¿¿¿a package???

Uh oh Sup Forums

what's this??

Other urls found in this thread:


dragon dildo

It's always weaboo shit.

What could it be?

No god damn it

get out spic

>Las Vegas, NV
>New Vegas
It's Fallout

Hmmm... it has bubble wrap.

Must be important.

Awful hands. Why doesn't Sup Forums have somewhat skinny hairy hands?

I hope it's a bottle of aveno because those hands are chapped, hun.

OP's a fucking alien, not a beaner: look at that blue skin

Op you need to see a fucking doctor

are you like 60?

>using a beard to hide your weak jaw
kill = self

If this man were in a life threatening situation I would sacrifice myself so that he could live

It's.... a box!

sorry, had to go take out my dentures

what on earth would make you think I'm 60?


You're taking too long.

I get it. I hate those guys too.

get out

a nintendo switch?

A mouse?

its a mouse

user you need to savor the wait, or should I say... weight? huehuehue rip in piece gaben

your hands look slightly less aged than my grandmothers.



>wireless mouse


this 60 second post timer is killing me

shit choice desu


>it's just a fucking mouse
go back to Sup Forums
fucking trash

fine god damn it here's the mouse

$6.99 on amazon

shit's awesome

This is the most stupid shit I've ever seen in my life

OP must be some sort of kid and I can't beleive he wasted more than 10 yuros on this shit

It's the lighting, I swear my hands are normal

no why

Damn that's fucking ugly. Guess it matches the hands.

No no no I didn't get the 007, I got the 102. But I really like how the 007 looks and normally I hate gamurrr shit

Next time, don't show the barcode with the name on it.

I didn't realize you guys knew how to flip images

Anyway I made a video for it, watch it.


Kys shill

I just thought Sup Forums might like it, since Sup Forums plays video games

You thought wrong kiddo.

Just watched your video. Pretty nice in-depth review about the mouse. Best to post this on Sup Forums though.

>Sup Forums
>plays video games
Oh, my sweet summer child...

Too professional for 24 subs bruh

Yeah that's what I was thinking... Sup Forums doesn't really seem to have gear threads anymore

Thanks user. Just takes a while to get momentum going, I think.

stopped watching there

Not him but what's wrong with wireless mice? I've been using an MX Revolution for like 5 years.


Nice ;)

...Go on

Go on what?