If you have a Wii U and plan on getting the Switch at launch, you're a damn retard

If you have a Wii U and plan on getting the Switch at launch, you're a damn retard.

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Don't have a wii u, gonna play zelda on the bus

Can't play 1-2-Switch on the Wii U bro.

>Buying an entire console for cow milking
You're a damn retard.

>caring THIS much how other people choose to spend their money

You gonna shake my dick for me after I take a piss too?


If you got a Wii U, you're a damn retard.

>Criticizing someone on Sup Forums for criticizing others

I actually agree. I regret both consoles I bought this generation.

still cheaper than a cow
who is the retard now

Not him, but you could actually get a cow for cheaper.


what a retard.

Then you're fine muh dude.

yeah a shitty cow maybe.
and then you still have to feed it everyday and take care of it.
swich cow > real cow

But the Wii u version has constant framed drops. It literally makes me nauseous.

>poor fags cant buy whatever they want whenever they want
get a job NEET

Since we're going this deep into this dumbass comparison...

The cow will eventually pay for itself and actually make you a profit.

The switch will just be abandoned by it's creator because it didn't make enough shekels and you'll be left with a useless 300 dollar brick.

Bullshit. That was the old build. There are multiple sources who played the newest builds for both and the Wii U version is fine. Hell, some are saying the Wii U version runs better.

The Wii U was just that bad that people would rather pay an extra $370 to not have to play it on that abortion of a console.

>and then you still have to feed it everyday and take care of it
Yeah, but you have to buy games and peripherals for your Switch. 1-2-Switch isn't included/goes for full retail price. The real cow at least comes with milk and you can kill it for meat. What it produces can be sold for more and you can even use the hide to make a belt to hang yourself.

>Having money means making bad purchases

What a dumbass thing to believe.

>Having money means making bad purchases
Hey, OP's the one who bought a Wii U.

I played the Wii u version at E3. It made me sick. It was as bad as Bayonetta on PS3. I liked the game but it had obvious problems. But if they fixed then I might consider picking it up.

>What a dumbass thing to believe

It's a bad console man, and it's sales show it. The whole point of it doesn't even make sense. You cannot look at the game pad and a TV screen at the same time. You even have to manually turn off the game pad screen if you just want to use the pro controller. So many bad things about it.

At least with the Switch you can enjoy a handheld and home console experience.

I know I'll buy one eventually so I'm getting it now. It's not like it's going to drop in price ever.

Yeah, because I bought a Wii U.

I love how quickly Nintendo fanboys turned on the Wii U after vehemently defending it over the past years. Almost every one with a Switch preorder has either said the Wii U was complete shit, traded it on or pretend never having owned one to begin with.

Will I be able to pirate it at launch?

>I love how quickly Nintendo fanboys turned on the Wii U after vehemently defending it over the past years.
hear me out
this could blow your mind
or maybe it's just people who didn't buy the fucking thing


Nah sorry I don't buy it. Sup Forums was one of the biggest Wii U strongholds on the net yet as soon as Switch preorders opened up almost everyone here started trashing it. If the Wii U never appealed to you at all then the Switch would have even less appeal at launch unless you're completely new to gaming.

>then the Switch would have even less appeal at launch
legit has more games though
especially if you didn't get a wii u
but I know you're secretly a wii u owner falseflagging

>MFW I'll by both versions
>one for myself
>one for a bro who's two poor for the switch

I regret nothing

You wanna buy one for me too user?

See this nigger gets it

nice user, I sometimes do that for a friend too.

Do I know you user, have we hung out for the past 10 years like clockwork with a few other friends playing Smash, Puyo Pop, Double Dash, Street fighter, Guilty Gear XX, among other things?

and when it eventually does, you will see some retard making a thread about.

Fuck Nintendo I just bought X system a week ago (after having waited 5 years) and you price drop this shit, I'm never supporting you guys again.

You know that feel bro, being there for a comrade.
Cherish it, it's something this place is devoid of most of the time.

based on the footage (the switch demo is the same as the wiiU demo), the wiiU version looks like it runs like ass

also i want mario odyssey

Yeah dude for sure

Xenoblade Chronicles X was my game of the generation, barely edging out Tropical Freeze, Bayonetta 2, and Woolly World.

You can bet your ass I'm going to buy the console that still gets platformers and Xenoblade Chronicles 2.

