Will it sell well?

Will it sell well?


Either it flops and sells like shit, or it sells decently and is still a money drain because this game was in dev hell for a decade.

It's a Souls game, that has no Souls in the name. No.


Guess I'll buy it day one then. I want to support good games.

Prob decently. The marketing drive wasn't as a big as I'd expect.

First mistake was picking NioH for it's title and including jap characters under it. Second was using nip samurai themes.

Define well

Even if it was 10/10 it won't.
Not a triple A game by the triple A developer.
Wasn't advertised enough for it to sell over at best 2mil.

I could see it maybe getting to around the 750,000 - 1 million sales level. Maybe a bit more, Nioh getting to around a similar level of popularity as the early Onimushas were back in 2001-03 isn't too outlandish an idea.

Sony are investing a decent amount of money into promoting it, which obviously will be a big factor in whether or not it's a success or not. Interesting to note that Hayashi outright said that KT couldn't afford to promote it to the level they felt it deserved and that they were the ones to approach Sony to help out with publishing it in the West. Guess that failed attempt to break into the mobile market really took more out of them than they thought.

guaranteed to sell 700000 -1 million copies

Not fantastically.
I say 1 million is the absolute limit, it probably won't even reach anywhere near that.

>Sony are investing a decent amount of money into promoting it.
By decent amount you mean like 400 bucks to give a select few people a copy to stream 2 days before release than yes.
"A decent amount".

There is no way this is going to sell anywhere near as much as Bloodborne.

Not only did Bloodborne have much more hype everywhere on the internet, but it actually had marketing.

Nioh has no hype and had almost no marketing.

Even with all the marketing, Bloodborne only sold 2-2.5 million.

People need to realize that unless it's a big name AAA title from a first party studio, Sony exclusives do not sell well.

Here in upside down world I've seen quite a few Nioh posters at mainstream department stores and they've assembled sizzle reels of the game to appear in electronics stores. That's not really particularly common for Japanese games anymore, at least here.

What level of drive are they giving it in Europe and the States?

people seem to love reviews and the game has great reviews, it'll do fine

Well as far as I've seen, pretty much nothing.

Watch Dogs 2 got good reviews and that flopped. Infinite Warfare got shit reviews and sold well. Reviews mean nothing for commercial success. It's all about marketing and brand recognition.

Why would I buy it when I can just grab the PC release with 240hz 4k in 2 years?

watch dogs 2 had no target demographic
infinite warfare is cod

Nioh has a lot of potential audiences

>Watch Dogs 2 got good reviews
The first one got mediocre reviews, and I wasn't going to jump into the second one.

>Watch Dogs 2 got good reviews and that flopped.

So did dishonored. Weird times.

>watch dogs 2 had no target demographic
So then why did the first one sell really well? Don't even tell me they aren't basically the same game.

>So then why did the first one sell really well?

It released when there was literally no games out early on the xbox one and ps4 console lifespan

because nobody knew what to expect with the first game

then the second game got obvious paid reviews but no one wanted that garbage again

Hopefully not. Console exclusives are cancer, and ripping of Dark Souls isn't cool.

people were desperate for an open world game on next-gen systems and it was still running off the hype of the 2012 reveal
everybody got burned and even normies knew not to trust the sequel



>So then why did the first one sell really well?

Hacker that was white and believable.

Story was good

2 had the nigger theme with a sjw crew in a game that's about hacking. That's not what you do this isn't gta

>Story was good

>Jap game
>Selling good

Sold out everywhere so it met their first ship expectations. Question will be how much.

This will slow burn to 1.5-2 million.

>Sold out everywhere
Source? I checked online retailers and it's still readily available.

>Shitty sequels to shitty games had shitty sales


With a few day ship date at most. Go and try and order it from Amazon. Delivery estimate is out a week.

Cannot get it from any GameStop. Friend who didn't preorder has been everywhere trying to secure a copy tomorrow without luck.

>most OP weapon in the highest tier
ok champ. I left your juice box on the table

Do you... not grasp how a tier list works?

>With a few day ship date at most. Go and try and order it from Amazon. Delivery estimate is out a week.
>Cannot get it from any GameStop. Friend who didn't preorder has been everywhere trying to secure a copy tomorrow without luck.


