The Great Debate

The Great Debate

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>even the doll, should it please you

What did he mean by this?

Maiden, now and forever.


Doll > MiB > Fire Keeper

Haven't played DaS2 so I can't say anything about Emerald Herald

Maiden in Black > Emerald Herald = Fire Keeper > Shit > Doll


The Maiden will always be superior.

That you could use her to level up


I want to fuck her voice, holy shit.

The Doll.

This. I will never kmow why they didn't use this again.

/r/ing the obese doll pic

Fire Keeper DS1>Fire Keeper DS3

No love for the best and most underrated fire keeper?

I like her. Wish there was a bit more to her background story.

Best waifu.


Maiden by far.

I'm gonna kick your ass back to the shire if you don't shut your fucking mouth

>No tongue
>Gets killed
>When you save her she just says "Thanks but I'm going to stay silent anyway"

I'm sure lorefags can explain her history but she was nowhere near as deep as the other fire keepers. Honestly From should've kept DS1's leveling system, having to constantly go back is annoying.

It's a typical enough background story. Fucking peasants treat firekeepers like shit, lock her in a cage because she doesn't need food, cut out her tongue, and told her all her life that she was wretched and only had one job and purpose in life.

Sometimes they raise children to serve godawful purposes and because they don't know any better live that awful life not knowing any better.

It's the barmaid background in a nutshell.

Very difficult indeed but the doll loves you. Don't you love her? That's why she was made right?

I think you mean

The best is whichever one you like most!

Only played DaS 1, 3 and BB.
None of the keepers have enough dialogue to make me think of them as anything but menus on legs. From really needed to flesh them out with more lines. 3 was especially bad; not sure why she was even in the game.

Shanalotte speaks to my dick like none of the others do.


Doll should have a bottle of vodka.

Did you kill her?

Red hair and big boobies.

Very nice.


Doll isn't even real

Maiden > Fire Keeper > bear lust > Doll

Candle maiden is the best, cutest and created the archetype.

The doll is pretty good too, I mainly dislike her because she's like seven feet tall for some reason.


Emerald Herald a best, shame her game is shit.

I'm a Shanalotte guy

My fave was DS3 firekeeper
but after playing BB the doll was much better imo,she abit tall tho.
Doesn't she also say she loves you.
and i love the doll.

Yes! She loves you!

The lewd levels are off the charts!

anymore like that?

Sure. Here you go.

why ;_;

I'm sorry. The beast inside of me couldn't resist.

Much Better!

>can't give the ring of betrothal to the doll

I like the Doll because she's like 6'4 and I have a giantess fetish

She's a doll user, she can't feel love or procreate. She's lying to you.

Just a glitch user

No, she's not like that. She loves us.

level-up sluts are shit. Bring back bonefire-chan

This took me far longer than it should have to find this artist.


who is the arstist?

Elder God Tier
>Maiden in Black

God Tier
>Emerald Herald

Have fun

Waifufags are the fucking worst

Best res

Here's a little something for you then.

I pick Lady Maria

firekeeper every time

What's the significance of the Fire Keeper's always having some kind of disability? It's it required or just a design choice?

She's Gerhman's waifu

Had this as my background once i beat the game.
man,hopefully we get another one even tho it was a really good single packaged game.
Really nice!!

I dont really want another Bloodborne. It felt nice and neatly self contained.

From kinda sucks at making sequels too, they're at their best when working on an original idea.

But I killed Gehrman. She's mine now.

Is there any sort of Bloodborne merch at all with the doll done in this chibi style? Damn it, I would buy one in an instant.

This is your firekeeper voice.

Would fuck.

FROMSoft wants the Katawa Shoujo audience.

The Emerald Herald is better in terms of character and relevance to the story (as in she actually has some), while the Fire Keeper is way better in terms of design. If it was the Fire Keeper design with the Emerald Herald's personality and plot relevance, then that character would be the best out of all the Dark Souls waifus.

