Playing multiplayer FPS

>playing multiplayer FPS
>see enemy
>brain registers enemy and I aim at him and shoot

How does one reduce that delay time? I feel like it's genetically determined. It's like the time it takes your synapses to finally fire. I mean sure it goes down a bit as you play more but I feel like it will never reduce beyond a certain point, and that there exist players that will always be faster to react no matter how much I try because they're genetically predisposed to have a faster reaction time.


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be younger

You simply play more, until you no longer just "react" to situations, but come to anticipate and prepare for them in advance. Those people with 1000s of hours put into an online game tend to go into this fancy flow of theirs, where the body pretty much acts without much thought being required.

In CS, it's all about knowing the map's layout and the known hot-spots. Your job is then to try to play this invisible game of rock-paper-scissors to throw your opponents off guard, even if it is for a little while.

But at the end of the day, yes - genetics can have a small effect on things too. I'd however first look at your hardware, and try to maximize performance.

This. Once you're over 25 or your reaction times simply and unavoidably decrease and only get worse as you continue to age.

If you're talking about CS and feel like other players have superhuman reflexes, know that there are a whole fuckload of things that come into play before reflexes in that game. Take your gif, for example. He's aiming exactly where he knows the other player will appear. It's not a battle of reflexes, unless the other player is super lucky and happens to be aiming right at him as he comes around the corner.

A lot of it is down to practice, but you will still encounter people with faster reaction times than you. In some games, you're basically fucked. However, in many FPS getting good at map knowledge and being able to accurately predict where enemies will be will mitigate that.

Also your gif once happened to me in Siege


Prediction > reaction

Action always beats reaction. In shooters, people do a lot of anticipations. Train your brain to always be prepared to shoot at the most busy spots.

You make it sound like you hit 25 and your reaction speed goes down by 50%. If it even does it's probably less than 1%, and you probably aren't even at your limit anyways, just practicing more is going to improve your reaction far more than it's deteriorating.

For CS in particular?
1v1 maps
community solo aim maps
if you have ESEA they have some pretty good warmup servers with good aim maps.
reaction tests online and in the steam workshop.

I'm not really talking about anticipation though. I'm speaking strictly about that 'surprise' element. Like say you don't expect an enemy and he suddenly appears in front of you at some angle you weren't expecting.

Of course anticipation and map awareness are key to doing well... but I'm strictly talking about reaction time.

Not talking strictly about CS and that gif isn't really an example of what I'm talking about. I know he's ready for those enemies and he's anticipating them being there. I only used the gif because it's an FPS. Perhaps I shouldn't have used it because people will think I'm using it as an example of what I'm talking about when it actually isn't.

Get a higher refresh rate monitor

condition yourself to walk around a corner and prevent yourself from spending time being surprised whether it's just 1 guy or the whole enemy team there

How long a delay are we talking here?

>people care more about reaction time then prediction time
Stop playing shit games.

yeah that's shroud. he's nuts and is probably top 5 NA players right now
For your game sense you just develop that by playing whatever game you're trying to focus on getting good at.
For reaction time you can just do reflex tests. There's a few games on steam that pretty much do that for you but i forget the names.

Higher refresh rate monitor, practice

Play those "when the screen turns red you click" games until you're a god.

play cpma lollll

Just playing, genetics may make a difference but its so small that you cant really count it as important, at least not in videogames.
Also what's with american blaming everything on genetics? If someone is far, is genetics, if someone is dumb or smart, is genetics. Thats not how human work, learning and adaptation is the most thing in ones skills, not whomever breed you.

>Play those "when the screen turns red you click" games until you're a god.
do you actually get significantly better at that shit the more you play it and it actually helps your reaction time in real games?

I think my reaction times are alright, only thing that slows it down is if the game has teamkilling

Higher refresh rate monitor and minimizing input lag in your system.

Eating right, exercising and not letting your body get in the way.

And finally and most importantly, having your head straight. If you're not in the game mentally and treating it as the most important thing at that moment, your reflexes will suffer, along with your gamesense and pretty much everything related to performance. For that, your life has to be in order, otherwise your brain is gonna keep calling you to your senses and reminding you that there are more important things to deal with.