They're all still in stock.

I hope it does well because it might encourage more of these melee combat games to move away from musou crap.

But I think it's more likely to flop than burn up the charts. I know a handful of people who are really pumped for it but a lot just don't care.

That doesn't mean it will ship right away. Have you not ever bought a game before? They still take the order. It won't be fulfilled in the first shipment when went out yesterday.

Okay, but you said it was sold out. If it was sold out the pages would have said "not available" or " sold out" like how the Pre-Owned portion of the gamestop Nioh page says that it's not available.

It's available. Everywhere. It's not 'sold out' at all.

Even then, the shipping all depends on what kind of shipping plan was selected after purchase. If I wanted it in a day or two you would pick 1-day shipping. if you wanted it in a week you would pick standard shipping.


Also, it's the second best seller in video games on Amazon, I have a feeling it will do decently.

>Also, it's the second best seller in video games on Amazon, I have a feeling it will do decently.
Yakuza and Gravity Rush 1 and 2 and Watch Dogs and Dishonored were all in the top 5 but those game flopped. Being in the best seller page doesn't mean anything, especially during a drought where no one is buying games.

Based on preorder feels I've gotten from gamestop so far, no.

Most have said theyve gotten 6-7 preorders at the most.

You work at GS?

Sup Forums has shilled it to fuck, so it'll sell well to players who browse Sup Forums. Probably much less so with normies.

My gamestop wasn't doing a midnight release
They didn't have it up on website and wouldn't answer reee

>Create a crutch tier
>Put most OP weapon in highest tier instead
Do you?

I guarantee you most GameStops did not get many preorders for this game and there will most likely not be any extra copies available tomorrow. Buy digital.


Nope, but I called asking about midnight releases at various ones after preordering my copy, and every store I called said they didnt get even a fraction of enough preorders to justify that.

Based on the store I preordered from, which is in a major mall with large traffic, who said they only got 6 copies in, I am assuming the other stores are viewing similar numbers

>so it'll sell well to players who browse Sup Forums
Who have a PS4 and have a distinct interest in the game.

still hasnt shipped for me yet :'(


Stay mad, pcuck!

I bought it at 12:01

I hope it sells well desu, I like supporting good games.

500k-700k at best don't expect this to be a hit or anything.

Yes pre-orders are SOLD OUT. There is nothing left of the first shipment. They have all been sold. Anything you try and buy now will come in the next shipment that wasn't shipped yesterday.

Once word of mouth gets out and all the jewtubers and twitch whores start playing it, it'll start to sell like hotcakes.


i work at amazon, and i can tell you that this game is number 1 in playstation purchases.

i reckon we sold our initial 10k shipment already.

but i'm buying from bestbuy.

I have a ps4.

No it's not. The Switch is sold out. Nioh is not sold out. You can just look these things up yourself and cross reference how it is to be sold out on something on an online website.

>caring about the opinion of a pvpfag
>caring about the opinion of a pvpfag who can't even pve

>valid criticism doesn't count because the guy is a pvpfag


bb sold 2.6 million at retail alone according to vgchartz as of december '16. including digital its probably over 3 million.

>weird times
FPS/TPS fatigue. People hardly care anymore, nothing wows people anymore. The novelty has long worn off. It's all just more of the same shit.

No one I knew who liked video games knew what it was until I told them. Probs not.


>according to vgchartz


Vgcharts has no sources. The only place where they actually have numbers for is JP numbers, and that's because of media create.

The websites owner even said they make up all their numbers. Come back with an actual source next time.

Infinite warfare did not sell well.

best selling game of 2016

sold better than battlefield 1 despite having everything against it

your asshole sure is a better source m8s

>Only major Playstation game releasing until Horizon Zero Dawn
>#1 in purchases

Wow you don't say

People said the same thing about GR2 and Yakuza being on the best seller list, but then they fell off the top 50 sellers after a week.

atmosphere made souls games. this game is just bland looking. weebs will eat it up but wont sell over 1M overall

unfortunately, no.


I'm not buying it, so it's going to flop.