What game lets me be a loli

what game lets me be a loli

Yumi is old news.

Chicken-chan is the Sup Forums loli

Is it really necessary to state her age?

>Game about monkey
>porns of 9 years old everywhere
You what


Ape Escape 4 when

any 2010+ mmo

>cheerful loss

What did they mean by this?

It's 'lass,' I'm pretty sure.

what did she mmean by this

Yes very


Final Fantasy XIV

Dragon's Dogma

>bust size more than the minimum


Her name is not Yumi? WTF


I want to sniff Nep

It's Sayaka in nipland and bongland

Sorry user. She was still cute. On a side note, does this count? You can select her in saki portable.