Little Mac

>Little Mac

He's average at worst.

Other urls found in this thread:



keep telling yourself that

That's quite little.


agreed. mario is barely half of mac's size, so why do they call him super, instead of little mario?

every other fighter in the game is like 7' 6" tall

How's the air down there manlet?

6'1" is average

Anyone shorter should kill themself.

How much ya wanna bet that's a type and they really meant 4'7"?

How can /fit/ even call people below 6 feet manlets when they're all below 5 feet?

when will they learn?

That's pretty small for a boxer. Whats he weigh in at?

>implying height is a reason to commit suicide
How far fucking gone would one have to be to have their fucking HEIGHT be the deciding factor in something like that?

When will they learn?



>Mike Tyson is 5'8"
Really fires my neurons

I see you, midget.


Pffft. Not even good enough to be king of manlets.

In the institution of professional boxing, 5'7" is actually quite small. The point is that a person of average size (IE the player of the game) is at a physical disadvantage compared to the opponents of the game and thus must win via speed, reflex, strategy, and determination, the values of successful gameplay.

Also his original height was 4'6".

Little mac cute. CUTE!

>tfw when 5'5
>Lost 70 pounds
>somehow dropped enough fat to be 5'4

Finding clothes that fit is a bitch.

Every time I see this it keeps getting taller.

>2 manlet bait threads in a row

Is /fit/ trying to take over Sup Forums or something?

>tfw average height for my ethnicity but short for my ideal white body

He's slightly shorter than average, kinda scrawny, and is constantly pitted against motherfucking giants for some reason.

I'm 5'6", should I just resign myself to be a weak manlet?

These underaged memes suck. Jesus is a manlet, and everyone wants his godly D and you know it.

half your height is your single armspan.

for a boxer, having even a 4 or 5 inch difference to your opponent is gonna get you fucked up

Become my tranny bitch.

Gay is not okay user


Reminder that any tall person that was truly confident and secure would not need to create these threads and that /fit/ is just an extension of /r9k/.

>fucking McBurgers made it impossible for them to call his super form Big Mac

It's not gay if you dress become a girl.

that's still gay

Holy shit, I don't know anyone past 6, im 6"1' i wish I had taller friends. I like my height, I almost don't fit in certain cars.

>6'1" is average
In which country?

White countries.

>tfw 5'7 and sister is 6'1
>constantly bullied me and kept stuff out of reach when he fought


>thought I was tall
>go to college
>6'7" chads everywhere
>kill myself
Only Dinaric Alps Managed to the 6'1 average.

>what a surprise, the most ethnically homogeneous white country is the tallest
Shitskins and gooks RAUS

>it's an "everyone on Sup Forums is suddenly 7 feet tall on average" episode

he's called little mac because he has a tiny dick

Still. Many white countries didnt manage to pass the 6ft average.

you just are around short people
In wealthier areas, people are taller

>current year
>not being > 6 foot 5
>being genetically inferior

He was only 4'8" on the NES.

I'm 6'3"

And that was last time I actually had to measure myself in high school, maybe 6'4" now