Star Wars ™ Battlefront™

So apperently EA ™ announced Star Wars ™ Battlefront ™ 2 coming out 2017 christmas. It will have a single player story and more content from the Original trilogy, Rogue One and Force Awakens.
>rebels vs empire ×3
>not a single mention of Clone Wars

How much lower can they possibly go in terms of content?

dont worry silly goyim, you'll get more content with the $120 season pass!

Fucking Battlefront 2 had TWO clone eras. I know they're just too fucking incompetent to model and animate droids, that's all there's to it.

i thought they did mention something about "from all star wars stories"

The sad thing is even with the extremely jewish season pass there was still not enough content to share the name Battlefront. And even then they were still programming the game with each new DLC. The only visually appealing map was bespin which was actully really well done as a map.

>rogue one
>Force awakens
That's "all the Star Ears stories" to them. OT niggers are to blame for Disney's unreasonable hatred of Prequels.

They're fucking lazy that's for sure. Imagine creating real battles seen in Clone Wars in that fancy fucking frostbite engine. But creating something that's not human is too hard for Dice. Took them half a year to make that Baask and Chewbacca model.

I've always find it very fun how unconventional the warfare is in the CW, even to the point of being stupid. Everyone is in a big open space, just shooting the shit out of each other. It does really feel like a meat grinder.

>it aint me starts playing

>no Clone Wars in space vietnam
Fuck disney and it's Current year mary sue cunts and niggers.

Dumb pigskin

Game will only have 4-6 map at launch probably, rest will come in 10$ DLCs (per map).

I get that they're trying to forget the prequels, but fuck me if the coolest designs and best visuals weren't from those movies.


Right. But Disney is thinking Clone Wars is just prequels. They even axe that fucking fantastic TV show that was going to go into episode 3 and replace it with the god awful shitshow rebels. If Disney and EA ™ are going to do nothing but rebels vs empire how about adding some new shit? To my knowledge Force Unleashed was the only game to actually add new shit to the Empire like that spider tank, a new fucking walker besides AT-ST and the black trooper battledroid.

they've announced """multiple eras""" which will obviously mean OT+TFA only, because fuck the prequels amirite

genndywars was better

Why not like both? Genndy wars is a bit too cartoonish and hides deaths in samurai jack explosions. And yeah fuck Rogue One and TFA because we're stuck with Rebels va Empire indefinitely now.

>OT niggers are to blame for Disney's unreasonable hatred of Prequels.

I really don't think Disney hates the prequels otherwise the clone wars TV series would have been retconned to the Legends brand too. I just think they felt the prequel era was his baby and he'd run its course for an entire decade.

Disney wants to leave its mark on the series and let the prequel content cool in the minds of fans for a while before revisiting it when their first trilogy is done.

It makes perfect sense from a business and artistic standpoint. Especially if you're trying to show respect to an artist by not stepping on his feet.

You guys actually thought that they mean Clone Wars and not OT and new shit?

I doubt Disney wanted the Clone Wars gone. It was pretty popular. It was canceled becuase of distribution rights with Cartoon Network.


Interest evaporated.

The original trilogy and Disney's "Star Wars" are the most boring when it comes to military and war scenes. I bet it boils down to being afraid players will not play the game if they're forced to be Battle Droids instead of Clones in a match.

I doubt it, my RPG group argued endlessly over who gets to be a droid in the party.

Because CGI Wars looks like complete ass

>Not wanting to play droids
>Not wanting to be Super Battledroids, Droid commandos, Droidekas or Magnaguard droids
>No wanting Vulture droids that switch from fighter to ground support vehicle.

Either newest of newfag normies or an autistic, manbabby OT nigger that can't handle anything besides boring fucking rebels and empire.

I'm talking about normies, not Star Wars fans. They'd probably see being forced to be Battle Droids as a bad thing. They probably can't add enough customization to them either which means less microtransactions too.

But I want a game set in the Clone Wars the most though? I think the Rebels and Empire are boring as fuck compared to the Clones and Separatists.

>friends get the original and unanimously agree it was starved for content and uninteresting
>all of them are looking forward to this one
>ask why
>"because more star wars is good"
I hate it

I was making a point when you said "players" would be afraid playing as droids. And the only people would be reddit newfags or autistic OT aspies. I'd fucking kill to play as a droideka or magnaguard or super battledroid in Star Wars ™ Battlefront ™ sound and graphics.

