D-don't mind me just pirating this game

>d-don't mind me just pirating this game....

>mustard race

It's a tanuki like in my animes!

wtf, stupid pussies.

my cat would destroy that fucker or die trying.

>m-m-m-uh PC masterrace.....


The cat has less food, piracy doesn't end in one less game, it's just a copy.

why would that dog even act like that to its owner?

I get legitimately upset when someone misidentifies a tanuki tail as a raccoon tail.

Yeah, and a copy means more games = good for the industry

>Only taking a little bit

When I pirate a game you lose one of your games?

Well, I didn't know that.

yes devs lose one sale. Now they have less than they would

>cat analogy

Debs get paid when game is released, do you even know how that industry works or are you just posting random gifs and linking them to whatever subject you think of?

That's a fallacy

The people who pirate are not all perspective buyers, it fact it's safe to say most of them by definition wouldn't be. People pirate for a lot of reasons, whether it be financial constraints or unavailability of the game where they live. The people who pirate due to shrewdness make up only part of that demographic, there's no denying piracy affects in some way but it's completely false to imply one pirated copy equals one sales copy.

Just stop pirating then.

that's a coon dude not a dog heh.

is this a cat thread?

Yeah sure go in a museum take their picture with you, scan it and print it. Say you "just" pirated it. I want you to do that instead of buying the picture. Its the same.

How many people who'd be willing to take a photo would have bought that painting if taking a photo wasn't an option? Probably very very few of them if any of them in that example.

Why? Why don't you make me not pirate a game with solid arguments, are you like that on every single issue that comes into your life?

You can't just tell people what to do you entitled litte mongoloid.

post some cats!

can you samefag any harder you little cretin

he only wanted to taste it to see if he was going to buy it from the other cats. Im sure he will return all the food later


There's a limited amount of data created by the developers.

A game can't be just copy pasted and sell forever. The devs literraly lost money from you.


Can I legally own a pet racoon?

considering most people who visit a museum are there to look and not buy, i'd say you're a retard. if i wanted a picture of the mona lisa for my home, i wouldn't fucking buy the real thing.

i don't need to justify pirating games, so how about you suck my dick?

Yes unless there's some specific local law about them. It's not advisable since they can't be trained easily like dogs or other domesticated animals.



hey, i can do that too!

bet he's a sonygger too


This comic doesn't have anything to do with piracy, though.

neither does yours, considering nothing in your image ever happens.

>The devs literraly lost money from you.
I wasn't going to buy it anyway. oh and good luck trying to buy new gamecube games friendo

nice one idiot, you just proved 's point

"were not gonna buy it anyways" is a fallacy. If you weren't going to buy it, why pirate it?

>The raccoon gets food
>The cats can still eat their food

I don't see the problem

Post the right one with the right filename you fucking idiot.

PC and former (still sometimes) pirate here. This shit is fucking hilarious. Keep it coming. Anyone got the one with the bike zapping? Fucking love that one. Makes me crack up.

interest in something and the ability to buy it are completely unrelated. i want the brand new smart phone, but that doesn't mean i'm going to buy it.

whats with all the pirating threads tonight?


someone really wants that 500+ reply thread of 50% corporate scumsuckers and 50% pirates.

People are starting to open their eyes, you don't have any place in this industry as a consumer. kill yourself piratescum

I don't understand. If a game can't sell forever, how is Nintendo still selling me Super Mario Bros in their little fake NES nostalgia system?

Uhhhhhh, actually, that animal had no intentions on buying that food in the first place, so there really wasn't a lost sale regardless.

Pirates win again.

you wouldnt download a phone would you?

>wasted on this
go grovel at corporate CEO feet before you suck them off, retard.

If you're going to pirate games, don't do some mental gymnastics to justify yourself morally. At least admit that it's wrong and continue to to it shamelessly.

You want the smartphone, but you don't steal it.
You want the game, you steal it because no one can punch your faggot pirate ass.

grow some balls and try to steal that phone

i would if i could


What are some games that let me play as a raccoon?

Nope. That's a pretty complicated device. It'll be an extremely long time before that's possible, and I'd like the guarantees / support from the manufacturer. I'd rather buy a phone. I'd pirate say, accessories for games, like some cool custom tokens or miniatures. Once 3D printing becomes mainstream, I'll definitely pirate some neat stuff from there.

piracy =/= stealing, retard. if you want to talk about it, call it what it is: copyright infringement. i don't have to justify it, moralfag.


>download softwares
>download movies
>download music
>download anime
>download books
>download porn

I pirate because i can. Who's gonna stop me?

woah there smart guy, don't say things like that. you'll short their insignificant brains out!