>the Fire Keeper is way better in terms of design
I always thought so, too. She felt like such wasted potential. I was hyped ever since her design first came out and she was just the 'lady of ash.'

>not liking her being taller than you

What type of undergarments does the doll wear?

Sadly not, which is the biggest tragedy of all, really.

This. Doll is cute and tall!

My brethren of dark pigmentation.

I can never tell how much the souls community wants the same thing but better, but if the upcoming DLC gave her more character I'd fucking preorder FROM's next game no questions asked.


Let me help you out user, she's dead fucking last

I was also talking about Anastacia of Astora, but feel the same way about DS3's fire keeper as well. At least the latter got something with her being a fusion between the Doll and the Maiden while always hanging around to talk.

That image says 'Daily MiniCharacter #20'. Does anyone have a link where I could go to see the other ones the artist must've made for this series?

its gotta be the Maiden
but at least the Doll is fairly original compared to the ripoff from DaS3


Is it just me, or does anyone else find BB fucking terrifying. Going through Central Yharnam and the Cathedral Ward just had me unsettled, but the lower part of Old Yharnam genuinely scares the fuck out of me amongst other areas

They're really all the same and largely uninvolved and unimportant until some arbitrary major plot point like the end of DeS. Even the extra shit they tried to give Emerald Herald fell flat.
So Firekeeper is my favorite because I like blonde hair.

MiB has a cuter design but I like the Doll's dialogue and place in the story much more. Doll > MiB overall but it's close, they're both great.

I did too. I don't deal with body horror very well. The One Reborn had me freezing up a few times and staring, mostly at the kicking legs and its "hands". Good thing it was so slow and easy I didn't have much trouble even when I could barely look at my opponent without feeling ill.

The atmosphere went from terrifying to awe-inspiring, and what used to make me nervous and uncomfortable is now more interesting than intimidating, like I was gaining insight and moved on from a fear of beasts and dying to a sense of wonder about how powerful I really was and how I'm understanding the lore to become smarter than all the other guys that turned into beasts.

the fuck is wrong with her hands

>I don't deal with body horror very well
See, I don't even think that'll bother me, The Rotten, Nito Adritch didn't phase me.

I just killed Vicar Amelia, but I'm dreading going after the Blood Starved Beast, the wolffish designs really frighten me.

I'm kind of experiencing this right now. I was ready to put the game down for a while, but then I pushed ahead and killed Amelia on my first try ever. So on one leve I know I'm capable of taking on whatever this game can throw at me, but on the other, seeing one of these in motion chills me to the bone

Wait, I think I actually just figured out what makes me so damn uncomfortable. It's the unnatural length of the limbs, it's almost spider like

They used to scare me a little with how aggressive they were, but now all I see is a big pupper just waiting to be cut to shreds, countered, and danced around.

Yeah, I guess I just have to keep playing and just work through it

The Rotten was the most difficult boss in DaS2 for me by a wide mile. I think it's because watching its "legs" move freaked me the fuck out and I'd lose my cool like I was playing a horror game.

>scared by spider-like, unnatural length limbs
Wew lad I hope you're not spoiled on what's to come. Good luck.

>implying there's a debate

>tfw too desensitized to this shit to experience this feel.

How do I turn back time before the nightmares?

The Doll hands down. She had the most interesting lines, was the first to start reacting to your gestures, and has some mystery and lore behind her that's both unique and also tied to the main plot.

The Maiden has a nice design, but her lines don't change much outside giving you some directions twice, and then later at the end for the Old One. She was adorable while kicking her feet on the stairs, but there wasn't much more than that to her. The monumental tells you she's a demon, you see her put the Old One to sleep, and that's about it really.

I love the doll a bit more though.

2nd trip to yhargal made me very anxious

Doll-chan is a slut! A slutty slut!

the original is always better than the knockoff


I agree.

Doll > Fire Keeper, and Maiden in Black > Emerald Herald. But the Doll is the better of the two originals.