Where do we go from here? With every passing announcement, this game sounds worse and worse.
>action based instead of turn based >episodic >changes to the story confirmed >compilation shit is confirmed in >implied that the Honey-Bee Inn will be toned down >likely to spread itself over not one, but two console generations >1.5 years since announcement and Kitase admits they've made pretty much no progress
Which one of you assholes wished on a Monkey's paw?
After FFXV we hope it gets delayed so much it never actually releases and we just replay the original for fun.
Alexander Reed
1. Good.
2. If it's the size of a full game like they promised, then good.
3. Nope. Nothing will be changed, but they might add the compilation onto the original 7 story, which is great. Maybe tinker some things around, because you know damn well it won't be a literal copy.
4. See above.
5. No they didn't.
6. Nah.
7. They said they are finishing the opening scene, which isn't bad. They announced it a year ago, doesn't mean they started development that day. Nomura is also directing KH3, and he needs that done first.
Carson Lopez
I didn't believe it was possible to have opinions this terrible and this uninformed.
>1. Good Clearly underage
>2. If it's the size of a full game like they promised, then good. You're actually and unironically defending splitting up one game to be sold in pieces for no reason other than to make money
>3. Nope. Nothing will be changed... They already confirmed the story was being changed, dumbass. Hence my original post.
>Kitase: “However, since it’s different from that time and social situation, we need implement the reproduction of original events carefully.”
Nomura: “Ah, the Honey Bee Inn… (Laughs.)”
>6. Nah
Again, Kitase literally said just that a day after the 30th anniversary event
>7. They said they are finishing the opening scene
No, he said they're polishing it and that's it.
Kevin Rivera
>Clearly underage K. I'm 22. What the fuck does age have to do with anything you stupid fucking retard? I want more action based games, and the original is already turn based, so go fuck yourself.
>You're actually and unironically defending splitting up one game to be sold in pieces for no reason other than to make money You're a fucking Sup Forums faggot who thinks your ideals are objective. Yeah, they are making fucking money you fucking retard, but if they are splitting it up into 3 full games, then that is no different from FFXIII's 2 sequels.
>They already confirmed the story was being changed, dumbass. Hence my original post. I don't give a fuck about what your original post says, my post said no, they aren't.
>Read above yourself, faggot. Don't fucking tell me what to do.
>Again, blah blah Not confirmed. This shit can change on a whim because they are barely in development.
>No, he said they're polishing it and that's it. Which can mean anything, whether it's scenes or gameplay, they specifically said they are polishing the final scene, which usually means they are touching up the final bits. I'm also not going to do this back and forth with you. As if I'm going to stay here and wait for some retarded faggot to argue with me over a game he doesn't even like already because it is action based. Go fuck yourself loser. Last word.
Kayden Price
As long as Genesis is in it, I'm fine.
Benjamin Perry
You clearly have some kind of reading comprehension issue.
>other points are easily researched to prove everything else >I-IT ISN'T CONFIRMED BECAUSE I SAID SO
You should seriously consider killing yourself.
Ryder Jackson
Jesus Christ, people this retarded exist and post here regularly.
James Allen
>still being this fucking retarded with 22 Damn, son.
Wyatt Powell
Who gives a fuck, it's not like this removes the actual game itself from existence, if you want the original, play it.
Brandon Gonzalez
So what systems will this be on?
Ethan Nelson
We obviously only know PS4 at this stage, but Kitase implied future episodes could appear on whatever follows the PS4.
Aaron Thompson
Wouldn't that mean PS5? But that would mean the other two episodes would look much better.
Dominic Lewis
Assuming there is a PS5 and it's called that, then yes.
It opens up the possibility of more double-dipping however.
>assume 3 episodes >episode 1 releases at the end of the PS4's lifespan >episodes 2 and 3 release on the PS5 with enhanced performance and graphics >re-release a remastered episode 1 >eventually release a GOTY edition that contains all of them
Aiden Kelly
>>action based instead of turn based >>changes to the story confirmed But these are good.
Evan Watson
At this stage to save money you might as well just wait for the PS5 and get them all together.
Aiden Young
What exactly being announced about FF7 Remake that makes it bad?
Until the game comes out I'll reserve judgement but nothing about the remake sounds bad except for being episodic
Jose Sanders
I feel bad for who bought the PS4 for this game.
Dylan Gonzalez
stop, just stop
Tyler Robinson
That's kind of their own fault. I had a feeling the remake would be for PS5. They should have just had more games to get for PS4.
Camden Taylor
action games are usually boring
i didn't enjoy 15 because how easy it was but whatever
Hudson Morgan
It's the only thing Sup Forums cares about with this game.
Zachary Carter
None of your points make me not want not play it.
