Live in mexico

>live in mexico
>want to buy a nintendo switch
>it costs $486

I don't get it!!!

The switch costs the same as a PS4 in most countries ($299) but here it's more expensive.

I'm not poor but that price is just stupidly high.

inb4 mods deleting it despite being fully in english because spics

iktfb it's $470 here in australia. switch is doa everywhere outside of japan and america

Blame your distributor?

Just import it.

>he doesn't live in the USA

>Live in Chile
>Switch is $520
>It doesn't matter because I don't want a fucking Switch

>iktfb it's $470 here in australia
*AUD you fucking retard
Which is ~360 USD. (299+10%GST = 328.9 USD)
We're paying ~30USD for import etc

Fuck off.

>doa everywhere outside of japan and america
>EBGames is trying to push preorders to second shipment (April) due to high demand

That pic is legitimately terrifying

I can't, the damn thing is sold out everywhere.

with that money you can buy a cheap gaming pc or get a ps4 + a ton of exclusives

>trump trash talks mexico and Australia
>price increases 40% for them to buy a console

Seriously, who creates these images? Every time there's a new pepe or wojak posted it's always with a Sup Forums filename

Oh boy we have a fanboy here. $470 is too much for a Nintendo tablet, my man. This shit is going to flop harder than the Wii U and you know it. We all know it, so there's no reason to be angry about it

>Live in Argentina
>Switch is $490
>It actually does matter because I wanted one fuck my life

It is being scalped because they scalped the wii for 400 usd too, dumb murrikan.
Mexican business know they will buy it no matter what, the wii u is still 250 usd despite being already fucking dead. These people are jews.

*360 USD (including Tax)

I know a lot of guys here who are picking up the Switch, are you from the Eastern (SJW) States?

Doesn't matter, Pedro, that money is going to fund the wall.

Just import one after the initial release, you'll be fine without it a launch for a month or two.

Import it from Amazon US, retard

Do you really have time for vidya when you're building a wall?

>I know a lot of guys
nice anecdote you fucking moron

>Peple saying "just import it"
>Not realizing shipping fees + taxes are fucking expensive for everyone outside USA
Fuck you.

>American price - 299 USD (not including tax)
>Australia price - 360 USD (including tax)
That's not a 40% increase.

Check pic related

Then wait for it to be back on stock after launch
why the fuck do you want a Switch on release?

Dig tunnel

If you want to shitpost, at least finish reading posts, I clearly said "Just import one after the initial release."

Import it from Japan?

It has to pass through customs dumbass, you guys are going to pay for that wall one way or another

you should really switch where you live

The wall just got 15 feet higher, Pablo.

it's $75 to import a PS4 from US to Mexico.

Just wait a month or two after release, or pray for a 3ds tier pricedrop

Because i want to play zelda day 1 without spoilers.

Get a Megadrive or something then.

So pirate it on wii-u.

>pray for a 3ds tier pricedrop
That hurt them too much the first time, they won't do it again

>not having a hacked Wii U


>mfw exactly $420 in my country

>living in 3rd world countries

people do that?

How the heck do you CFW a Wii U?
I've tried several guides but just run into snags. I'd really like to do it but it's a pain in the ass.

I'm not buying that piece of shit when cemU exists.

reeeeeeeee i'm not paying any wall get out of my thread

I don't get why they're complaining about the Switch's price and not they're shitting polluted water, drug wars, rabid corruption and other real problems

Remember when you said you weren't gonna pay for that fucking wall?

Who here mexican master race?

>Mexican intellectuals

I can't tell if you're falseflagging anymore

OP I don't know what you expected when you said 'live in mexico' in your post and you're surprised trumpettes bursted in here

Yup, not paying any wall. What are you gonna do about it?

What country?

*20% import tariff intensifies*

>live in Mexico
>on the border
>can legally cross to the US and just buy it from Walmart or something

That said

>buying a switch

It's fucking zelda, hero saves kingdom and princess again, how dense can you be

The new Link and Zelda are actually mini-Guardians made by the Shiekah for redemption of their machines killing Link and the ending of Hylia's Bloodline

sonydrones so dense they think a game is the story

>implying i can't import from EU

Mexico: Main export partner: 81%

Any Mexicans want switch? Will sell them for 400 usd

>not driving to El Paso on release day

howbout $350

Plus tax its 330 in the US so no... Just import it

Where do i import it? amazon us already ran out of stock and i want it day 1.

Dude, just cash your remittance che...

Oh shit. Sorry about that.