver


oh, I forgot to ask, if you change costumes in GR2, does it stick?
whenever I played the remaster, if I changed my costume, it would randomly revert to the default one whenever I did a story mission

ah, even both of the flying shits in 2 are even more annoying than those because they actually can kill you and their attacks home in .

those guys you just dodge and kick twice and it's over.

I disagree

I am uninterested in side missions without some story or dialogue to accompany them

yeah they do

It sticks

Lunar Style fucks over the fliers in GR2 though. They also don't get massive invincibility frames like swordfish did.

A good demo gives you a small taste of the many things the game has to offer. Like the Nioh demos. This demo has nothing. Dont defend it.

Not to mention they buffed the shit out of stasis field and fliers get wrecked by it in any form but Jupiter. If you died to a flier in GR2 you're irredeemably shit.

The problem is that most of the side missions in GR2 are more annoying than fun.

The demo's shit, it's from an ancient build that runs like garbage and it's short. I'm not defending it, I'm just calling you a retard for thinking you could just fly around the whole map in a fucking demo.

Thats the entire map? Well thats disappointing.

I hated talking to random people until the game decides to throw you a bone, and Battle Nurse 2 got on my nerves.

Other than that, personally, I had fun with pretty much all of them.

Are you being deliberately obtuse?

My main low points in the game were during side missions. I was probably doing it wrong but the first reporter one just seemed unfair as fuck.

I'm honestly just glad GR2 actually resolved some shit. GR1 resolved nothing.

What did it resolve? WHAT?
It resolved zilch. While also throwing in more unanswered questions.

I thought this costume was Japan only? The pre-order bonus was for the white version of Kat's costume?

lunar style does no damage and is boring as fuck. you're forced to use it sometimes so I made a 3x damage boost on warp and it's still garbage.

you can get one shot on hard mode.

The demo is perfect and it runs a little bit worse you moron. The final game has worse FPS drops and isn't much bigger excluding hekseville.

>being this much of a shill

I take it you only got the first credit sequence

Did you just not play the final chapter?

my ps4 got fucked up so i cant play


What? What the fuck am I supposed to be shilling?

Demo runs like ass.


What did it resolve?
>wow Kat was the queen
Knew that from the first game.
>wow Sid is Alyas
Knew that from the first game.
Only new thing is that Sid was her counselor.

Unanswered shit:
>electrical super being from out of nowhere
>Raven and Kat implied to be the same person
>Raven having a guardian
>if she has a guardian she must be royal
>never tells us if she was a queen or whatnot
>guy stopping time somehow
>the stone/ore Kali Angel retrieves from you
>Angels out of nowhere

Absolutely disgusting.