Square would be massively stupid to do that, theres absolutely nothing stopping them from releasing the game on multiple generations at once. They do that shit all the fucking time.
Colton Taylor
>Square would be massively stupid to do that
That's why they'll do that.
Lincoln Flores
If Square don't release this on PS4 i will never buy another game from them again
This whole advertising this incredible Sony exclusive & then moving it to another platform is so fucking jewish & seems like a ploy for them to move more Sony consoles without Sony actually getting the blame for it
Benjamin Phillips
Oh my fucking god. You fucking idiots. Steve Burton has confirmed that he's already finished with principle recording. You're a fucking idiot if you think the game is 2+ years out.
Cooper Anderson
Looks like we both won't be buying any game from them again.
John Bailey
Source please
Carson Sullivan
The action part isn't the problem with the remake.
It's that it's clearly a desperate cash grab and vaporware that will linger on for the next 5+ years. By the time it eventually comes out no one will care anymore. See Kingdom Hearts.
Andrew Jenkins
Bro they make same day multiple generation releases on different systems all the fucking time. THEY ARE NOT gonna forget about a fucking FINAL FANTASY 7.
Mason Martin
It wasn't for this game idiot.
Camden Martinez
I remember fapping to this in the stone age
Fuck I'm old
Thomas Hill
>source: my ass
Cooper Diaz
So release date at E3.
Austin Diaz
Wow imagine if there were some alternative way to play FF7 like, right now, without even needing to wait.
Jeremiah Diaz
Jose Martinez
tifa boobs average, thanks SJW.
Nathaniel Brown
>he believes this
Daniel Sullivan
>multiple titles/episodes
this breaks the deal
I never asked for this remake anyway, I asked for FF to be great again.
Brandon Thompson
Nah I'll just wait to play it on PS5
Liam Ramirez
>>changes to the story confirmed
What kind of changes do you think will be made?
Noah Powell
Fucking SJWs and NeoGAF. They have to be little bitches to demand censorship.
Evan Young
Are there 1k/2k/4k mods for the prerendered backgrounds? maybe textures too?
Brayden Russell
Then only with the remake of VI.
Leo Young
>2. If it's the size of a full game like they promised, then good.
You went to see the Hobbit in theaters, didn't you?
Jeremiah Gutierrez
A remake should have been the easiest shit in the world, just update the graphics and fix some translation errors
Christopher Jones
It's not going to be what you want it to be. That is confirmed. No one cares what you wanted it to be.
Logan Richardson
>action based instead of turn based >wanting an AAA 100 million+ to restrict moment and flexibly in what will probably be 2019.
Just deal with it, the concepts dated. Particularly for an AAA game.
John Watson
Then it wouldn't be a remake.
Isaiah Turner
You think Square gives a shit about moving Sony consoles?
Mason Adams
>resurrect aerith 20$ dlc
Lucas Perry
Oh user...
Brayden Russell
>remake >not just redoing all the art assets as close to the original game but in modern graphics >nah lets make it a 3 part not turn based GRAPHIX action game
Leo Butler
restrict movement*
Logan Lee
>They only develop for one console because of "reason"
which one would you choose Sup Forums
I'd be down to play it on the switch
Sebastian Baker
Noah Barnes
Grow up,mate.
Tyler Brown
How could that even work? It's a game with pre-rendered backgrounds instead of actual 3D environments.
Brayden Allen
they somewhat pulled it off with Crisis Core on PSP but that was action based too.
Eh I don't know user. I'm just pissed its a multi game part thing that is seemingly still years away.
It was teased for ps3 in what 2005, and then in 2015 an actual trailer for ps4.
sick of waiting
Dylan Gomez
It was just a cocktease to sell PS4s and it will be a cocktease to sell PS5s. If it will be released than as a desperation act of either square or sony.
Because they know, that if it comes out it will suffer from duke4/nms disease and will kill anything it's affiliated with.
William Clark
user that was a TECH demo to show off how amazing the PS3 tech was at the time
This. Just a strategy to get PS5 hype like PS4. First episode will probably be on latter while the rest will be on the former.
Adrian Garcia
I bet they will rewrite the story to bring Aerith back to life.
Don't even joke about that.
Samuel Fisher
>mfw imagining the tears when people see Aerith
Samuel Morales
There is no exclusivity deal between Square and Sony here. You're retarded for suggesting selling PS5s is relevant here at all.
Joshua Collins
It will generate even more porn, so it justifies itself.
Robert Baker
Because they totally didn't do it for the last two consoles.... oh wait... >retarded
Christian Peterson
>mfw people see Aerith die again then get revived
Kevin Thompson
>he thinks this
You probably think it's coming to Switch too.
Asher Lee
Square likely did plan this before we found out Switch is a gimped Nvidia Shield
Cameron Gutierrez
Please don't ever come back here.
