Hey, Sup Forums

Hey, Sup Forums
I'm new to gaming computers, and the internet to an extent aswell
If I were to build a gaming pc with the budget of about $500, what type of preformane should I expect?
And what type of internet should I get to have good performance, FPS and graphics wise on demanding games
bls halp, and thankyou.

Other urls found in this thread:


>If I were to build a gaming pc with the budget of about $500, what type of preformane should I expect?
Totally beat PS4 Pro. Meaning steady 60fps at 1080p, all High or better settings.
>And what type of internet should I get to have good performance, FPS and graphics wise on demanding games
internet connection has no effect on game performance. It only helps to reduce LAG in online gaming, as faster connection = you send and receive data faster, reducing choking and thus out-of-sync issues. The available deals vary greatly from country to country, even from city to city; I got 100Mbit cable with no caps and monthly fee of ~30€.

pic related is a bit old normie-PS4 killer build from last year.
check out Logicalincrements.com and Youtube's various budget builds for more help.

thanks man
very helpful

You got your answer, now gimme some answers bub

How new to the internet and why?

About 7 years on the internet
as a kid I never had it, until I got older and was more and more necessary
was poorfag, obv
even when I first was on the internet i would browse youtube, and normie like websites
mainly played xbox live
so never really go too in depth
does that answer your question bub?

Yeah, thanks bub

I recently built my first PC for ~$480 with an amd 8320 and gtx 950. Did i fuck up? How bad?

Wait till ryzen drops. Usually amd is pretty good for budget builders.

>Totally beat PS4 Pro. Meaning steady 60fps at 1080p, all High or better settings.

You aren't getting high or better on anything in the past two years with a 750ti

I actually have no idea myself, but are you serious?
Don't be meming around when OPs actually trying to build a rig.

>I recently built my first PC for ~$480 with an amd 8320 and gtx 950. Did i fuck up? How bad?
eh, I personally wouldn't touch AMD shit even with 10 foot pole, but they tend to be THE most budget-oriented when it comes to price alone.

it's not bad.

Reading comprehension and research, sonny jim. Do them.

I did NOT say that the picture I posted would be the dream 500$ build, did I? Just an example of a very low budget "console killer", for those kids always trying to spam the "console is cheaper!!" argument.

And you are also wrong. While 750ti is NOW an old card, when combined with decent specs, it's easily capable of getting over 30fps in GTAV with Very High settings, and the same in TW3 with Mediums.
The newest counterpart, GTX 1050ti 4GB, could run even latest shit like RE7 at Very High at over 100 fps.

he's a moron who can't read and doesn't do research.

If your thinking of getting a 750ti I would advise anyone to save up like 80 more bucks to get a rx480. It's 200 percent better then a 750ti

if you too are referring to the picture at , then no - GTX 750ti ain't anymore the 500 buck build's card of choice.

At this point, I'd go to 1050ti for smooth 1080p gaming on low budget. Performance's on-par with GTX 960, but it uses MUCH less power, and doesn't even require external power cords.

Fucked up pretty bad desu, 950 is a dogshit card with only 2(?) gb of vram and the 8320 has poor individual core performance. How recently was it? If it was less than a year than you REALLY fucked up, if it's more than a year old that's not so bad as a lot of the budget shit(intel's new pentium and the 480 price drops) weren't around.

>re7 very high
you fucking wish, very high textures and shadows drops re7 to a crawl even with better cards like the 1060 6gb and 480.

I got $900 to burn, can someone who actually knows what they're talking about and not just spouting memes hook me up with the most monstrous rig that will last? Just games. I'm no fag streamer or editor or anything.


don't get that build OP. The new pentium g4560 would shit all over that old AMD cpu and you'd have an upgrade path. As for gpus, try and find a rx 470 or rx 480 at least if you want to max out 1080p

Do you already have a monitor and older tower? Already having an HDD/Case/PSU can save you a lot of dosh.

Can't you morons even read?

i geniuinely hate to break it to you but fucked up pretty badly. buying a 3 year old amd cpu with its ancient architecture was pretty bad especially with amds ryzen just around the corner and intel having just dropped what is probably the best budget cpu to ever hit the market. also it would've been a lot smarter to get the newer 1050ti which is basically a 950 but with more vram and a lot faster at the same price point

I have a killer monitor and KB but thats it. I'll get the desk and all later, don't worry about that. My current rig is a E Machine from 2002ish

Just go on Tom's Hardware or leddit for some dipshit to actually take the time to do your own work. Takes like 10 minutes to google if you're not a mouth breather.

i have fx 6300 and 7850 2gb you did better than me

i5 2500k + 8GB DDR3 + GTX 1060 + 500W "80+ Bronze" PSU + basic case. W7 Ultimate via torrents or buy a CD key for 15 bucks. KB+M+any audio devices according your desires, but these can be gained for dirt cheap / all free. If you got a TV, you got a monitor, but 2ms 1080p 24" screens go for 100 bucks or less these days.

