Why are pirates willing to compromise their entire system by illegally downloading games when you could just buy them outright?
Why are pirates willing to compromise their entire system by illegally downloading games when you could just buy them...
how are pirates compromising their entire system again?
who the fuck still uses utorrent?
deluge is the choice for men
Literally just don't update it. UTorrent works just fine.
holy shit stop spamming your anti-pirate propaganda nobody cares
t. increasingly nervous man as his computer is flooded with botnets and trojans
some russian script kiddie in siberia is literally watching you jack it to furry porn RIGHT NOW
Deluge is GOAT.
Pirate or don't pirate, just shut the fuck up about it
just use qbittorrent jesus christ OP what a shit thread
lol whatever you say.
I've had the same version installed for years and I've never had a problem.
>some script kid has watched me discover my fetishes over the past few years
>using uTorrent past 1.3
>using uTorrent at all
>b-but MY CLIENT is safe!!!
>not using deluge
Nobody has used utorrent for years, specifically because they went full jew. Bait harder.
>there are people on Sup Forums right now that are too stupid to pirate without getting viruses
>still using utorrent
Qbittorrent master race.
>being a pcuck
no thanks kid
You have to be literally retarded to catch something from torrents.
This desu.
Even if you download something with a virus, any modern AV will block it, unless it's a new rootkit or something.
>use deluge
>use ublock origin on your browser of choice to stop harmful ads and popups
>only download torrents from skull-members on thepiratebay
>never worry about anything ever
I cannot understand how you can be dumb enough to get viruses in the year of our lord 2017
>third anti-piracy thread
Has Denuvo paid shills?
so who cares?
depends on which SYSTEM, ie CONSOLE you mean
PC is not a system, its a workstation that can play games
pirating does nothing to affect sales. bet you didn't know, but the fucking SNES could pirate shit and that REALLY RUINED SALES RIGHT?
the PS1, a 5th gen console, could pirate too. absolutely killed the system, no PS2 PS3 or PS4, currently selling 50 million + systems on its own, that exist other than that failed PS1.
you fucking faggot, i hope you die from something stupid.
>using torrents at all
Enjoy your Rightscorp emails demanding you pay them or risk lawsuit- and more companies are actually suing now
Enjoy 50 emails a day because every separate file in that torrent generates a unique letter, followed by your ISP dumping you
Enjoy it when Trump passes TPP and you do 5-10 prison time for robbing from rich people.
Didn't they stop doing that?
>Enjoy it when Trump passes TPP
He actively nixed it.
can you post evidence that qbittorent is unsafe like utorrent?
>haven't updated utorrent in years
>still use same version (2.0.4) without all that shitware
>still works fine
One of trump's first presidential acts was shutting down TPP actually.
>Enjoy it when Trump passes TPP
how uninformed are you