This thing is close. It's real damn close

This thing is close. It's real damn close.

I gotta say, it kinda feels like Nintendo gives a shit again. Feels good.

Breath of the Wild and the intermediate eShop releases will definitely last until Mario Kart 8+, which will no doubt be entertaining for the remainder of the Spring until Spla2n comes out.

This is good.

>465$ in my country
>already sold out


>intermediate eShop releases

Such as?

>a Wii U port and virtual console games I already bought 3 times on Wii, 3DS and Wii U will last me until another Wii U port comes out, and then Splatoon 2 might come out this year

Truly Nintendo cares again. I feel so privileged.

There has never been a week where the eShop had no new titles.

And it will only cost about 500euros



I'm excited dess famalampai

Another nintendo console that is going to miss out on all third party support due to abysmal hardware specs.

If ninny doesn't advertise this as the successor to the 3ds, they are done for..which for some reason they arent.

Just get to a retailer you think you have a chance at when they open their doors.

what the fuck did you just say

How long will I have to wait to camp out for it?


tfw my week off starts on the 20th and ends on the 28th
one week before kek
damn that's unlucky

Nintendo has been adamant in referring to this as a home console.

>This thing is close. It's real damn close.
So damn close they're already preparing the damage control when it flops

confirmed mistranslation, dumbass

Oh, sorry.

>shilling this hard

One look at that abomination of a controller is all you need to know.

What does it tell me

I'm excited. A lot of these moves feel like its for the fans. Mario back to sandbox? Zelda open world? Xenoblade sequel? Didn't it sell shitty on Wii U? Mario Kart returns with favorite Double Dash features and bobomb blast finally. Fire emblem warriors? Sounds like a fan idea.Splatoon isn't a port and it has hairstyles. And there's fucking voice chat. Splatoon with fucking voice chat.

I'm picking one up and it gets even half of the third party support their other handhelds get, but even if it's just a first party nintendo machine, i cant imagine myself not wanting a switch at some point.


>And there's fucking voice chat. Splatoon with fucking voice chat.
With friends only, no randoms.
And it all goes through your fucking smartphone instead of through the console.
And you have to pay Nintendo for this privilege of talking to your friends over your phone's internet connection.

It's fucking retarded.

>source: twitter post
The translation is accurate

the console has headsets, the app just lets you join lobbies, where you basically can talk with randoms if we're thinking about Sup Forums lobbies.

From there, you can only talk to your team once the game starts. That's a very good idea. Less bitching and whining heard from the other team, and more teamwork. It's like overwatch. Except since we'll be on Sup Forums lobbies you'll hear a bunch of faggots playing YOURE A KID YOURE A SQUID over the mic and squid teabagging around with helping

>And you have to pay Nintendo for this privilege of talking to your friends over your phone's internet connection.

that's not how it works

But all the ads highlight it as a handheld that plugs into your tv.
I wish they released a 3ds TV instead.

And how would that work considering dual screens and stylus moron?


>With friends only, no randoms.
Thank fucking god.

This is the third time I've seen this thread today.

>He concluded by saying that there is a different demand and market for 3DS as a portable system from Switch, and for a next handheld, Nintendo will keep considering it as always
>Nintendo’s Shinya Takahashi chimed in as well. About a new portable, he explained that Nintendo is always thinking about its next game device, so the answer is “We are always thinking about it” rather than there is or there isn’t a 3DS successor

A classic case of misinterpretation. This is why you wait for the official translation.

This. When my parents saw the super bowl commercial, they were convinced it was "a bigger DS" and expected the price point of 150. When I told them it's 300 and most places are sold out at 500, they were flabbergasted.

If the normiest normies to ever normie see it as a handheld, they're going to demand handheld pricing schema. That's why the switch is doomed.