Ethan Campbell
I don't think its coming to anything other than a sony console. That doesn't mean theyre under contract for that. You can choose to make a playstation game without getting sonybux
Elijah Williams
what? ff13 is on xbox360, 15 is on xbox one. what the fuck are you talking about?
Dominic Brown
>action based instead of turn based >episodic >changes to the story confirmed >compilation shit is confirmed in Good.
>implied that the Honey-Bee Inn will be toned down >likely to spread itself over not one, but two console generations >1.5 years since announcement and Kitase admits they've made pretty much no progress Not good.
It's cause they keep telling Nomura to do 40 different things. Meanwhile he's an extremely detail-oriented director
Jordan Stewart
You all witnessing the birth of FFVIIR-kun here.
Evan King
Yeah which is why Remake is exclusively for PS4/PS5.
They might not be but as you said it's not moving away from Sony.
Angel Sanchez
I'm talking about sony used a potential FF7 remake to shill the PS3 and the PS4. And it worked.
Ayden Long
right which is not the point at hand, its that they wouldnt put it on ps5 just to move consoles. they dont give a shit about that.
Evan Williams
Im still exited. I really hope the avalanche members get some more screen time.
Eli Cox
if that happens, that would ruin the entire game more than anything else.
Kayden Rodriguez
Time to avoid FF7R threads I guess.
Noah Sanchez
Landon Smith
>has literally been shilled on PS3, PS4 and now potential PS5
Xavier Harris
hahah, yeah it worked, people bought ps3s and 4s just because they thought they were getting this. they bought no other games it just sat there and they waited. get out of here.
Alexander Edwards
Hey blame Nomura for wanting "creative changes" to the original.
Henry James
>There are people who will buy a fourth console for this.
>people bought a ps3 because they thought there will be a ff7r for it >people bought a ps4 because they thought there will be a ff7r for it "haha, but they also bought other games so your argument is invalid" >being that deep in the corporate ass to defend bullshit marketing stunts Wew lad... Ever heard of false advertising?
James Cox
>all of this could have been dealt with had they remade it for PS2
Asher Gray
I'm pretty pissed but I've accepted especially by Kitase's statement that it will be for the PS5.
Brayden Parker
I dont think there'll be anything majorly changed like that tho.
I'm pretty sure its going to be stuff like what happens in Kalm or what happens in Juno, or what when we see the Sephiroth flash-back might be changed slightly. And I think Vincent and Yuffie will be mandatory characters now, instead of just being able to skip over them completely.
Nicholas Ward
hating action games has nothing to do with growing up
I just think a remake should be a graphic remake of the game
why change something that is already successful
Jason Peterson
Problem is that FF7 remake is a huge deal. The original game, the nostalgie for it and the part of its fans that are off the autism spectrum will make sure that no matter what they will make of it - it won't be good enough to fullfil anyones expectations. It will summon a massive shitstorm no matter what. And that's why a FF7 remake is bad for business.
It's far more profitable as vaporware, so you can hint a release for you next console making ppl get excited and preordering the hardware.
Just don't expect that they will actually release it. What we have isn't any more substantial than what hinted at a potential PS4 or even PS3 release.
They will probably make another FF7 remake techdemo for the PS5 release, make a few other bullshit statements that cause rumours and finally say "maybe for PS6"
Jose Campbell
user don't be surprised if Compilation shit gets added in.
>They will probably make another FF7 remake techdemo for the PS5 release, make a few other bullshit statements that cause rumours and finally say "maybe for PS6"
This. I'm being optimistic for it to be out sometime before 2030.
Angel Garcia
.5 years since announcement and Kitase admits they've made pretty much no progress
Look dude, FFVII is garbage, ya'll getting hyped over nostalgia goggles.
But at least get your shit together.
The article, they don't know what the fuck they're talking about, they took the quote out of context, Kitase said they're putting the final polish on the intro scene. You fuckers do understand the game isn't made in fucking chronological order, right? Scene work literally comes last you dumb fucking moron. They're brushing up the intro scene, they maybe have other scenes to make, the game is more than likely mostly done, there is literally not a single studio on the fucking planet that starts with cutscenes/cinematics.
Luke Jackson
I can't believe Sup Forums has become this shallow
Cameron Morales
That would be the biggest waste of time, of theirs and ours. I am not paying $60 for a remaster.
Noah Myers
I really like this art.
Nicholas Nelson
So it's coming out 2019/20. The first part.
Mason Brooks
For some reason Sup Forums has this hypocritical double standard that REmake is good, yet doing the same treatment to Final Fantasy VII is bad.
Alexander Bennett
He said remake though. Remaster is when they take original resources and scale them up through filters and shit. In a remake they'd make everything from scratch.
Remaster = Silent hill HD Remake = Resident Evil 2 Remake