
Well. Are you getting a PS4 for Nioh?

Other urls found in this thread:

No, I'm getting Nioh for PS4.

2 hours.

fuck you smartass

nioh i wont be buying this game

Already have a PS4 Pro. Picking up Nioh tomorrow.

I've already preordered!
I'm finishing my lab reports for my classes, and about cram a shit ton of notes tonight so that I have this entire week dedicated to this game!

The hype is real!!!

Two based as fuck games coming out in the same month!!!

For Honor, and Nioh!!

I shouldn't have keked


it barely beat my favorite game

So when Zelda inevitably gets a 10 from IGN, will reviews still matter?

It gives me a reason to pull my ps4 out of the deep end of the closet.

thats my favorite too. good choice

>Good Story????

>"You must be the vault dweller!!"
>"Let me tell you about how my father touched my wiener when I was a kid so that I can have some backstory."
>"Never mind that I don't know you, you have a pip boy and hence are the highest of virtue."

A piece of shit game that went straight onto eBay as soon as I got it.

I'm waiting for Polygon to finish it and post their review before I decide.


I actually will now that it has two games.
I found someone willing to trade my Wii U plus some games for a PS4.

>Polygon review

"The combat is great, but theres No trans, gay or female characters, 3/10"

The more they pay IGN for reviews, the worse the actual game is

It's either Nioh or Horizon this month...not sure which one to get...

For Honor > > > > > > > > > > > nioh > > > horizon

>Locked male playable character
Why? This could have been Touhou souls.

Why would I do that when I can already play Dark Souls on my PC?

Wait for Horizon reviews. Could bomb.

As a PS4 gamer, I have never seen the appeal in this game. It looks boring and it just oozes of a game that wants the SJW audience.

I'll be honest, I've played every Souls game and I think Nioh is kinda mediocre compared to them. There seems to be this imaginary depth with the poses and the extremely limited equipment and it ends up just feeling like a 3rd party Souls game rather than anything truly exceptional.

Like there's no way this is better than a Souls game. IGN just scores in ways to earn clicks.

Still working on Berseria.

I'll probably get Nioh once I pick up a PS4 though if it's still exclusive

You know, I really thought this game looked neat.
This made me change my mind.

>if it's still exclusive
Sony is publishing it in the west. Don't hold your breath.

>sjw-pandering garbage that will be in the bargain bin by the end of Q1
>legitimately good action rpg
yeah gee you got a real sophie's choice on your hands there bud

No but I'll probably play my friends copy at his house while we netflix and chill.

>I got the touch kid

stopped playing right there and immediately refunded on steam.

I don't think it particularly likely, but it's within the realm of possibility for KT to self-publish on steam down the road.


I don't know why I do this to myself. These games are pure stress for me.

>either has taste shittier that the bowls of a man who hasn't defecated for 50 years or is actually todd

>Nioh has a more scary and creepy atmosphere than Resident Evil VII

What went wrong?


>netflix and chill
>with a male friend

Gayest post of the day.

You don't have snuggle sessions with your bro while you watch Netflix and chill?

Well shit....I guess I'll get Vampyr when that comes out instead.

Nah bro we just wrestle in the showers after playing playing catch and practicing our tackles on each other all day.

Nah. Seems cool and all, and I enjoy the whole yokai aspect instead of skeletons and vaginas, but I'm tired of the "so hardcore you are dead" thing after 5 other games like that in the past few years.

Nah, just gonna watch a let's play and save myself 60 bucks and whatever a ps4 is worth

No I'm saving up for a gun so I can kill myself, faggot.

What happened to IGN being shills who couldn't be trusted? Does that not apply now because they gave a game Sup Forums likes a good review?

William is spiritsexual. That's degenerate enough for them isnt it?

Helium tanks are cheaper, faggot.

I don't know where to get one, faggot.

Only paid reviews when EA, Activision or Ubisoft are involved.

So a game having a female protagonist is "SJW pandering" now?

What's your budget? I have a few I could sell you. Or I guess rent, in this case.

This is pretty fucking awkward

Because only dark souls 1 and demons souls are good and one of them isn't on PC. 2 and 3 are shit

I got 400$ right now.


It's a western sony studio. They didnt make her female so you could play as a cute girl. They didnt even make her cute. It's normal to be suspicious

you're blind if you don't think that's some SJW schlickfest.

