Is there any game that everyone can agree has no major flaws? One that makes anyone say "yeah, that was an okay game"

Is there any game that everyone can agree has no major flaws? One that makes anyone say "yeah, that was an okay game".



Spyro. I've heard people say things they liked more about each of the three originals but I've never heard of anyone legitimately not liking the game.

>everyone can agree


Metal Slug 1-3

Impossible since I literally hate every videogame ever released

Tetris is boring. Try again.

>v in one post.jpg
Memes aside, which one do you hate the least?

>personal opinion is a major flaw

Explain to me objectively how Tetris is good if it's not engaging.

It fulfills that autistic pleasure of making things perfect

>as soon as you make something perfect it stops existing
really makes u think

>everyone can agree

Fuck off, hiveminder.

Fallout 4

Theoretically all you have to do is make the simplest game possible and if it fulfills its function it is perfect.

Example, make a game where all you have to do is push the button. Press anything but the button you lose and press the button you win.



Donkey Kong gameboy

X-Com: UFO Defense

Even the fags who haven't played it like the let's play threads.

Super Mario World? I would say Mario 3 but it could be argued that the game could use a save feature.

The NES Tetris has that thing where it uses the number of movements to determine how often each block will drop. I don't know if it's actually significant in regular play but it always bugs me to think about while I'm playing now that I know it exists.

Ghost Trick

Tokyo Afterschool Summoners

Why does that bird love watermelon so much?


But would it be an okay game?
Doom or Doom (2014)?

90's DOOM. The new one was good, but obviously flawed.


>no rocket league as first answer
God, this board is filled with the worst fucking hypsters.

oh shit, this is my new fetish. Flashing panties or shorts in public places. I wonder if there's a name for this

Doesn't need to be. It can be boring as fuck but as long as it delivers what it promised it's technically flawless.

>playing meme games

Yeah, it's called flashing your underwear.

Debate me.

Mario 3 had garbage physics compared to world.

Sup Forums tends to really like Kirby Super Star

you win

First game was better.

Paper Mario TTYD
Most people love it or at least say it is decent.


I also submit CRASH TEAM RACING to you OP

shit ending

Fable 1 and 2

Rocket League
Super Mario 64

SJWs go