What went so terribly wrong?

What went so terribly wrong?


Good post.

Not much

Nothing. Go away.

they dont tell the fans that geralt is a legit beta cuck in the books who goes off and cries at one part after being cucked by a dude

Not much, it's a great game.

Trash combat, trash quest, trash gameplay

Nice image. Except that Witcher Quest was A TUTORIAL.

almost every witcher quest was like that though

All quests in Witcher 3 require you to use Batman senses and follow the GPS on your map retard

In Witcher 3, the quests had intriguing stories behind them quite often, but gameplay-wise as quests, they were badly designed.

LITERAL cherry picking.
>there is no nuance in the game I am trying to strawman trust me

Really? Does anyone remember playing old games like Morrowind? You're told where to go and what to do every step of the way. The only difference is you don't have a glowing light to show the way. That is literally it.

Thinking that open world means the world must be fuckhuge. And by trying to fill that fuckhuge with content the typical quantity over quality ptoblem happened. Instead of fleshing the sidequests out even more they added a whole lot of "read boring letter > follow GPS to chest" "quests"

not a goddamn thing.

At least in Morrowind you had to still look away from the minimap.

...Morrowind didn't have a minimap. And no, you looked at the map all the time. Handholding in Videogames is common as fuck, but the nostalgia has blinded many to the truth. Old games were flawed, and some have aged horribly.

You can turn off the min-map on The witcher 3. You know that right ?

Different poster here. You can actually do that?

Wait a second, where is that orc camp with the orc scout supposed to be? I don't remember that at all, and I don't remember Harad telling you there's one nearby.
All I remember is townsfolk saying an orc was sighted in the forest to the south (the one you can hunt with the hunter) and the cave with the dead orc (which is also the cave with a teleporter in NotR and in which an orc warrior spawns in one of the later chapters).

since when did anyone use fucking morrowind as a standard of game design

>but morrowind did similar things
doesn't excuse the witcher doing it even more.

You can, but the game was designed around it. The means to find what you are looking for is not present in the game itself, instead relying on markers.

I'm confused. What are you complaining about exactly?

Gothic II... damn trash with horrible controls...


He tells you when he gives u the quest, u must have skipped it or don't remember it

This game makes shit like FFXV look like hot garbage.

>Cherry picking
Except every quest in Gothic 2 is like in pic, and every Witcher 3 quest is like the one in pic.

>Gothicfags still asshurt The Witcher has completely demolished their shitty franchise

Go back to Skyrim kid