The call that saved vidya

The call that saved vidya

Other urls found in this thread:

this meme is getting weird

gonna need a run down o nwho shwe is

shes the one who made the call that wou

do you have down syndrome?

Can I get a feminist rundown?

>literally cannot take the word "rundown" serious anymore

fuck you all


is this shenmue?


are you a real villain?


>I'm quitting. Final Fantasy is out of my hands.

wikipedia was a mistake

We'll uh, technically ah, nah


Can someone tell me who this guy is? Why do people keep posting him? Tried Google, no informative results.

so you need a quick rundown?

I guess? So who is he?

I'll give you a quick rundown
Horizon Zero Dawn is a PS4-exclusive action role playing game developed by Guerrilla Games, creators of the Killzone franchise. As Horizon Zero Dawn’s main protagonist Aloy, a skilled hunter, explore a vibrant and lush world inhabited by mysterious mechanized creatures. Embark on an emotional journey to unravel mysteries of tribal societies, ancient artifacts and advanced technologies that will determine the fate of this planet, and of life itself.

Take your bogpill here

That's an archive, not a real page.

Is that shooped?

my sides

The real page was taken down to supress te truth

this is the stupidest fucking meme you Sup Forumstards
get back to your containment board

You know, if you guys keep preventing people from finding out what the fuck this meme is, it's just going to die out because no one will care. It's happened plenty of times before.

Fuck you, dont tell us what to do.

Igor and Grichka Bogdanoff are French celebrities best known for producing the science fiction television series Temps X and their involvement in a theoretical physics dispute known as the Bogdanoff affair. On Sup Forums, the brothers are associated with a list of grandiose conspiracy theories known as the “Bogpill,” which are often listed whenever someone asks for a “quick rundown” on the twins.

On April 30th, 2015, Redditor Stunobo submitted a picture of the brothers titled “How do they think this is attractive” to /r/WTF,[1] where it gained over 8,700 votes (85% upvoted) and 900 comments prior to being archive (shown below, left). On May 1st, Redditor ddoubles submitted several pictures showing the twins’ progressive plastic surgeries to /r/WTF[7] (shown below, right). Before the post was archived, it garnering more than 14,500 votes (91% upvoted) and 1,300 comments.

On April 4th, 2016, a post asking what viewers thought of the Bogdanoff twins was submitted to Sup Forums. On November 10th, a Sup Forums user submitted a thread asking about the Bogdanoff twins.[2] On December 14th, a thread speculating about the Bodanoff twins “huge influence on French politics” was submitted to Sup Forums, in which a user posted pictures of the brothers before and after plastic surgery with the caption “Before Sup Forums / After Sup Forums” (shown below).

You guys are so fucking pathetic.

more context

How does this have anything to do with video games?