Honestly, Star Wars isn't Star Wars anymore. The Star Wars we know now is "Disney's Star Wars", not the REAL Star Wars.

Oh sorry, my bad. I think another problem would be people insisting they can't self insert as Droids either.

This. I don't even like Star Wars as a whole but I'd love to rip shit up as a grunt droid.

Prequels with BF graphics at 60fps with 48 players would be difficult on current hardware, they would have to tone down the graphics, numbers of players & cap it to 30fps

The models for Empire & Rebels are very simple, especially the vehicles, Clone Wars shit is way more advanced & diverse

Hear me out.
What Disney made THEIR OWN prequel trilogy?

Really makes you ponder...

I'm a fan of all three.

And I have to say I really appreciate what Disney has done for the brand since taking it over.

George Lucas has great visual aesthetic and is a pretty talented writer, but as a director he is just complete ass. He's comfortable admitting too. I think if he had kept the rights to Star Wars he literally would have just kept running the clone wars into the ground for another 13 years.

He shat out an episode 7 script in a panic when he realized he sold off the only creative outlet he had that anyone ever cared about. The story would never have progressed if he hadn't sold it, and if he had continued it, it would have been god awful because George Lucas was clearly out of ideas.


I think we all wouldn't mind Battlefront 3 graphics if it meant a shit ton of content. Both for Clone Wars and Original Trilogy. Not to mention real time space and planetside transitions. Fuck I'm getting mad already because we were so close to getting the game we all wanted but (((they))) bought the IP. Hope Lucas chokes on those Disney Dollars.

the fact that rogue one is canon absolutely baffles me.

The prequels being terrible was due to attempts to do something new that failed. Rogue One was terrible in that it was an artless, thoughtless slog through an unnecessary and boring story populated by empty shells and intrusive fanservice. Only reason I spent 12 bucks on that porno when I knew it was gonna be awful was because Split was sold out everywhere and my date wanted to see something. "Cmon, user, it's star wars!"

Get fucked EA

>The story would never have progressed if he hadn't sold it
The Clone Wars says hi. That was going very well until Disney destroyed it.

That's what I mean. It would have just been the clone wars until Lucas died and/or the star wars brand became a joke. Like the simpsons did.

I loved the show, but you can't just run on that forever.

>Rogue One was terrible

It's literally the best Star Wars movie.

I'd go so far as to say it's the only actual good star wars movie in fact.

You have to be more subtle than that, user.

I'm not being facetious.

Star Wars and Empire were the only good Star Wars movies. Rogue One is the worst in that it is the only star wars movie aside from Attack of the Clones that, if taken as a stand alone movie, is poorly made on every level aside from special effects. Rogue One is a bad movie designed to please tunnel visioned fans and people who enjoy the Fifty Shades of Grey books.

And it's still better than TFA

Best starwars fanfilm you mean.

Both armies are completely and utterly expendable, you could lose 10,000 troops with no long term repercussions whatsoever. They don't need strategy, they need more guns shooting.

Technically they did add new shit, but just wasn't very good (and alot of the prequel stuff is the same, sadly). I wouldn't mind as long it it was just more frequent or just more quantity but for some reason, Disney's licensing machine is running really slowly now.

>we will never get something like this done in those shiny new graphics

Imagine how it would have to be 100% on rails for it to match TCW like you seem to want it to. Freeroam on campaign maps was boring as fuck in BF2, and since it's EA, it would still be boring as fuck now if they let that be the main game mode instead of the new ones they made for EABF1.

TFA was a solid movie on its own. I hate it since it's a beat for beat remake of A New Hope, lacks any artistic element besides its heavy political stances, and exists solely to reignite capital flow out of semi-stale franchise, but I can't deny that it isn't well crafted. Rogue One is a bad movie. Bad pacing, bad writing, and bad storytelling. Saying Rogue One was better than TFA is like saying a pile of actual shit is better than a McDonalds cheeseburger. Your opinions are misguided and childish.


Why was gendywars better, and don't say animation. That's a meme.

no ahsoka

>Freeroam on campaign maps was boring as fuck
The hell you talking about? The ability to approach your objective from many angles gave so much replay value.

I wouldn't say RO is better than TFA; just more entertaining, that's all.


Gendywars was art. CG Wars was merchandising.

A problem both old BF games had was, if you didn't follow a specific path per map the AI would fuck up while you are busy having "fun" and you would lose too quickly. Goddamn Endor was the worst culprit of this on both games.

separatists that actually win sometimes


I'm of the mind that Gendywars is the only worthwhile piece of non-vidya Star Wars media post original trilogy (Return of the Jedi gets a pass since you need it to wrap things up. It's a pile of shit otherwise).

