>make new friends
>do nothing wrong to them
>they stop talking to me
every fucking time. its rediculous. why am i not allowed to have friends?
>make new friends
>do nothing wrong to them
>they stop talking to me
every fucking time. its rediculous. why am i not allowed to have friends?
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Maybe you're boring.
This. It's why no matter how hard you try you will always be alone.
Thread theme.
Realizethen give up on friends and just play vidya. That's what I did.
most people will only be your friend if youre useful to them in some way
if youre just a normal boring guy who likes videogames, you probably aren't useful
real life is shit
Seems like there is a common factor here.
Message them you fuck, just because they don't message you every day doesn't mean they hate you.
Are you doing anything that you might think is annoying to them? Especially if you are in a discord or mumble online?
It's must be you
Stop being yourself
>make new friends
>they message me
>I don't respond because I have some kind of problem
>lose them after months
>make new friends
>message them
>they don't care about sharing their life, even the most basic shit you do when you're non autist
>feel like they consider me like a bot
on the bright side I met a cool user on Sup Forums, and I'll never meet someone better here for sure
you probably did something "wrong" but didn't realize it.
not everyone on Sup Forums is a vile memespewing fuck
part of the problem with Sup Forums groups in games is that everyone thinks "because we all go to Sup Forums that means we should act like it", and that's only funny for a short while.
Faggots that memearrow in random pub games are also part of the problem.
>tfw literally no friends and will probably never have friends
Every time I try talking to people I get so fucking nervous that I can't think of anything to say. I fucking hate myself.
What games do you play?
>can easily make friends
>but i get sick of them after months and distance myself
>everybody thinks im an asshole because of this
Do you keep talking to them?
You must be underage. You can try to fill the void with as many things as you want, but nothing works. Humans are naturally social creatures.
I don't have any friends either user
we can be friends
Maybe because you are, you dickhead.
>always end up doing favors for certain friend
>go to their planned events
>invite them to things I organise
>They never come
nah, i have nothing against them, intimacy just bothers me a lot
most people are selfish and only think about themselves
they don't realize there's someone they talked to for a few months online that is waiting 10 years for them to return
Yeah, exactly. It's nothing personal, you're just an asshole. You asshole.
shut up
maybe you do weird shit that people don't like
The trick is to keep bothering them yourself even if your conscience tells you not to. Chances are they are every bit as passive about retaining their friendships; one of you will just have to be the more active one.
I chat with my friends online often, but they seem to never have the time/willingness to see in person other than on Saturdays, and as someone who's grown to appreciate human contact more and more over the years that bums me out a bit. But I try to understand that not everyone has needs like mine, and we keep being good friends.
i guess ill just kill myself honestly.
>people want to be my friend
>realize we have very little in common
>realize I don't really care since there's a literal horde of people to befriend online
>ignore them and delete them when I feel like it
If you can't make friends online, you're a completely hopeless memelord who can't shut the fuck up for one second and gets offended so much at the slightest provacation that you're unbearable to be around.
I know, because I've had the unfortunate experience of running into people that loudly proclaiming their love of Sup Forums and /vg/. True autists.
So in conclusion, kill yourself OP and make the world better.
>mfw I get butthurt replies made by friendless unfriendly retards
1. you have to be 18 to post here
2. people you met online are not your friends, they are not even acquaintances.
I haven't had an actual friend in over 15 years and now I'm at an age where it's even more awkward to try and make friends because now I have absolutely nothing in common with my age group.
Maybe you should, you know, engage them every now and then.
Personally, I have a similar problem, but I've understood the fact that it's because I tend to automatically drift away by never contacting them myself, if not in immediate distance from them throughout my daily routine.
But I've come to accept this about myself, and not blame it on others. You should do some introspection.
now shut your young mouth
i'm old and have nobody in my life
Resident Evil, Souls, and Monster Hunter are the top three series I play the most. Excited as fuck to play Nioh in a few minutes. What games do you play, user?
Sorry to hear that my dude. Wanna be friends on Steam?
>Ignore them and delete them when I feel like it
>gets offended so much at the slightest provacation that you're unbearable to be around
>Counter attacking replyes
Way to expose yourself faggot. Enjoy your social anxiety.
hope riveting conversation isn't what you're looking for
>make new friends online
>starts asking me for dick pics
>This user has also played as:
We all have a tainted past user.
aight, added
>still wanting friends
I gave up when my best and only friend slowly drifted away because I was boring.
If you're a manchild, you don't get to have friends in the adults' world.
Become an asshole. People eventually love them.
>he's different from me so he must be UNDERAGE!!!
I bet you think sex is a basic human need as well, that we literally die if we don't get sex
>put huge effort into making friends
>really try to be a good friend
>they try to kill themselves
The only constant is me.
Get better taste and you may get more friends
Feeling wanted is a basic psychological need, but go ahead and tip your fedora harder if it makes you feel better.
it's an instinct your gene pool still has retard or else you wouldn't be here. You'll fuck one of these days
Are you offering?