Assuming you have the peripherals and all

Agree new Pentium is a monster for 60 bucks. just wait till amd drops cpu and if no good get the intel

Wew. Damn man. Like everyone else is saying, you done goofed and fucked yourself. Always and I mean, always fucking save up money and get at least a mid tier card. Anything lower is just a waste unless you only play league and minecraft. Also AMD cpus are mostly cheaper for a reason. They are shittier. Again should've saved for at least a decent i5.

Actually, that RAM doesn't seem to be too reliable.
Try this one instead

Will an i5 6400 and a 750ti 2gb + a 10gb ram work well for gaming? I'm only missing the cpu and i have a G4400, but i need to upgrade to one with the same socket as everything's expensive where i live

>current year

Don't trust Sup Forums user, hell even Sup Forums is pretty bad. Do some research, there's plenty of youtube channels out there that focus on budget builds.

Although this guy

has the right mindset and his build actually isn't bad.

Thanks negros

If you tailor your expectations. You aren't going to maxing much out unless it's older or a lighter type of game with that GPU. Cpu is fine as well as ram.

The 750ti is really dated and since it's OOP is really pricey for what kind of performance you'll be getting. Get a 480 for $150, it's the best price/performance atm.

CPU and RAM are fine. GPU is shit. Get a rx 470 or a 1050 ti if you are really poor.

>current year
yes dear SJW, those are all valid choices in current year. There's been VERY little advances in CPU tech this decade, and any i5 from 2000 series forward is still good for gaming. Not to mention it can be swapped for 3000-series' i7 if needed.

DDR3 is still the superior choice, as it's cheaper and DDR4 has next to no benefits over its predecessor.

It will work, but you won't "ultra" anything.

Pentium G4560
RX 470 4GB
500w PSU
cheap kb/m

Easily do that for around $500, 470 is a great and inexpensive card. Just use your tv.


Less then $500, buy windows off kinguin or playasia for $20

grab a 1050ti and you'll have stable frames at 1080p, graphics quality varries depending on game type. Really though, wait and buy a better computer.

Update your motherboard BIOS that supports Kaby lake, sell your G4400, buy the G4560, and get an RX 470.

That is not true when compared to at least some newer games. Specifically, Witcher 3 and GTA 5 benefit a hell of a lot from a newer CPU.


Theres benchmarks for the 4560/RX470 combo

I built it last July. I do know more about PCs now but knew next to nothing when i first made it. I also didn't originally plan on playing anything newer than DS3 and DOOM (i thought school and work would keep me busy). I also originally built it to run animation and 3D programs like Maya/Zbrush smoothly in mind

dont listen to this guy OP. both the cpu + mobo and gpu are horribly outdated and the rest of the specs are underwhelming even for what they're worth plus he didnt even include the price of the storage you're gonna be getting

im going to break the bank just a bit and recommend you get the build i list. im sure Sup Forums will agree this is the best build money can buy at this price point although ssd might be a bit too extra for a budget build lol

holy fuck you are a giant newfag and actually have no idea what you're talking about. DDR4 and their increased clock speeds have huge effects on newer titles, witcher 3 especially. Also the 2500k, unless heavily overclocked, is actually really mediocre and being on an older socket that has gone OOP you're not going to find a mobo reasonably priced brand new. It's cheaper to just get a 6500 and you'll still have better performance than an overclocked 2500k

The G4560 is basically an i3-6100. You'll probably have better luck finding some benches with the i3-6100/RX 470

480's have been going cheaper than that 1050ti, also that looks a bit over his budget.

also if you need to cut back just get a regular hdd instead of an ssd and use the stock cooler included with the pentium instead of the one i listed. but dont listen to these guys saying you need an i5 and dont cut back on the ram speed

>Specifically, Witcher 3 and GTA 5 benefit a hell of a lot from a newer CPU.
all those can be played smoothly on modern i3 processors. Any K-model i5 or i7 will meet the requirements no problem, even more so if you OC them, and BTFO of those newer dual-core w/ hypethreading i3 processors people still use to benchmark stuff.

first of all, been here 12 years.
second, been building PCs for much longer than that.

In majority of the games, a large RAM pool has much bigger impact on framerates than faster RAM. GTAV is a good example of this.

Finally, I said "any i5 from 2500k forward". I've been running a non-K 2500 since 2011, and no game has caused me issues yet.