Why? Pirates don't even get a full game. You can't play multiplayer , or use any of the online community functions. Besides, pirating is a hassle. They'd have to make antivirus exceptions before even unpacking the files, sometimes have to deal with technical issues, sometimes have to manually create outbound firewall rules, and often get to enjoy something they otherwise would probably never pay for, but in turn provide free word-of-mouth advertising. Chances are eventually they'll buy it, or another game from that studio in the future for convenience or to support them. Let people pirate if they want to pirate. Why are you such a literal homosexual?

I bet 99% of these people also use some form of ad blocking on youtube and don't support their youtube creators with ad watches, let alone ad CLICKS.

>Raccon walks in and takes food, the cats now have less food
>To pirate something is taking a copy, nothing is lost to any party except maybe a sale (But if the person is pirating chances are they would not spend a penny on said game anyway)
Fuck off, poor people will be poor, but overall pirating does not harm anyone, company's just use it as a excuse

>tfw to smart to download content


I'm gonna tell your mom.

Someone PLEASE post the image of the guy zapping the bike to make a copy. Fucking hilarious.

>pirated games are lost sales

A pirate is free.

i pirate every game before buying and sometimes the pirated version works better. remember a few years back when you had to download a no-cd crack for your bought game if you dont wanted to hear the cd-rom spinning 30s every time you launch? drm is painful for everyone and they dont seem to understand it


Oh yeah, I would use no-CD cracks for games I owned as CDs too.

You joke, but if something like this happened again the big companies would swoop in with whatever bullshit lawsuits to prevent the bread and fishing industry they monopolize from being destroyed.

Was Jesus /ourguy/?

There is no reason for corporations to stop people giving out free food. I mean you would literally have to feed an entire country for free with reasonable amount of choice before companies would give a shit

See. this is exactly what I was talking about. I never even said that I haven't pirated games myself.
Why are you so desperate to have a clean conscience on this? We're all terrible people who only hurt those around us, so of all things, why draw the line at a little copyright infringement?

>why draw the line at a little copyright infringement?
what the fuck kind of statement is this? are you implying that because somebody pirates something, they should immediately find something else illicit to do? are you a Brazilian?

I presented points of discussion. You attack me for being "desperate" without presenting any points yourself.

The only desperate person around here is you for trying this.

>The people who pirate due to shrewdness make up only part of that demographic
Is there a source on that?

So something so scummy would ruin their reputation and make people boycott them

>people are starting to open their eyes
>using this politician-tier manipulative language
If anything, it seems people are waking up and smelling the fresh air of the seven seas, just itching to go out and plunder on their digital galleons.

There are 4 raccoons that i feed occasionally

one has no tail
one is small and always with the other
the last one has rabies (i think)

on top of this theres 3 skunks, 1 opossum, 3 cats, and squirrels

of all of this came from me trying to feed one cat

and i gotta tell ya, watching them take food is perhaps the most calming experience


heres some of the skunks too

>We're all terrible people who only hurt those around us, so of all things, why draw the line at a little copyright infringement?

Sorry, not everyone is a piece of shit. Don't try to shove your problems onto others.

You should let the little guy in

Why are koalas such assholes

I would've stopped at the skunks desu not worth risking them freaking out and spraying

and just to make this interesting here's how they all differ

>raccoons know its not for them, but they take small bits of it because they want it
>skunks dont care, they take as much as they feel like but its never all the food
>opossum doesnt give a single fuck and eats it all; i have literally taken the bowl away from it multiple times because it wont stop
>cats sample it; they barely eat any of it
>squirrels take 1 piece at a time; if i turn my head they run, but then come back immediately
>a few times about 20 or so crows were looking at the bowl from my garage and ground. was fucking spooky

all of them accurately reflect some group of video game consumer in some way

i have opened that door to make them eat from my hand. ill get em one day. they are too spooked

the skunks are fairly friendly. the only time it was ready to spray was when a raccoon was nearby. was interesting to see them fight over the food. i tried putting 2 bowls out but they ran

I know it's still you retard.

>20 or so crows were looking

Wasn't the food, bro. It was randall flagg.

You're marked by the walkin' dude.


>social outcast
Sounds about right

better now than never

i tried getting a pic once but they flew away

That's not what I meant. The only point I'm trying to make is that I don't understand why some people feel the need to morally justify their illegal actions and that doing so is more hypocritical and insufferable than just admitting that it's wrong.

Alright, I didn't think it was necessary but I'll go ahead. "No multiplayer/online functions" is a moot point for singleplayer games, technical roadblocks don't offset the lack of monetary cost, and word-of-mouth advertising (as far as I know) is still worth much less than actual sales. Again, I wasn't trying to totally condemn piracy, but the "downsides" are flimsy in my opinion.

That... Well, yeah, I'll concede on that point.


Why do people get so butthurt when someone does something?