
reminds me of this:

tl;dr: Guy plays Xbox360's MW2 with KB+M. Dominates the game. A mic-fag Xbot starts crying out loud "WHY WONT YOU LET ME WIN!", soon followed by "THIS GUY HAS A WALL HACK!!!"

>tfw one kid asks "what's a wall hack?"

Other urls found in this thread:


Technically you can't plug and play any old mouse

For sony you need their official mouse that went for $150

Or that adapter that costs over 100 dollars

Basically pay to win

If they just let everyone use any old mouse, this wouldn't happen since everyone can put in a shitty 10 buck mouse and equalize things

>using better control schemes is now literally cheating

As its been said many times before, the PS4 fully supports any ol' USB mouse and keyboard, however the console versions of OW don't have KB+M control mapping, so its all on Jeff "I'm A total fuckwit" Kaplan and the "Roadhog is perfectly balanced" team to make it compatible.

nothing new. it was the same with quake on dreamcast playing with people on pc and microsoft tried it again on the 360 at one point. controller users always get btfo

>console cucks will still say controllers are fine for fps

i knew somone who did this he had this adapter but i forgot what they were called

i will play fps with keyboard on computer and controller on console.

why shouldn't it be a somewhat fair playing field?

Was likely either an XIM or a Maxshooter

those prices are cheap to most people, unless of course, you're fucking poor.

they are for single player since the ai is always slower and dumbed down to accommodate for it. vr is even worse

First person game = KB+M
Third person game = controller

People always call me hacker. I just laugh.

The only reason they don't do it is because sony wants to keep selling dual shock 4s. Let's not pretend it's something difficult

As it stands those that can buy that 100+ mouse thing have the advantage.

it is, because there is nothing stopping faggots from using a mouse and keyboard.

Oh wait, there is. they are not old enough to buy it themselves or are afraid to ask mommy for superior hardware... or too stubborn or stupid.

No. KB+M for both
There is no difference in aiming between those two. Just because you grew up with Gears of War doesn't mean that gamepad is superior.

They're usable, yes. Not good.

Sony doesn't care what you use


and on pc those that can afford a 144hz ulmb monitor have the advantage.
poorfags are always going to be at a disadvantage and that is fine. how about you stop being poor

>MKBfags get shat on so hard on their platform they have to go to a platform where nearly no one uses MKB


I play dead space and RE5 better with KB/M

Didn't even bother reading more than 2 words did ya? Sony already supports the mouse and keyboard fully. The games themselves(ie the developers fault) need to have KBM control mapping. The the dev doesn't give the game KBM control maps, then it necessitates the use of an input converter like an XIM or that weird setup sony licensed.

Yeah. Some platforms and racing games are about the only place controllers shine.

Of course for racing, a wheel and pedals are superior

Controllers are for action and fighting games, KB/M is for shooters and strategy games

Wrong. I grew with first the NES, then a 486 (glorious 2 MB RAM!). And playing certain games with keyboard is torture, just like playing certain games with a controller would be insanity.

Wanting to limit PC to just one kind of input device is anathema to what PC is.

what do you expect from a safezone shooter

>be driving in a race
>green light flashes, blank fires, race starts
>completely unimpaired I take the lead
>other guy is wearing a blindfold and can't drive his car properly so he crashes and loses
>not wearing a blindfold is cheating


have you tried not being poor

>playing fps on a console

That's the funny part. The pro is already an advantage. But controller sales are sales. Both ms and sony make mad bank on buying cheap ass materials to make controllers and selling them much higher

Though ms is more likely to implement mouse/kb on scorpio because muh esports

It's $150

No one will buy it over a controller which was my point. They can easily allow a basic $5 mouse to work but they don't.

This. Even MLG call of duty swag-fags hook up their consoles to a 144hz/1ms response time monitor.

Look at the guys name in that video. It's XIM3 Test User.

Where's the best place to get one of these adapters?

>Playing memewatch

Shooters are objectively better with a mouse though no matter the perspective.

Theres other genres where controllers sre better, but not shooters

It's only natural that a game that pushes for competitive keep getting players trying to find new ways to get ahead. Be it hacks, bugs, premium accessories or add-ons, they will always find a new way to screw the competitive mindset.

They harvest what they sow.

Maybe it's supposed to be a blindfolded race.