Ruger SP101 is what you want. Got mine used for $350. It's a .357 Magnum, load that thing up with a nice hot hollow point and there'll be nothing left of your head.

Does it ever get tiring seeing conspiracies everywhere you look?

Those animations are a goddamn horror show, how much money did they pour into this?

>yfw these are the same people who want to boycott Budweiser because their super bowl ad showed Busch as an immigrant coming to the US

What a naive little boy

Partly. I'm waiting for the exclusives to pile up. I have not been paying attention for a while so they may already have.

What a dense little girl


that only makes it a 6/10

God bless America.

and user boards too, I guess.

Still only a little console exclusives but it also has a bunch of sony exclusives. You'd have to be a big dumb stupid to play the inferior version of, say, Digimon on your ps vita

This level of math is too high for you.

Demo was shit so nope.

PS-exclusives are overrated and overhyped
the game is pretty good tho
but not a 9, a 8 at best

They haven't. This is an entire console generation of remasters and rereleases.
If you want a console that single-handedly covers an impressive amount of games we already know are good, only then can I recommend paying full price for a PS4.
Also lots of RPGs.

I'm a huge fucking cheapskate. If I can get a vita and pirate on it I may very well get any titles that it shares with the ps4 on it.

>but I don't agree
are you stupid

I can't wait for later this month when the Horizon: Zero Dawn and Zelda review embargoes are lifted, the amount of shitposting on this board will be unreal

It has an exclusive with nipple technology. What more do you want

hot as fuck

Polygon wouldn't like the combat. There's no godmode, and they wouldn't be able to get past the first enemy without it.


>Those hard nipples through the shirt

fucking hell, that was the absolutely first thing i noticed about her costume when i booted up the game.

kat is a dirty SLUT

Do you need Plus for online?

Kat is PURE

Is there some kind of classic controls setting they were trying to use?

>Good story, characters
I agree a hundred percent. I hope you bought all the DLC, it's even better than horse armor

They look like her PJs. Most women don't wear a bra to bed, as they get uncomfortable. Her nipples are hard because she's up in a sky city where it's breezy and cold.

You should believe in Todd-san and buy this game's DLCs

This isn't on PC? Oh well.

There's going to be an assload of DLC for this game. I really hope it's not all weapons/skins/armor and hope it's more new levels with new enemies. If they make a DLC that can rival Old Hunters, that would be a godsend

In their defense, what if the animators were told to match the quality of the voice acting?

i have a ps4 pro
Don't have money for the game as i recently got laid off after christmas because muh cutbacks where i worked
Fucking cunts man i swear

did they vastly improve the game from the first beta? I played and beat it, thought it was nothing special honestly.

I hated the stance mechanic, I'm not a fan of the japanese setting and thought the games balance was all over the fucking place.

Unless it got MASSIVELY overhauled I can't possibly see this getting such high reviews.

>mfw pkeks will never ever play NiOh

Just pulled the trigger.

Not complaining but 2017 is going to destroy my wallet.

Different reviewers for different games. I genuinely don't think they're clickbait. It's not just one person reviewing every game. I agree with you though, but this game is miles better than any other souls clones and I'm gonna enjoy the shit out of it until we get a new souls game.

>"Oh hey IGN put the video version of their review on youtube"
>open it
>female voice starts
>said female's name is "Chloi Rad"

Yeah like a Sony hype marketed game is EVER getting a bad review from any paid review site. These things stopped being about accurately trying to review games ages ago when they completely abandoned the ten point scale (anything below even 8.5 on the hype scale is seen as a game being bad nowadays it's become such a joke of a dance) if it ever was.

If there was ever any sort of pretense about it all before there sure as fuck isn't nowadays. They're all dumb as rocks ignorant uninteresting people that get paid to write periodic click bait articles and play along with a predetermined PR line. There's literally no reason to pretend to take any of them seriously but for shitposting and everyone will no exactly what you're doing.

>Thread conceived to shitpost Nioh
>Nioh is out now so repost the same shitposts from Horizon threads instead revolving around Sup Forums's SJW conspiracy

Just continuing to fail hard at everything the board tries.


So business as usual only more specifically focused? I mean even when there isn't some sort of arbitrary versus thing for Sup Forums to engage in it can just invent one anyway so it'll be special I imagine.