Why can't western dev make cute and beautiful woman?

why can't western dev make cute and beautiful woman?

>play vidya to relax and escape reality
>try to forget horde of ugly bitches in real life
>find even more ugly bitches in my vidya

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You're being racist, user.

>why can't western dev make cute and beauti-


You should have compared a Japanese Black character to a western black character to tap into that irony.

most west devs want to make ugly / race pandering chicks so they their twitter friends will fluff their cocks in their future youtube video on diversity in games

The only cute girls in OW are D.va, Mercy and Bastion, the rest is normal or worse.


nigress vs japanese goddess

yet you post an asian style fan drawing of the western characters.

Epitome of Deviantart.



Is the era of tumblr nose finally over?

>Game has nothing but tumblrites

>Game has nothing but 10/10s

>Game has a balanced mix of attractive and less attractive people

Why do people only want one type of character in the media they consume?

>do not reply
do not reply

people are simpletons

Because political agenda. Westerners have to pander to ugly monkeys, feminist tumblr shit tier and social justice marxist-leninist politics. It's horrendous.
Thank god Japan seems to not care for all this crap.

Honorable mention to CD Projekt who still respects beauty and women for what they are because they are still a 99 percent European country.

They can, but a lot refuse, they think they are somehow being morally superior if they make an ugly dog.
It's the hip thing to make "flawed", "realistic" female characters.
God I hate those faggot betas, who have to appease and grovel to women to get their favor.

>Japan makes a character that doesn't even appear for like 5 minutes in total
>Looks like this

What DID Japan mean by this?

Why are western gamers so concerned about female characters when they don't even want them in games in the first place?

This lady walked right into memetown and she didn't even know it.


>Feminist Action Game
Sonyggers will defend this

Only one of these is human tho. Not a fair comparison

>pay 60$ to be entertained
>put ugly shits in my entertainment

I only paid for one type and that is 10/10s type

Why do western gamers seems to prefer bad character designs?

>They were going to redesign Cole in inFamous 2
>Looked like this
>We get the old, boring design back that looks ugly as fuck because people complained

>op is sonygger
>he's shitting on Horizon while praising Nioh qt

what now

Miji a besto!

She's not attractive if you don't find black women attractive to begin with.


Just admit you're a Japanophile and move to glorious Nippon you faggot

Look, I prefer Uncle Dante over Donte, but Donte if it wasn't a rebooted Dante wouldn't be as bad. If

You're just playing the wrong western games then.

they know how to leverage social media that isn't cancer (pixiv)

>play vidya to relax and escape reality
>try to forget horde of ugly bitches in real life
>find even more ugly bitches in my vidya

1. Finding women physically attractive is sexist

2. Women don't like seeing women more attractive than they are, even imaginary ones.


I hope for miji/nyo cameos

>Women don't like seeing women more attractive than they are
they can get fucked

Left: black #queen
Right: pedobait ching chong

Fuck off will you gamergoober racist mommys boys. You are not welcome here.

It's not Japan vs. West, it's KOEI Tecmo vs. the world.

Tecmo had a franchise with thousands of dollars worth of DLC and nothing to show but titty monsters and qt3.14.

>Pixiv has incredibly talented artists on it
>Deviantart is Devianart

What did they mean by this?

Even the Japanese can make black women look attractive.

because especially amerifats are stupid and too ugly

I'm really starting to think it's just incompetence. That pinchy face on the left that looks like she just smelled something nasty? That's her default face. That pic wasn't even taken in an especially bad moment to make her look worse. Whoever considered that was worth showing off was an idiot, and not because she's unattractive.

Can we make a list of recent western games with attractive women in them?
No, that one picture that goes back 15 years is not what I'm asking for, within this current generation?
Made to appeal to a worldwide audience.
>Witcher 3
Slavs that didn't give in to attacks of sexism and racism.
>Tomb Raider
Although SquareEnix calls the shots.
What else?

>tfw your country doesn't have hordes of ugly women
>don't believe that there are places with only uggos
>see class photos of certain towns and change my mind

Sucks to be you. Video games also don't always have to be escapism. Go play Overwatch if you want to be lied to.

>go to japan
>every girl is at least a 9/10 there at minimum
>girls not only dress feminine but act feminine as well
>keep turning heads to look at cute girls in japan

I think the difference is that a pretty japanese girl in a video game is the average japanese girl and is what girls in japan aspire to look like whereas in western countries, women have fallen so low that any pretty women just triggers them and so they put out mediocre looking women just to be "realistic" and in order not to hurt any feelings.

