Well, is it a decent game?

Well, is it a decent game?

Other urls found in this thread:


if you roll takumi and hector, yes

Theoretically, yes. Kinda plays like a mini Disgaea with its grindan steamroll bullshit

the balance is completely fucked though. From one chapter to the next you may end up dealing next to zero damage after having a relatively easy time. It all depends on how many 4 or 5 stars you have, and since draws are very very limited so far you may get fucked over pretty quickly and have to opt for boring grinding.

I'd say it kinda sucks right now but it definately has potential to become a decent mobile game and a great game for FE enthusiasts. Hopefully it doesn't just die off, and gives more opportunities for free players to get draws.

Any recommendations for android emulators?
Phone can't run it and I was thinking about using memu.

>tfw fucking shit characters
>tfw near done lunatic but all my units get one hit KOed because they fucking suck dickballs
>tfw training battles are either too high level that rape my team or too low level that i cant get xp
>tfw no fucking orbs left

I was worried this game would be short lived

d-does anyone know if this works or not
I'm starting to get desperate

rate my team

I don't see how it could from just knowing a username that isn't even permanent.

Close to perfect, I'd say.

Meanwhile, I'm at the last level of Normal and I still haven't got a single 5 star.


It's pretty good for a gacha game.

the maps are fucking terrible

Needs misses and crits for starters.

Worth every dollar, I'm sure

tried liking it, besides waifus it doesnt have much to offer
Brave Exvius is better tho

>Final Faggotry
No thanks


I like that it has a pity timer, meaning the less you draw a 5*, the more likely you are to gain one, and it even shows you when you check % on pulls as to what your current chances are.

I like that it plays decently on my tablet, but it has a null error to connect my account on my phone. The upgrade system with feathers sucks ass, though, since they expect people to pay a ton of money or spend months of grinding for a single character.

Anyone know when the next banner will start? I pulled once from each currently up, and have enough to do another 5 pull, but I figure it'll follow gatcha logic and have the newest characters typically being stronger and better

It's fun
Not as developed as an actual FE title but the gameplay isn't dumb enough like most mobages where you can just steamroll the content (Hector and Takumi excluded)
Character progression and gacha rates aren't the best but again, mobile title so they have to use that to keep people coming
Gameplay-wise it's better than most games out there


add me plz friends are always nice



I'm pulling a bit on the devotion for the chance of Takumi but waiting until the next one to blow my load cause I need better blues


I'm gonna level up the free Red DONUT STEEL they give you, since all my red (even 5*) are SHIT


Option to swap to normal weapons when?

I don't want to be stuck with this stupid armourslayer+ just for hector, damn it.

Hi, were you looking for Hector or Camilla?

Once again I gathered 20 orbs.
please RNGesus just let me get my waifu Sakura

Anna has been in the Fire Emblem series since the first game

nice argument lad

There are much better mobage you can play. But if you really like Fire Emblem, I suppose that may make it good.


Is there a smugger face in Heroes than this guy?

So the Kingdom of Askr is pretty much a kingdom of vikings?

Is Takumi REALLY that good? I seen some guy that had a team of four having people stating they'd hate to bump into him during arena, and see him popping up a lot in threads, but I don't understand how an archer would be that amazing

Go take a sippie from your estus flask and go back to bitching about how great Dark Souls is in some other thread

Anna is a green. He's talking about Alphonse.

Takumi has absurd attack and his skill Close Counter let's him fight back even at melee range. So yeah, he's op as fuck

I have a team of 4 5*, and he's still carrying me.

His attack is tremendous, decent speed, counterattack is broken, being neutral to the weapon triangle is HUGE.

He's really good in this game.

I didn't spend any though, got tacomeat and the spear user from my starting rolls then lucina and leo from the linking nintendo thingy rest were awful rolls from actually playing the game

>got my feathers from the arena
It's time to make Anna stronk
Do we even know how good 5* Anna is?

I've never even played it, but you sound incredibly butthurt at being called out, redditor.


He is great though. And he fucking rapes Hector.
His stats are a bit worse than Hector's, but he can move two steps. Has a great advantage over armored unts. And Smite is one of the best skills in the game.


It's mobage you fucking idiot. Of course it isn't good.

Would like to know this as well, my phone can barely call people let alone run a game that takes up such a ridiculous amount of RAM.

She's worse than Sharena, but has actually really good base stats at 5*. Alphonse is the garbage one

Elise > Sakura

She's better

Barte can't teleport halfway across the map

Shut the fuck up

Yeah, but he isn't a waifu, Smash Bro, lord, or an SS rank, so he's shit.


Sakura is easily one of the most underwhelming 5* in the game. Elise isn't that much better as healers are a bit underpowered as it is because there are units that damage and heal at the same time like Tiki

Don't be mean to your new sister

I pulled Robin on my first try.

>This blasted over a mobage

That's good to hear. It looks like her vantage might be good for tricking the shitty AI in single player at least. Does Alphonse, Anna, or Sharena get amy special weapons at rank 5?

shut up nerd, I need her by my side.

Yes, click on a character's portrait in the top left, then click skills to see all the skills they can learn.