Is it me or is a console player much more likely to use VoIP more often than those on PC since the latter can use a keyboard

Sony already allows the basic $5 mouse. Blizzard needs to patch their game to allow the mouse to work, however. Like any ol input converter, the Tac-pro simluates the controller inputs so the game understnads the language your hands are speaking.

Theres no competitive scene on consoles though.

The people using MKB are basically doing the equivalent to smurfing and preying on the defenseless

VoIP is for trolling and hackusations. No reason to ever use it.

Sure would be nice

Playing crossplay on gears of war 4 and it gets too personal when you voice chat and the guys suck

I'd rather just text chat but it's weird when you're text chatting and they talk on mic

I might just do this and get back in to the ol' call of duty after the first one (mw4) and cause tears.

>C I S

XIM's website if you wanna spend 150 dollarydoos, Amazon if you want something more reasonably priced like a maxshooter.

PC users will generally use VOIP in any premade team situation. Especially in games which somehow limit your voice communication like RUST.

How does the Xim work for destiny? I heard it still has deadzones like a joystick would

Can't ban the Xim4 users anyway. You cannot detect it, it's not a mod or a hack. It just simply emulates a controller. rendering it undetectable.


You mean those porn webm's actually got a GAME?


Why is it that in every COD video I've seen demonstrating the XIM, there's always an americunt who sounds he's from the deep south and he wont shut his fucking mouth? Do hicks just not know how to shut up?

I meant in general. OW made pretty clear that the focus of the game were pseudo-ranked games as casuals and stupid things when you get bored of them (arcade ).

If they made a more fun and stupid focus, less people would use these kind of things to get ahead.

>XIM4 is the same price as an elite controller
>People actually buy the elite controller over a XIM thinking the paddles and custom triggers will give them an edge

Console players are funny

This reads like a satire article but its real.
I'm reminded of the fact that the current lead class designer on WoW plays the game on a tablet.
I feel empty inside.

Beyond the stupidity of the situation, how the hell did Blizzard manage to miss such an obvious market for OW-branded keyboard and mice for consoles?

It's even worse when you get those that don't turn off their mic and let you hear EVERYTHING including phone calls and wife/kids yelling while breathing laboriously

Overall yes. Unless it has shooting in it, then I'll suffer the keyboard to use the mouse in a third person game. I swap between the two depending on driving or shoot outs for GTA. Eventually plan to add a wheel and a flight stick into it too. Granted not all just for GTA of course that would be retarded.

This brought me joy. And tempts me to get a console and play with my console friends on Overwatch because they argue the shit to death and won't ever shut up about it.

And I'm the only fucker in the group that has done both. Fuck Timesplitters is still one of my favorites and I liked BF2 on console as it played differently though I like the PC version better overall.

OP didn't mention that Kaplan went on to say that they need to either prevent any console player from using KB&M...or make KB&M cheap and easily available to every console player ever

He even admitted in the same thread that it's their fault and they're working on making the console's version work better with KB&M

Most 3rd person games have shit clunky controls designed for stick movement and not WASD. Mainly things like 360 degree directional movement and stick pressure based movement speed, which translates to slow clunky movement on WASD. M/kb would be better if the game was designed for it.

But really if you're going to design any kind of shootan game for PC it's going to be 1st person anyway, 3rd person maybe for looking at your character, exclusively 3rd person games are usually designed for consoles/controllers because of the low FOV of playing on a TV and inherently clunky stick movement.

It's called being unaware. Bet barely anyone is aware of this 150 dollar mouse thing until they get wrecked online

Plus the elite is nice for fighting/racing games

When the majority of the playerbase on console doesn't have the same controls, yes

Also it destroys the spirit of the game. It's supposed to be a relaxing match where you sit on a couch and use a controller not hunching over a desk

Yep, I remember that from when I played on 360. It was nice hearing them curse under their breath as I'd fucking murderize them repeatedly though.

Voice activation was a mistake overall though, especially on PC. Most of my friends use voice activation on TS so I have to hear so much shit that I don't need to, like creaky doors, them banging shit on their desk, etc. Makes me want to yell at them but I hold back.

but if they decide the allow these wouldn't that enhance the possibility of the pc/console communities becoming less separated

pic unrelated

Those console kiddies are hilarious

As someone with a M&KB adapter (not an XIM) Destiny works good for the most part, but it's got some quirks. Deadzones can be adjusted on my Keymander do minimize input delay, so I would assume an XIM has a similar option. Also a few things to note for destiny is that aim assist cannot be turned off and there are situations in the game, mainly while sprinting and driving a vehicle, where turn speed is limited and turns are harder to do with a mouse.

