So when's the last time you gave a girl an orgasm Sup Forums?

so when's the last time you gave a girl an orgasm Sup Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:

your mom last night


i've never seen a vagina, dude


Like 4-5 years ago. Which isn't to say I haven't had a gf in that long, but let's be real.

Please do not shitpost using based Keanu.

ask your mom lol


What the fuck.

Some two years ago.

Met with my ex, had angry sex, and that was about it.

Haven't had sex since.

Wrong place for this question.

>thinking girls can even have one


>implying women orgasms exist
It's been scientifically proven that everyone's faking it

Does anyone else think that having sex is impure and wrong?

it's just not right

Homosexuality was a mistake.

Would you suck these juicy tittys if given the chance bros?

>this is what dicklets actually think

Why is this on youtube?


She turned into a giant Bernie/Hillary shill and when Trump won the election she just posted a torrent of "WHITE MALES REEEEEE" garbage and supporting violence against anyone that didn't vote for Hillary. I decided to cut ties with her after that.

Feels bad man.

I mean, meming aside I don't really see the appeal of just casual sex tbqh. If there's no emotional attachment then it feels empty to me

We were literally made to have sex though.

Two nights ago, with my wife.

That's exactly why you have to refrain from doing it

stupid frog stop contradicting yourself

Directly? Never.
I wrote a fapfic once that I know for a fact an actual woman with a vagina shliked to though.

yeah ok buddy

>when's the last time you gave a girl an orgasm

Where do you think you are?

Does it count if it was me?

where was her son?

Because it's clearly a representation of semiotics in homosexuals. Duh.

>still not removed

what the fuck dude

Who was having sex with her?

It's not just sex, it's an emotional bond with the partner.

Around 8 hours ago when my girl came over after she finished school.

>Really? While I'm at lunch?
>Fine. Take your fucking picture, stupid tabloid cuck

Why hasn't anyone made a sim game where you play a celebrity interacting with paparazzi?

well you're not a girl, so no

People fail to realize this place isn't ONLY angsty teenagers. You get old losers like me here and there.

>first time sex with new gf today
>she says I'm longer, thicker, and last longer than her ex who was a nig
>still can't make her cum vaginally

For some reason she's uncomfortable with any other touching down there, but she said what I did do felt best so I'm going to work with that in the future.