Feb 14

>Feb 14
For Honor
>Feb 21
Halo Wars 2
>Feb 28
Horizon: Zero Dawn
>Mar 3

Is this the best 4 weeks in vidya history?

>>Feb 14
>For Honor
>>Feb 21
>Halo Wars 2
>>Feb 28
>Horizon: Zero Dawn

>>Mar 3

You are not entirely wrong because of the best game of century releasing at 3rd of March.

I'm not seeing Nioh on that list desu.

>liking souls clones

Isn't For Honor a Ubisoft game? If so, it's instant trash. I don't think there was a person alive who actually cared enough about Halo Wars to merit a sequel, but I guess M$ thinks anything Halo will print money. Horizon looks pretty shit and it'll have a nice feminist agenda.

I know you're baiting but i agree with you. zelda could potentially be THE game

I literally don't care about any of these shitty video games.

You better be trolling.

No bait, it is pretty much guaranteed to be the best game of all time.

>Halo wars 2

Didn't know/ forgot this existed
Guessing it's Xbone/PC right?
Shame I can't play since I was one of the maybe 10 people that actually bought and liked halo wars

Halo Wars 2 is a thing?

Don't mind me
just the GOAT passing by

>can't get my hands on a switch for at least a month after launch
The wait will be pure hell, I can't even go on the internet because I want to play it blind.

Feb 14 is my birthday too :^)

>30 fps
>in 2017

yes zelda is going to be shitty. but at least the controllers vibrate uniquely. totally more important than actual adequate hardware.

Oh yeah?
Well I had sex with your wife.

Personally I am just waiting for wildlands even though it has tons of issues. I had pretty fun playing it.

Who gives a shit about Halo Wars 2

>30 fps
Hate to break it to you user, but that's considered good by most people's standards.

>hurr graphics are everything durr
Spoken like a true sonygger.

4 games that people with taste don't give a fuck about

>Another of Platinum's blunders