It does, even if you move the mouse at a consistent speed, the movement will start off slow and then his "maximum" speed over about 0.75 seconds. makes quick twitch movements a pain in the ass.

Worst i've heard is somebody sitting there fucking eating constantly. Like I was playing blackjack on TTS and this faggot of a dealer was eating goddamn chips constantly. after about half an hour of that I finally asked the lardass if he was eating a fucking family size bag all by himself and he banned me.

Here's a weird solution. Use a joystick and mouse for third person shooters.

>Voice activation was a mistake overall though, especially on PC. Most of my friends use voice activation on TS so I have to hear so much shit that I don't need to, like creaky doors, them banging shit on their desk, etc. Makes me want to yell at them but I hold back.

It's cancer but at least you can run autohotkey scripts to force mute the mic with the push of a key if you don't get the option


That would take some getting used to. I don't even own a joystick.

>not having a PTT only rule


We're gonna end up playing with the power glove at this rate.

I can understand the sword, but why the dog?

More to the point console games use some autoaim

When you pair this with a mouse the result is insane

>Bet barely anyone is aware of this 150 dollar mouse thing until they get wrecked online

That's probably right, but I'd argue if youre about to drop $150 on something gain an advantage in pvp, you ought to do a bit of research first and not just blindly follow memes

battle buddy

Not my TS. I do tell them to switch like every day but they always tell me they couldn't get used to having to hold a button to talk.

It's not that bad. I use that setup for flying and other things, but I have a lot of options for controllers so the joystick+mouse one is kind of niche. Sometimes I'll hold a controller in my left hand and a mouse in my right, which is less awkward than it sounds.

it's shooped

Companion with a support aura. And increased stash size.
>Note the dog has a cigar as well.

You don't understand, I specifically play console for that shitty inferior experience! I LIKE playing games with dysfunctional controls that render the game nearly unplayable! And even though I can use the alternative.... you should too!

>water is wet
Why do you keep making this thread?

The PS4 supports K+M, though.

What's the problem?

you'll never stop us xim4 users. might as well just quit while your ahead. fucking poor ass peasants.

That OW's lead dev is a retard and is trying to pin his problems on Sony and M$

>you'll never stop us xim4 users

I have one too but I feel terrible for shitting on these kids. At the same time it feels so good to be xim4 master race

Bullshit, my brother was playing with a keyboard and mouse today and he didn't use any official mouse or adapter. Stop lying.

It supports it but the developer has to make their game able to use. There are adapters that just make the shit work regardless of the game.

So people with the adapter can kick ass, but the game that doesn't bother to let the average dipshit use a KB/M now sets some players at a disadvantage.

Game developers laziness, but I doubt most users would use them either. God damn do I have console player friends that will argue to the end of the earth it doesn't matter if you are good.

But really its like saying the best indie 500 driver can win even if he is in a Ford Pinto.

>hang out with friend I haven't seen in a while
>mfw he tells me about playing ranked overwatch on console

My Bloodborne machine came with Black Ops 3. I think I'm trying this whole kb+m thing.

>screaming console kids

What did he tell you?

Because consoles don't quite have official mouse and keyboard support yet. Supposedly some games support it naturally but most don't and require an adapter to use, so as of right now OW branded mice and keyboards would be just that, mice and keyboards.

He told me he played it.

don't talk about q3 on DC like you couldn't use a fucking KBM. the fucking system had both as accessories. shit, it even had a fucking then new broadband adapter, which most PC players didn't even have and were still using 56k in 2001.

From what I've heard it's almost 0 communication and no one really tries to have any sort of comp, whatever it would be on console

Dreamcast was ahead of its time and it is well known 2001 was a weird time for pc gaming

just so you guys know this is the reason why crossplay is never attempted outside games that are better played with controllers (SFV, Rocket League).
Companies have tried to do it for shooters but their testing has always proven that it's always completely one-sided and the whole thing has been scraped.

shooters = KB+M
action games = controller

>buy an FPS that was made for PC
>be surprised it works best on KB+M

What's so shocking? Should I lodge a complain towards, like, the entirety of the Fighting Gaems genre over the fact the developers are lazy and refuse to make KB+M work as well as their itty bitty hand-cramping controller devices?

On lower tiers for sure. I'm GM and it's mandatory to have communication.

Xbox has a chat pad for the controller but besides MMOs no game lets you use it for communication.

>relaxing during video games