The thing that actually makes him so strong is that you can't abuse the triangle on him since he's colorless, you gotta use on of the hanfull of anti archer/colorless like Henri, Setsuna and Robin.

Surely couldn't be Zack

RNGod looked down upon you and said "I know this will hurt my child, but you must learn that Elise is far superior to that useless slut Sakura"

you have been enlightened. Embrace it.

Yeah. That's one of the best things about Hector.
But Barte has as stated, Smite. And Smite allows you to easily run past enemies and gank the enemies that matters the most first. It's honestly a great ability, and it's something Hector's wings can't do.

But really. I am not really trying to argue that Barte is better than Hector or anything. But Barte is most certainly anything but shit, and the more popular Hector himself including other Armored units become then the better Barte becomes too.
His potential anti-meta game is big like that. If everyone were indeed running Hector then Barte would unironically be top tier. But since not everyone run armored units he is just pretty great.

He is most definitely not shit.

really now why you gotta rain on my parade.

I've got shit luck with reds, and i wanted to get Alfonse for it. Anna is actually the one i prefer of the 3 but i already got raven handling green duty

Who else /hector/? Feels good wrecking shit with one of the best units in the game.

Takumi is manageable on Arena depending on the map you get
If you have a flier and it's one of those maps with trees, you can make him chase you until he gets stuck on a tree, then go in and fuck him up (I usually use Camilla for this because she can definitely kill him before the counter)

If it's an open map or those with lots of walls, it's a bit trickier cause he has the advantage, but still doable. Definitely the worst one to face in Arena

Sorry, man. Anna has decent stats for a free unit and Sharena has good support skills. Alphonse gets shafted in both

Though both focuses are filled with red stuff right now, so if you can get Lyn/Ryoma/Lucina/Marth you'll be set for the rest of the game

Fuck off.
Sakura will always be the best to me

Fuck you user, I just rolled Sakura and wanted Elise.

I'll look at that

>Play that Zephiel mission
>Realize my current comp can do nothing against armor knights

Well shit. I told myself I wouldn't roll but I only options here are 3* Robin or Cherche (hammer).

Is anyone out there sufficing with some 3*s or do I bite the bullet? I could really use those 10,000 feathers right now

Dude, pick up a health drop or something

What if. What if.
What if in Fire Emblem Switch. In New Game +. You can import heroes from your Fire Emblem Heroes account through your Nintendo Account?

That'd be neat, wouldn't it?

I got none of those. Used a 4* Henri for a long while, he's decent but from lvl 20 to 34 he gained 0 fuckign attack. Useless now<

I also got a 5* chrom, currently lvl 30 with 46 attack but 16 speed/12 def.

It's just fucking ridiculous

If you use that one social media with the blue bird, give this an RT, maybe they'll feel generous and give us more feathers


What's next for Heroes? Gaiden or Sacred Stones?

Path of Radiance most likely

The issue is when there's multiple Takumis which happens a lot.

I'm running a 3* Cherche with hammer right now and she's pretty great.

>10 000
Yay! Half a rank-up!
No but in all seriousness. That's pretty amazing it would help a lot.

I really hope they do more events like that. Like through Valentine and Christmas and stuff. I'd like more than 3-5 rank-ups a year.

Reminder to:
1. Sign in to My Nintendo and click the Platinum coin near your Mii
2. Sign in to the e-shop
3. Sign in to Miiverse

Do this to get your weekly 90 Platinum coins. These can be used to get more stamina potions and shit if you redeem it on the website. These coins aren't detected from within the app.

>24 hours to get 10,000
>after ~4.5h they've gotten nearly 50k between jp and American

Nah, Gaiden remake is coming out, you know they are going to have a promotion for it. Tellius is probably getting saved for when things start to dry up and they really need it

They will definitely release Gaiden characters once Echoes comes out

As long as I'm having godly luck with the gatchas, yes.

At least the leveling up mechanism is a lot less jewish than FGO.

im stockpiling orbs but holy shit i want to roll again, just keep rolling and never stop

Echoes is only coming in May
There's more than enough time for another update meanwhile

It's probably going to be Path of Radiance because Ike most likely won the popular vote

Gaiden is almost guaranteed to have an event in April since that's when Echoes Shadows of Valentia releases in Japan.
I'd be really surprised if there is no event in conjunction with the release.

Unless they were to be evil enough to delay our event until May due to that's when it's being localized. But I'd hope not, it'd make a mess of things.

I'd give you a 7/10 if you remove Takumeme. As it stands I'm afraid I have to drop you to a 0/10.

Don't do it, man. I was stockpiling, but I decided I wasn't satisfied with my team. Blew 100 orbs in a flash, barely got anything good

I'm too preoccupied getting armor gangbanged. Send help

Are these units any good?


Haven't spent a cent in this game and I've rolled 8 5 star Heroes. Some people have ex Luck.

Fuck you

Aaaaaaaaaand another 20orbs down the drain.

My appearance rate for 5* is 4% now.

Minerva is great, FCorrin is also really good

That's a 10/10 roll if you aren't rerolling

Are you rerolling? If so, I would go on until double 5* or Takumeme/Hector/Ryoma
It's not a bad roll, Minerva is actually really good, but not gamebreaking
If you are rooted, backup the login file and reroll a bit more