Fuck, I thought you were talking about a different CPU for a second.
Still, if you can't find a game bench with the G4560, the i3-6100 still stands.

Why not just get the EVO 212 hyper? It's just like 10 dollars more.

First build.

How did I do?

And another moron barks the wrong tree.
Cant you morons actually READ what is said in the post? And maybe then read the THREAD?

That sub-300$ is NOT what I recommended for 500$ budget. The jump of 200 bucks makes a huge difference!

>Aftermarket cooler with a non-overclockable CPU and a non-overclockable motherboard
Spend the money saved with ditching the CPU cooler on an RX 470.
Also you might be able to get a 1TB HDD and a 120GB SSD if you look around hard enough for the $75 range.

its listed as 20 dollars more on pcpartpicker plus it wont fit inside the case that i listed. plus anythings better than a stock cooler

>SLI 1070

you fucked up unless you got the 2nd card for free

Also anybody that lives near a Microcenter. Great place to get your MB/CPU

They generally give $30-40 off when you buy both.

If you go the 4560 route, you can probably get a 4560 and H110 for like $80

On max? I don't believe that. My i54670k at 4.6 still gets just a smidgen of frame rate drops in cities where it's heavily populated. With rivatuner I see it going to 100 percent utilization easily. Doubt an i3 can manage. Unless of course, you have a source.

I got it from winning a 1v1 in dota.

except the 200 dollar cut back isn't even worth it when the build you listed isn't gonna be enough to have any decent gaming experience and he'll probably want to replace it after a couple of months. theres no point in a budget build if it cant even be used the way it was intended to be

Forgot to mention that this is with a 1070 overclocked with 12 gigs of ram.

>muh 2500 still running games @ max

No it doesn't, even high tier Haswells are seeing 100% cpu usage in recent titles like GTA and Re7.

i said the same thing afterwards about the ssd and aftermarket cooler if you look down the thread. but i think that a 1050ti is good enough for a budget build since dx12 isn't really utilized in most games and the 1050ti is a big money saver with really good performance

>On max? I don't believe that.
Who said anything about "max"? That's right: No one. Stop putting words in peoples mouths, and being all-Ultra elitist pricks.

Especially in modern games, there's seldom any reason to "max out" all settings. There seems to always be a setting or two that drain performance unnecessarily much for very little visual gain, that can be left to Low / Off (ie Hairworks in TW3). Some modern games go even beyond that, and look near identical on both "Low" and "High"!

>doubt an i3 can manage
go check out some YT gaming benchmarks. you'd be surprised.

>except the 200 dollar cut back isn't even worth it when the build you listed isn't gonna be enough to have any decent gaming experience
No no no you dip-shit.
I spell it out for you one more time:
The PC build in the picture? That is NOT what I would recommend for someone with 500 dollars to use on a brand NEW PC build!
It was there JUST to demonstrate that you COULD already BTFO the most popular console of this generation with similar pocket money as what you'd pay for the livingroom machine itself.

I also did NOT mean that it'd be worth to SAVE 200 bucks. On the contrary: an EXTRA 200$ will always make your PC much superior, especially in sub-900$ budgets.

Now, even though I do NOT recommend neither AMD CPUs nor 750ti for OP, people are greatly underestimating the capabilities of said cards.

>being this much of a sensitive faggot
you must be abhorrent to be around user, have your friends ever told you this?

Is this picture from that hilarious chihuahua thread on /an/?

I saved that thread for future laffs

i fucking wish

Since this threads here, I want to build a mini ATX. Can I build a good one under $600? Is it worth it to build a small form PC or will it overheat a lot? Keep in mind this machine will be almost strictly used for strategy games.


>people literally can't read and accuse you of bullshit
yeah, gr8 b8 m8 and all that to you too, young lady.

And no, my friends and wife tend to be way more ""sensitive"" than me.

yes, it's easily doable. All depends on your components and how cooling is handled. You want to avoid AMD CPUs and GPUs.

Assuming that's tower only...


Here you go. If we need to make the budget work for more shit, tell me.

Strategy games don't need that much power usually. So sure, that's doable. Most of the stuff will be the same as the build I've linked, and good miniITX cases have decent ventilation.

Pretty much this.

the fact that you take someone misreading what you posted as user as "slanderous bullshit" on Sup Forums makes you look like even more of an over sensitive faggot

Naw, it's actually my pupper.

>misreading same post multiple times is fine

>Ultra elitist pricks
Damn. Why are you getting so mad? Plus, what you are describing are the minimum settings, not recommended like you said before. Two totally different ball parks No shit you can adjust the settings to fit within the parameters of shitty hardware. If you look at the recommended for Witcher 3, it's quite high, at least when it comes to the CPU. And, again, my initial claim was that better CPUs helps running the game better. Still checks out as far as I'm concerned.


