Elder Scrolls

Come Nerevar, friend or traitor cum.

Other urls found in this thread:



>he doesn't play daggerfall in unity

It was the way the game was meant to be played

Daggerfall kinda sucks

What are the most interesting in game books lorefags?

Did they finally finish that?

36 Lessons of Vivec, Sermon 14, wherein Vivec and Molag Bal (the "King of Rape") compare "spears"*, after which Vivec gains immense power by biting Molag Bal's ""spear"" which enhances his """spear""" which he names """"milk drinker"""" and wanders around slapping people with it, which withers them to bone and dust.

* Vivec: "My love is accidentally shaped like a spear"


A Dance in Fire

>Installed a vampire mod for oblivion
>Mod somehow fucked up all the player animations
>Only animation my character can do is bite

Is there a way to reset all the animations?



Literally this

Kolb and the Dragon.

The Annotated Anuad
The Monomyth
Arcturian Heresy
Nerevar at Red Mountain
The Reclamations
The Adabal-a
Commentaries on the Mysterium Xarxes
Ruminations on the Elder Scrolls

good for entry level

What is CHIM


abcs for barbarians

The Lusty Argonian Maid

___ _____ ________ ____

Why didn't anyone protect his smile, user?

My nigga

Shit was pretty based. We'll nerevar have demigod dick and rape jokes ever again.


I just duped a bunch of Scrolls of Icarian Flight to get around. Probably 80% of the overworld is uninteresting, and I only really enjoy the Dwemer ruin dungeons.


Remove Cliff Racer

explain THIS




>open world game with focus on exploration
>fast travels everywhere

you're the reason oblivion had quest markers, faggot

Fucking sue me. Maybe the exploration part should've been interesting. I've fast traveled less in Oblivion and Skyrim than Morrowind, and those actually have a fast travel function. Morrowind has a great main story, but outside of exploring the Dwemer ruins I don't much care for the rest of the game.

What ISN'T CHIM, really?


Maybe you have bad taste or aren't paying attention. Both are possible. Morrowind was more handcrafted than its sequels, which means unique items are placed in specific places, houses and camps only contain items sourced from the local area unless the place you're in has a lot of trade, environments are varied and follow a specific regional artstyle, and while events are not often "random" when you're first playing it it feels like they are because you happen upon shit you didn't know about. Fuck what seems like a shit ass bandit den may actually be a smuggling ring for slaves of which you can choose to free and open up a quest line for saving them that the game doesn't tell you about.

That might be part of your problem with it actually. Morrowind doesnt shove shit in your face all the time and lets you play a part in events without needing to pick up a quest and then go do it. Sometimes shit you're doing won't seem meaningful until you talk to people lager or hear/read something under the assumption your character isn't omnipotent. It's not neccesary the best way to do world content over other ways but it works here.

There's a lot of lore and flavor placed all over the damn place and you can start fitting puzzle pieces together the more you play. Fuck the game doesn't even tell you that you can do the main quest in Solstheim as intended OR as a werewolf under the power of Hircine who is the antagonist. You either hear about it from somewhere else or happen upon it by not listening to the NPCS when they tell you to get cured. Lots of shit like this in the main story and side content like the Vampire clans. Relatively esoteric I know

Agreed. I also liked how there were sometimes more than one way to finish quests, or you may have already done the quest without even knowing it. There were still some flaws in this... like you could accidentally loose or sell unique quest objects without realizing you'd need them. But I was preferential IMO to 'talk to npc, check quest menu, follow quest markers. Quest is bugged. Reload. Make sure quest is selected as your only active quest in menu. Follow markers again.'

The biggest problem about completing a quest without realizing it is that it can bug other quests and make them impossible to even start.

Which quests did that happen with in Morrowind? I remember having a Hlaulu or whatever House Quest that I couldn't finish, but I can't remember if I bugged it out or lost a unique quest item.

Happens in Mage's Guild, in Maar Gan if you are the exploring type you'd end up in Huleen's Hut and kill that scamp which is for a mage guild quest Edwinna would give you. The thing is this is after the quest where she wants you to pick up the potion from Skink-in-Tree's-Shade so you won't be able to do this quest which then makes it impossible to do any of Skink-in-Tree's-Shade's quests. Luckily for me I was still able to eventually become Archmage even without needing to do his quests for the dedication part of promotions.

Song of Pelinal

An Accounting of the Scrolls is one of my favourite books

*clarinet noises*

Have you heard of the high elves?

So morrowind, I became master of telvanni house and archmage for the mages guild, is there anything fun to do left or should I just go kill the naked mountain man

If you join the sixth house you get a free cat

End the game in style


I wanted to but the game wouldn't let me. Lack of choice in the fain quest was without a doubt the biggest disappointment in Morrowind.

No, you explain it. What the fuck is going on in that image?

runes on the underside of the lids
Pretty sure they don't mean anything, might have been a part of some content that was cut or maybe just a dev fucking with people.

The Charwich-Koniinge Letters are great.

What the fuck am I looking at?

anyone else enjoying eso currently? got me interested in dunmer lore

Its too short. They added more in the Skyrim DLC but it didn't quinch my thirst.


Please stop

N'Gasta! Kvata! Kvakis!

House Dres did nothing wrong.

Hanging Gardens of Wasten Coridale
Egg of Time
Divine Metaphysics.

>dat feel when OpenMW is basically complete