I mean, I'm an above average player. In Blops 3 and Infinite Warfare I have a 2.75 kd in tdm... but I'm still not anywhere near a god like those streamers/youtubers are. I see their videos and they have insane reaction times. I just can't play like that because I'm gimped compared to them, even though I'm way above the average player.

doesn't help your reaction time in real games as much as some people would like to think since there are easier things to react to than color ie. movement seen in your peripheral

to many factors other then YOUR reaction time will effect gameplay
games coding of bullets physics
servers vs peer2peer
isp speeds/ping
tv/monitor refresh rates

if EVERYTHING was even people then you would know if your reaction is slower or not

Google " csgo"

I'm a dumb consolefag, what does it mean when I'm playing BF4 on PS4 and see there's 30hz & 45hz servers?

your kd is that high mainly due to your internet speed, the obv makes you host which aside from your super internet gives you even more advantage.

people you play against are always gonna be 1-2 seconds out of sync
peer2peer is a cancer and makes shitters think they are actually good based solely on their isp speed.

or you cheat once in a while

It's actually tickrate. The higher it is, the quicker the server exchanges more information with the client so you will feel like hitboxes are more accurate to the model of the characters

I think you need to stop posting. Either you're a high schooler who had a bad day and now wants to be a smartass about things he knows nothing about or you're attempting a very unfunny bait.

Oh nice, I hear the PC standard is still higher than 45hz though. Still got catching up to do on consoles.

boy, ive been playing games since before you were a twinkle in your daddys eye

Well then you're gonna have to explain to me why you were playing with 1000~2000 miliseconds of lag all along. I'm curious how you even achieved that, I had far better ping playing Quake against people overseas on a 56k modem. As dumb as that was, it was nowhere near the kind of lag you seem to be getting today.

sounds like you suck at cod actually (and probably every other fps you play, too). whatever gets you through the day though m8.

this is bullshit, stop repeating shit like this to sound smart

playing splitscreen on a local server nets you atleast 150ms ping in cod

Dude, stop triggering me. You baited me hard already, just stop.

sounds to me like you never heard that all isps are different and dont offer even good speed for fair prices

i could get the best most expensive speed offered here and it still wont make a difference, thats why peer2peer is shit. servers atleast keep everyone in sync

quake used servers and everyone had the same speeds at that time

overseas didnt mean jack shit back then. it came down to your computers hardware.

You diabolical motherfucker.

different user
120ms is considered 4 bar a.k.a a "good signal" to the server by cod standards

What are you trying to achieve here? What kind of turbo baiting is this?

call of duty is too easy most of the people you play against just suck

I'm not referring to that but "playing splitscreen on a local server". You play splitscreen on a single machine, there's no network lag because there's no network.

Drink myelin :^)

It's called Adderall. Every high-level CS:GO pro is using it. You ever see the movie limitless? That's basically what Adderall is.

Also without a prescription it's illegal and it can fuck up your body six ways to Sunday if you're not careful. And it's addictive.

if he was actually baiting then why are you stupid enough to reply?

git gud

when you stop using it you stop enjoying everything you would do high for a while

Proven false for males. Reaction time peaks and plateaus until well into middle-age.

Women do start to experience a delay in reaction time very young, but that's more than likely due to lack of interest in activities that keep that shit in check when compared to men.

>You play splitscreen on a single machine
>implying that your console does not emulate a local 2-4 person server

>there's no network lag because there's no network.
yes which is why this is ideal for testing things local servers have the minimum amount of networking and creates an ideal scenario for testing server response time between actions aka ping

Because I'm really only convincing myself that this is bait. There's a chance he's being serious. I can't tell man, there's a lot of retards around.

But what I can tell is that you're the "he" in question though.

Lol yeah. Look how incredible my internet speed is.

You suck at COD because you suck at COD. You probably can't aim for shit and you can't into map awareness/spawns. Stop making excuses you silly loser.


this is really funny stuff

considering i worked on netcode for quake world

i want to see how far you can take this

Yep, amphetamine is nothing to fuck with. Infuriating that it's given out like candy to prepubescent boys to make them focus in school (and stunt their growth) instead of just having a male figure discipline them and giving them some fucking recess time to get the wiggles out.

>implying that your console does not emulate a local 2-4 person server

And then it proceeds to emulate 150 miliseconds of lag as well? What for?

>started using just to pass high school
>ended up getting kicked out of my house for stealing shit just to get more so I could stay awake

I'm glad I at least didn't fuck my liver forver

it doesnt "try" to emulate the lag
its just really really really shitty network code

>You ever see the movie limitless? That's basically what Adderall is.

this gif is not reaction time at all.

in CS, Terrorists will usually rush down the close hall (you can't be spotted from as many angles)
this leaves a straight line through everyone if you preaim and prefire the left side of tunnels from platform.

