Will you buy it when it gets localized?

Will you buy it when it gets localized?

Yup, because I want the inevitable Vert game.

No Plutia no buy

Plutia is in the game.

on pc

Yeah most likely. Nep games are most enjoyable when you don't take them, or the idiot fanbase, seriously.

Of course I will. The mainline Nep games are fun and this looks like a spin-off I'll actually enjoy.

Maining Vert all day every day.

No now fuck off

Im out the loop, is this a monster hunter neptunia game?


It's an online multiplayer mmo-like or something like that

Always do. This too hopefully.



I don't have ps4 and when I get it it would be not relevant to play online anymore

Are any of these games actually any good, or are they just pure waifu wars shit?

Not immediately, but when it comes out on PC, sure.

quality goes up with time, though the games are also better the more you like waifus.

So it's more like all of the above. If you wanted a more serious answer then you shoulda payed better attention while lurking

Nigga I'm buying it in 3 days.

Delete this!

give me money and I might.

does it show panties?

When are they gonna bring back the sexy prinny whore?

She was my favorite anime girl.

Wrong game?

Day fucking 1. Hopefully PS4 doesn't have a super collector's edition because I'd rather buy on PC.


It's 60 fps either way, you really going to wait 3-6 months for pc?

I'm getting the Japanese version so I have no choice.

You bet I am, day 1.

Fuck off secondary.

Warechu became a girl?

the reason is that there are no beast player models in the MMO