I love this game

I love this game

me too user

it is bad

Filthy Casual


>tfw the Donkey Kong series has literally no bad games

Do you need a wii mote to play this on dolphin?

you can emulate the waggle to a button.

It's alright, but sometimes (cough Crystal Caves cough) it's really fucking boring.

Crystal Caves is the best level tho, I would say Fungi Forest is worse.

The last crystal puzzles I had to write down the letters to fucking solve them.
Solely guided by sounds.
That's how I learned to type without looking at the keyboard, btw.

why do I wanna fuck this monkey

Me too, senpai.

That glorious 101% feel.



she triggers your inner monkey

Loved it as a kid, have a lot of nostalgia for it but in my experience it was a nightmare to emulate. Is it still?

No idea, project 64 is buggy as fuck, but has made advances.
Now if you emulated it in a fucking igpu, then kill yourself please.
You need a brand gpu, even if a shit tier 1050/460.

Wait for ParaLLEl to get better

Probably one of the few games I want to see remade. Would kill someone at Nintendo to see that.

I want to ____ the croc!

In PJ64 is playable, but the polygons still teas apart and can cause restarts, it also has timing issues with the fixed 30fps, making some minigames like the slot machine or the banana/kong shoot gallery harder than it should (this also happens on the wii u version).
I tested bizhawk and I didn't see any problems, it even emulated the lag of the game, just be sure to change the graphics plugin to gliden64.