Hell, even the bad art is good there.

The one on the right looks wrong, like her eyes are fucked up and she's got brain problems

that said left is unquestionably inferior

I think people that haven't seen this should watch this. I can't believe this cutscene from that game isn't edited.


Compared to a cutscene from Nioh:

How does that even happen? Nioh would have a much smaller budget too.

Killer Instinct
All of those waifufag indie games made by Wayfoward and their circlejerk
Porn games like Monster Girl Island


Who's the cute white girl on the right?

>every girl is a 9/10


amerifucks are too sjw to draw a fascinating black girl
yurocucks dont even give a fuck who blacks are. this is just some alien who theyd never wanna associate with

Okatsu from Nioh. A warning though, major qt alert.


>japan - worst tech
>best artists
>west - amazing tech
>garbage sjw artists

Sorry that seeing real women disturbs you. No wonder most of you are virgins, lol.

>west - amazing tech
Yet to be evident with all the jank and countless glitches and errors.

That was the exact scene I was talking about. What's even worse is that it's so dialogue-heavy, but with so few choices on what the main character says. You're trying to convince a schizophrenic person to not kill himself, and the choices are just simple stuff like "I think you should kill yourself" and "don't kill yourself."

>and Bastion



I hear Death Stranding is using the same engine. That's a bad omen.

Sheva is actually based on a scan of Michelle Van Der Water. It is even in the game credits.

justify why you get upset over unattractive women being in games but not men

>literally model after her VA aka real Japanese girl

Im not a faggot

Lmao this shit is less realistically acted and lipsynced than fucking anime games.

Ugly character models in general shouldn't be in games. Unless they are antagonists, or comic relief. I say this as an ugly individual myself, if I play a game, I want to be an attractive character, and I want my allies to be attractive too.

Wish she was my f-

But I like good character designs in general? I don't want to be a bad looking character, I want a good looking character to play as because that's who I'll be looking at the most.

all that same face

Wow that Horizon scene is some grade A schlock, it's wonderful. It's even better that this is meant to be taken seriously as some AAA title.

Reminder that this is considered an attractive black woman in Europe. The devs are European.


I guess attractive black girls don't go to Europe.

seems a little touched up.. the eyes?

Because video games is a man hobby, and who wants to see ugly women in a male oriented hobby?

>Never fell for the NMS hype
>Was right in the end
>Never felt for the Zero Horizon Dawn hype
>This happens

It's like I know what's going to be shit and what's not.

White racists got BTFO

wow posting the same glitched cutscene over and over and not posting any others

Looks like a cavewoman who fell into a chocolate factory.

She's aight, not gonna say she's ugly.

>I need to fap to the games I play
What did weebs mean by this?

She won the prize of most beautiful girl in Helsinki though. She's not bad. But definitely not contest winner worthy.

hay how stupid are you

Fair enough, judged on looks alone.

Most in that picture look like 6/10 at most, the worst has to be the one in the middle with the bow-tie who looks like a 3/10.

>*only blacks competition

How come the Japs can make some of the hottest women in the world, yet, still have censored porn with the video quality of a toaster?

>animesque style I don't like
>"deviantart lol"
what does that even mean to you people anymore

I'm not sure developers like Blizzard, Arena.net and other like western devs count as they have strong eastern/asian influence.

And, let's face it, RE5's girl is the superior one of the three, in visuals and everything else.

She looks more like a cartoon than anything, so if you wanted to say she looked good for a Disney Princess I'd be down for that. Oldschool Disney did female visuals well, and something that looks like an oldschool Disney influenced character visual works out to about the same. But let's not split hairs, many modern devs in modern games purposefully avoid creating attractive character because they aren't, "realistic" as if attractive people don't exist.

I'd give you the body, but not the face.

This is definitely an example of what a stylized aesthetic can do for your characters. Let's point out that this means, "not realistic" and devs that do this are not the majority.

Both are nice looking in their own right though.Would you agree?

Because nobody wants to be the politician campaigning for porn censor removal.

Shaved down a bit of the man-jaw and toned down the nigger lips

>based japanese women, just like muh animu and vidya, never get black- ...REEEEEEEEEEEEE
Seriously the anime virgin's perfect Japanese ideal waifu will never cease to make me kek.

>and Bastion

But the PM will come out a green tube wearing Mario overalls to thank the world for letting them host the 2020 Olympics?

You don't need to be jerking off to prefer seeing a good looking person than an ugly one.