The real magic here is the guy's spray control. He's actually pulling down into the barrel to compensate for recoil while remaining at head level.

>and stunt their growth
Shit. That explains why my brother is 5 inches taller.

so your so out of sync the enemy cant see you cause you teleporting all aboot the map.

like i said p2p is shit mate

The only thing that reduces reaction time is practice. You're trying to see something, think about it, and respond. Once you've done enough, you can cut out the first two steps. You recognize without consciously seeing and respond without consciously thinking of it.
The reaction time goes down with age is a meme, otherwise you wouldn't have professional sports players in their 40s and 50s. Considering Vidya aren't physically demanding either, there's no reason.
What does go down with age is care for spending thousands of hours on one fucking Vidya. I played professionally and I'm already bored at 20.

There's got to be a misunderstanding somewhere, they couldn't possibly fuck something up so hard that you get 150ms of lag in a fucking splitscreen game. How does that happen.

cs might be the most toxic game that ever existed.

no, you're shit at the game and are making excuses. last (You) from me you pathetic loser.

Sounds like you're just shit. I maintained 4 KD back when I actually played Cod, but that's just because the game mechanics are so easy to exploit, what a shitty series.

fuck man how old even are you

that last bit is so true

Be alert, be intelligent


you cant play splitscreen on cod unless you connect to the internet
therefore its making a p2p connection just for your single console

go ahead and try to play combat training while disconnected, you cant

copy pastad from a *site that shall not be named*

In optimal conditions (25ms ping to a dedicated server, 91 FPS without V-sync, zero packet loss, 1ms screen response time), the real latency is, in average, 100ms. This will be much higher on consoles due to 60 FPS V-sync, TV screens, and of course, higher delays to the hosts (dedicated or not).

yes you can
cod is pretty much P2P
YOU are the server user
>and thus user was the server

sure thing buddy's

im pretty sure you can play it offline

my 66 year old mom has a sub 200 ms reaction time and mine is about 170 as a 27 year old male

I bet you're one of those people who believe in MMR hell, too.


So one copy of the game literally grows a split personality and those two personalities send data to a master server independently which then bounces that same shit back to the same fucking machine for no fucking imaginable reason what so fucking ever?

Our games are literally schizophrenic now, is that it?

Are you 100% sure about this because it may just be the single most retarded thing I've heard in years, no exaggeration.

depending on which cod, it may be possible one or more changed that but blops1 you cant play split or combat training offline

but muh forced 50% winrate

don't know what that is

speak english

different user
hes retarded

>your console makes a server locally
>connects players 1 & 2
>your console is the host
>players 1 & 2 are both host and not host at the same time
something something schrodinger

Peer... to peer.

As in, you're making a connection from your console, to your console.

You are possibly the dumbest person ever to visit Sup Forums

i know on world at war you cant play the dlc zombie maps without going online

Do you have a job in the industry? Do you regret spending so much of your youth working on a way to play video games or are you glad you gave people a chance to have some fun?

>I'm shit
>I don't understand basic lingo
>I'll insult his impeccable English
Lmao, are you Brazilian?

There is truth to the idea of MMR hell, people just don't understand the cause of it.

It's not reactions, it's predictions.
All of those plays where the dude flies around the corner and pops some other dude in the dome is just him knowing where the enemy MIGHT be. You just have to keep playing and playing untill it just becomes habit to check certain spots for enemies or to hold certain corners because you know the enemy will come from there,
For example:
In overwatch there is a map called Ecopoint: Antarctica. On this map there is a small hallway. Now, 8 times out of 10 there is an enemy in that hallway. Since I play mostly Hanzo, the Bullshit Bowman, I can toss a bullshit, insta-lock scatter arrow in there and get an 85% guaranteed kill. The reason I know all of this is because I have played the map over and over again and seen the same thing happen so many times that it has become muscle memory to do it, because it works.

>learn the map
>learn the player behavior
>learn to use weapon/hero/character

Practice, practice, practice, and practice more.

where is the network lag coming from then?

shitty internet

I mean, the cause is being shit.

im saying what the shit is MMR hell, first response in search is related to fucking dota which isnt even a FPS

How and why does the internet come into the equation if it's all happening in one machine?

>Hanzo player
>Overwatch player
>FPS advice

1:shitty code
2:they follow the bethesda school of programing
>stick the new game on a copy of the last
why do you think there are always older unused assets in these games

>I mean sure it goes down a bit as you play more
You are full of shit op.
Motor skills don't get worse with practice, it's the exact opposite, they get better.