Say something about this best girl

Say something about this best girl

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She's pretty stupid.

She got sick burns.


3rd place is still a place I guess.



I love you Fuuka.

She stars in one of my favorite doujins

Get out of the way, bitch.
I've got a date with Yuko.

Looks like shit

shes kinda rude

Move aside so I can talk to Chijiro



what the fuck is wrong with you user.

user, you can't just drop something like that and not follow through with a name.

adult miska mikoto wanna be

I liked her voice

shes a cunt

Sexiest voice

She's the worst girl, but at least she's canon, so that's nice.


You have an amazing taste user

You're right

Why do we love Yukari again?

i prefer rio

That looks totally different from Yukari user-coon

She's cute!


No one actually loves Yukari, we just love that she's a SLUT.

Technically they're the same voice in the English Dub.

Would impregnate!

Yukari whores herself out to old men

Post one and I'll do that.

>you will never be Yukari

why even live man

But she doesn't even get to bang Ken, Akihiko, Shinjiro, Theo... Koromaru was taken by Fuuka already.

You're right, you should kill yourself this instant

So you can have the chance of one day possibly meeting user's acquaintance from Spanish class that resembles Yukari.

If you die, it's certain you'll never get to have sex with at least a Yukari look alike.

>Fuuka was taken by me already


She isn't dead yet

>say something interesting
>doesn't follow up

Please post your favourite Persona images.

Have a Fuuka one

Is she a lesbian? I'm playing the game right now and her "friendship" with Mitsuru is going too far.

Thank you.
Here's a better Fuuka for the trouble.

All fictional women in Japanese media are basically lesbians user.

I'm going to impregnate Yukari-chan!


because she's better than Fuuka.

Reminder that if not for Fuuka, Yukari would have never found that recording of her father

and had it not been for Fuuka's cheap hourly rates, she never would've found it.

Look At That Hairline

What The Fuck

Dude She's Actually Going Fucking Bald

>Fuuka's cheap hourly rates


Who's this slut?

cute 5head do NOT bully

I'm saying Fuuka is a prostitute.

>not the purest

Liars don't go to heaven, hope you're aware of that.

but Fuuka is obviously the team Hooker. except Her dick-sucking skills aren't of any use in a fight so that's why she plays support.


I tried to warn you user, now you're going to hell for slandering Fuuka's name.

>Picking worst girl

You asked for it

well maybe if you were more accepting of Fuuka's streetwalking ways, you wouldn't be so mad.

you too, are a man of taste?

Why do people even like Fuuka

no taste.

It's many things.

She's a kindhearted girl who believes the world is a beautiful place, she has a strong dedication to her environment and works hard to make her sorroundings be in the besy condition they can be.

She is incredibly smart and dexsterous, she can make high quality gadgets by herself thanks to her extensive technological knowledge.

And most of all, she's a very calm and caring person, she always helps when she can, and she finds happiness in that, which I find admirable

She also would rather stay in and snuggle to a movie after making dinner together instead of going out to a party or something.

*best condition

It's late

I don't care for her beyond maybe wanting to be friends, but she's also the only one who didn't act like a complete idiot during The Answer.

Fuuka is the indoors type, that's true.
Which is pretty convenient, since I'm also the type to want to stay and cuddle together while we're watching our favorite hard sci-fi series.
Such a comfy mental Image.

No problem, Fuuka appreciates a good friend too, since her best one is kinda far away.

But then again, teasing Fuuka sounds just as fun.
Especially after that tickle video Ikutsuki recorded for some reason.

ah, so in her loneliness, she turned to Enjo Kosai.

Some light teasing is okay, just be careful not to annoy her.
>Ikutsuki recorded
Supposedly the machine was malfuctioning, but who knows really, Fuuka herself found nothing wrong with it.


>Ken's head

I don't know man. Maybe the time he recorded his puns was an accident, but other than that it's a little too much of a coincidence.

The guy wasn't exactly sane, hell his own recorded video could've just been a feint to throw us off.

The part where she's Best Girl might have something to do with it.

That's why I love it, it never fails to make me laugh.

well now you're just lying.

The Persona best girl is a trinity.

Maya, Fuuka, and Aigis.

I would enjoy manipulating his spine in that manner, actually.

>Fuuka, and Aigis.
>Best anything

>All this talk of best girl.
>No one mentions the real best one.

Ken stop it

You're scaring me

How does this make you guys feel?

Point me to the P3 girl who risked her own life for an innocent person.

You guys pointed out lots of things like about Fuuka. Also as someone who likes music and has interest in audio equipment, even if I can't romance her I still would love to acquaint her and try the headphones she tunes


Elizabeth is technically still doing that, if you ignore how ridiculously overpowered she is.



Be honest, did you cry?

If you are looking for some headphones to listen to beats in their best quality, Fuuka is the right girl to ask

Not the first time, because it didn't quite hit me that he was dying.

The second time I played through it, it hit be like a ton of bricks.


>dat tummy

Rock hard.

I've seen it like 3-4 times and I've cried every time.


But that isn't Chihiro.

Made me kek audibly