I totally would, for real I would.

I'm selling my Wii U and getting the Switch

I'm sure someone will pay me 20$ for it

>Using a current price of $158 per hundredweight (cwt) for 600 pound cattle and rounding the weight off at 600 pounds means a weaned calf value of $948.

The Switch cow is far cheaper.

If I'm going to buy it for the Holidays for Mario why not just buy it now?

Then I get Snipperclips, Mario Kart Delux, Splat2n, portable Sonic Mania, and so on.

There is literally zero reason not to buy it now if I'm 100% sure I'll buy it later.

Why can I never find any fat ass Javs streams

People mostly defended Nintendo, not the Wii U itself. And honestly, the good games that the Wii U had were actually really good. There just weren't enough of them.

It was a fairly disappointing console overall, however.

>Sup Forums was one of the biggest Wii U strongholds
Um, it never was? Neither Sony nor Nintendo can be considered to have strongholds here because both sides shittalk the other side constantly.

Leak when

GameStop wlll give ya $120. When I traded mine in I also got a $50 bonus for trading towards a Switch. Not sure if that is still running.

I'm getting BotW on release day for my Wii U, and I'll get it again whenever I get the Switch.

Don't wanna be spoiled on the story/world, so I'm going to be playing it as soon as it comes out, instead of waiting for my Switch to arrive.

Will probably leak for the Wii U in 2-3 weeks

Gonna have to spend some time and put cfw on my Wii U for the inevitable event

I'm sorry I want to play the superior version of a childhood favorite series.

These are slightly different sun angles, which is probably the only reason it's not reflecting in the distance

Couldn't give two shits about Zelda.

I'm getting mine for Bomberman and Mario Odyssey.

i'm going to buy super mario odyssey so I might as well start buying shit for my switch now since it isn't backwards compatible with the wii u.

>Waiting to buy a new console b/c of light launch even though it has the superior version of what will probably be GotY
>WIll probably buy it for Mario in December
>Likely no price drop or bundle by then
>At best you'll be saving $50

And the people who bought it on day one and enjoyed it for nine months are idiots.


>There are people who are buying the switch at launch after thinking the wiiu was shit

The true idiots here to be honest

So what if I am retarded?

>Wii U @ 4:20AM

I mean just look at Death mountain, that explains it all.

No, that promotion has passed, sadly.

I am thus a retard

can I play xenoblade 2 on wiiU?

Enjoy the 1hr30m battery life.

>What are used items
>What are bundles
>What is Pirating
>What are day 1 broken units
Wew now this is autism.

Can you play it on switch launch?

>mfw I've pre-ordered like half a dozen Switch games already and even got a special edition Breath of the Wild
>also have Persona 5 pre-ordered
>also will be getting Nioh tomorrow in the mail


This is pretty legit. The fucking Wii U which desperately needed one didn't even get it.

I'll get Zelda on the Wii U and buy a switch when the new FE comes out on it, by then there will hopefully be some shit worth playing

well, I won't buy one at launch, maybe, at the end of this year

>Get switch on launch
>enjoy superior BotW edition
>other games look cool too
>already have a switch so don't have to worry about getting one in the future just to play XC2
in my situation it is a good buy.

>getting a new console for a 180p upgrade and a game that doesn't even have a localization confirmed
>good buy
drones are so fucking stupid


Already know I'm getting one later for Splatoon, might as well play the better version of Zelda.

wait, Breath of the Wild localization isn't confirmed?

Well it's not like you can just walk in and pick a Switch off the shelf, and you likely won't be able to do so until September at the earliest, march 2018 at the latest.

It's not going to be sold out that long. The Wii U ran out of preorders too.

fuck, theres no way it will make it through my 30 min bus ride with only 1 h 30 m of battery

>using it on the bus

>tfw own a Wii U and probably getting a Switch by year's end but not getting Zelda on either


>using it on a yacht

why? im going to get the switch anyway might ass well be sooner than later right? RIGHT?



1.) Everybody is aware the battery is longer than that.
2.) Who fucking plays outside on the go long enough to deplete an entire full charge in one sitting?

>You gonna shake my dick for me after I take a piss too?
Is it a feminine dick?

I'll do more than shake your dick.

What if you were planning on getting a Switch this year for Splatoon and Mario anyway?

Switch isn't going to have a price cut less than a year out.