It wasn't. It was all style no substance which is pretty funny considering the topic of the thread. Clone wars took what it started, and perfected it.

dude what if samurai jack met star wars


This. It was nice and the cave drawing foreshadowing was neat and all, but the Samjack Wars was very lacking and crammed together. The Jedi were so powerful too and Mace Dindu would demolish armies with his hands.

Honestly, who gives a shit? Aside from hordes of normalfags.

Ya thats true. The AI wont pursue objectives if you dont lead them.


you have to be 18 to post on Sup Forums

I prefer the future fog in Clone Wars. Seeing Vaders face and hearing tbat asthma breath was much more chilling than the cave scene in genndy.

Oh look, all the shit that should have been in the first reboot, and yet less than what a typical battlefront game has.

You wont fool me again EJew, not again.

Why is mace destroying armies so far fetched? EU shows that the force is able to destroy planets or bring down cruisers. Only reason you dont see it often is because it's hard to implement that sort of thing into live action without it looking ridiculous.

this, no amount of 30 second long cool moments will make it look any better, or stop them from removing the clones helmets, or give them good voice acting, or stop them from raping the canon

I'm not saying it's not possible in pre-disney canon. Sheev could probably summon a space typhoon and destroy planets. It's very out of character is all, after watching the movies.
I preferred Samjack Wars too. The only part I liked in Clone Wars was the end of season five, when Mace Dindu betrays the little orange chick for political gain.

One thing I can say for the Battlefront series as a whole is how well it captures the feeling of terror you would experience as an enemy of the Republic when you know a Jedi is on the field. It's even better if you're on Hoth as the Rebels and you watch your squad get annihilated by Vader.

This. The droids were objectively the best faction in Battlefront 2

How would droids work considering they would need locked weapon sets when the new thing is create your own class.

Yeah, I remember wanting to always be a droideka in lego star wars.

I'd love to play the black commando droids. Not sure how it would be implemented though. Magna guards didn't even have their staff.

>That completely flat surface at the end\
ruined it for me

I unno Mace always seemed to be a very aggressive Jedi, after he decapitated Jango and didn't even hesitate to try and kill Sheev.

Republic/empire get walkers, which don't handle hills and canyons very well.

>A Jedi

You mean of the 2 that are left in the entire galaxy during the Galactic Civil War?

I don't see how the fuck anyone could possibly enjoy the series more when Jedi are the focus of it and there's an entire era where there's basically none of them left.

You might say he's savage

>didn't even hesitate to try and kill Sheev

you're right he was out of line trying to kill a guy who torpedo'd through the air and killed 4 Jedi Masters


You and me both. Don't give a shit about the new star wars really, but prequel droids were awesome and I'd love to play most of them. Droidekas were the coolest but the bodyguard guys Grievous had were cool too.

well, Disney wants to "erase" the prequel trilogy, cause of the hatred of it, among the fans

Revenge is not the Jedi way.


It's funny they go the route of customization, when the Clone Wars has so many things they can do. That content alone would be enough to keep it fresh for a while (even open up DLC options.)

>All the different clone armor
>All the different armor colors (some to match planets)
>All the races of jedi there were, as well has hilts an so fourth

I mean it writes itself. Has no one in the fucking office even brought this stuff to their attention?

Also, I think they may fry their brains trying to think of how to balance the droid army, with supers, droidekas, and guards. We need a real fan in there boys.

fuck Battlefront 2. I want RepCom 2/ImpCom. I need fucking closure god damn it!

Wew, how does it feel to have shit taste :^)

Yeah, all those Prequel era/content comics and novels Disney-era Lucasfilm has released and are still releasing are great for ignoring the PT.

user, just at least watch a full season.

After all these years I gave it a shot. I had the same issues as you, but the show definitely delivers more than a few of the movies, i can tell you that. VA's are fine

it took them the entire gambit of DLC to figure out you can add pauldron colors for storm troopers, instead you get a slew of head models that no one uses. They're literally retarded.

>tfw you're storming in as a super battle droid and you hear a clone yell "they sent in the supers!"

Actually that's wrong, they can climb 90 degrees if they wanted too

Im sure someone has and im sure someone else proceeded to put out their cigar on his cheek....

>Temuera Morrison talks to himself for a six to seven hour campaign
Wew lad