Alright. Won't overheat, no worries. Seeing how low-power the system is, and the case comes with fans, it's really no concern.

With cheap 250/270 chipset boards still being rare, I figured to go with Skylake instead of Kaby Lake, the difference isn't much. i5, because Strategy games tend to be more CPU-focused. A bit of a compromise in the GPU section. Won't matter much, and less power used is good here.

Semi-modular power supply - you'll thank me later.

it really is. i skimmed over what you wrote and you took it way too fucking hard when someone tried to corrected you. im sorry you're such a sensitive pussy if thats what you wanted to hear

i build my pc a month ago with a 1050ti and i can run Resindent evil 7, ultra 1080p 60 fps

They tried to "correct" a non-existing problem.
I can only explain this bullshit with the fact that the posters here would not be fluent English speakers.

No, with first-hand experience, I can honestly say that i5 2500 is more than enough, for more than "minimum" requirements. Majority of the nowadays stated system "requirements" are total bullshit, played way too high just to be safe. MGS5 was probably the first example of these overblown minimum specs; I soon found out that my 2012 laptop with i3 and GT 540M got steady 30fps at 720p and Low settings in it, while my desktop from 2011 had zero problems clocking rock-solid 60 at 1920x1200 @ High.

also i dont get why people think a new dual core cpu with hyperthreading isn't good enough but pair it with a much cheaper gpu and skim out on the mobo and ram

I highly doubt that. Post a webm of all your settings and walk around in that first house right after the dinner table scene. Even 1070's with 90 fov, very high textures and shadow cache can't handle 60 fps. There's huge issues with the pc port and vram

>and skim out on the mobo and ram
In budget systems, those are the first points where you can really jew out hard. They just have to be functional at all.

>1080p steady 60 fps
Why on earth are you getting this poor kids hopes up like this

Either side is decent. Intel has that new pentium which is OK for games but it's still budget and you won't get solid 60. It would be similar to ps4 pro where you get 45 fps commonly on large open world games

I'd wait until ryzen since you can easily make a 500 dollar build that absolutely out powers the pro by a large margin.

that would make sense if those same people weren't dropping an extra hundred dollars on an unnecessary i5 when just 10 of those dollars could go towards a new b250 board and slightly faster ram which both go a very long way contrary to what most think

psst! Hey kid! Read the post again!
Or just this post: >you fucking wish
No, I dont:

That's i3 + GTX 1050ti for you.

You're acting like a B250 board isn't still very much budget tier.

As for faster RAM - if you can even get it to work on that B-board.

>all high or better settings

>high settings
>only has the walking sim part from the demo

Like I said, even 1070's are struggling with the very high texture/shadow cache issue.

i didn't say high-end i just said "new" which it is very. and the reason i say b250 board is because the new generation of b-boards support 2400mhz instead of just 2133mhz.

b-boards and h-boards i guess i should say as well as the new kaby pentium and i3s as opposed to the skylake ones

>built it to run animation and 3D programs like Maya/Zbrush smoothly in mind
The FX 8320 was a good choice then, it's 8 cores are better than the 4 stronger cores of i5s when it comes to animation & 3D programs, the 8320 is also not as bad as people would like to be when it comes to gaming. It is clearly inferior to an i5, but certainly not bad.

>Again should've saved for at least a decent i5.
He didn't build it with gaming in mind thoug, the AMD CPU does make sense. 8 cores > 4 cores in professional workloads erryday all day

That's not the demo though. And there are other videos you can go and watch.

Those were ALL high settings, mate. Some were even VERY High.

Thanks a lot bros, I'll definitely have a look at these. Proof that Sup Forums isn't shit all the time.

Is it a meme or is it worth it?


As a graphic designed who works with Autodesk & Adobe products all the time, I have experienced most of said programs to be somehow way better optimized for Intel's CPUs than AMDs. The difference may be small in lightweight amateur tasks, but still notable.

The i7s are still the go-to CPUs for pros, for a good reason. That being said, a good chunk of RAM and a high-speed array of large storage medias can be even more important in large projects than raw processing power of CPU.

meme as fuck.

meme, 4k 144hz is coming out this year just wait

>posted almost 3 months ago
>DEMO in giant bold letters
>literally says teaser version 10 seconds in

user you're beyond saving

>most of said programs to be somehow way better optimized for Intel's CPUs than AMDs
I don't doubt it, however
double the core is still a great advantage
The supposedly garbage CPU being able to keep up with Intel's i5 and even at times i7, while being cheaper, is proof that even with all the bad reputation they have, they certainly can fit certain people and usages

audio production software too is optimized better for intel cpu