Name me some GOOD games
Name me some GOOD games
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Bumping to watch the shitstorm.
What meme am I missing out on?
Bonbon is the name of a pony.
Anubis and the Buried Bone
Undertale's pretty alright if you aren't one of those faggots who judges a game based on its fanbase or popularity, especially a singleplayer game.
>summoning barneyfag
Fuck you. Have another quality game IMO.
Fucking kill yourself, Barneyfag
wait, this is just chara and squidward
why is the autist freaking out about barney
It's one of those "but it's shit" episodes again
mfw this dude gets baited hard af every time
get out nigger
And you get banned when you post your Barneyshit.
It all works out in my favour.
It's almost like you two just ban evade over and over isn't it?
What the fuck is this barneyshit thing?
Team Fortress 2
I don't have it, someone else post it.
The hot /mlp/ meme where they crop out the pony in a crossover image and then post it on Sup Forums to trigger the above autist AKA barneyfag.
Either that or barneyfag posts it himself just to dedicate a thread to his shitposting. I'd beleve either really.
one of the most autistic things ive seen
Lurk a lot fucking more, newfag.
Alternatively, form a suicide pact with barneyfag.
This is why your kind needs to fucking die.
Remember when squidward's toenail was crushed?
Exactly why you reddit memelords don't belong here.
That was fucking disgusting.
So do people still get triggered from ponies?
Hang yourself, fucking degenerate
There are worse.
You hit my wife with a camper van.
And now I have come
What're these from?
Fucking die
You are far worse than bronies
Are there good games with puzzles?
At least I'm not a degenerate like they are.
Yeah sure memorizing thousands of brony porn is not degenerate at all.
If you could identify thousands of cropped pictures of gay porn, you would rightfully be called a fag.
From what I gather, he uses a script to check images in posts or some shit, and replies if its from derpibooru.
So I hear.
I'm disappointed this thread got derailed.
It coulda been a nice thread.
This is more or less the case.
It also helps that they post the same shit all the time so it gets obvious the more they post it.
I doubt it.
Goldson, you're the only kike I like
Not really
Subtlety please, it's no fun just posting ponies outright anymore
kill yourselves
It was bait right from the start.
>not using Baryneybait threads to expand your filter
I fucking hate /mlp/ and all of you fuckers.
Can't wait for the fucking board to die and you faggots to be forgotten forever, after your shitty season 7 comes out and your movie sucks dick.
How do you filter complete threads from the catalog with default extension?
Halo Wars 2
For Honor
Horizon: Zero Dawn
Hang yourself
beats me, I use 4chanX, so I can filter stuff based on things like Poster Name, Image dimensions or Filenames
Axiom Verge.
Rocket League.