I like nep

I like nep.


me too.

I hate Nep

Finally someone on this board who don't have a fat fetich.

You do realize that makes you a terrible person, right?

so who's going to buy that nep fig and show us the goods...

I like her too OP.

I like Neps riding Nep while Nep watches

trying to shill your shitty meme

>Carrying 4 of Spades At All Times IRL
what? Thats autistic as fuck.

Has anyone ever done any of the things in the last tier? Sounds just silly.

Don't reply to the shitty meme baiter

instead, post cute neps

user is just a dipshit autistic newfag trying to fit in
i bet he likes girls(female)

I hope you preordered her statue then.


I pre-ordered the fuck out of that shit as soon as I saw it.

Let's see.

>programming bots
Obviously some have done it in the past.

>CP Posting To Scare Newfags
Definitely been done many times.

>Doxxing Notable Shitposters
I can think of a few times this happened. It happened with barneyfag and it happened with the person that kept making "Did you hack your 3DS yet" threads, meaning there are people who do it.

>Sup Forums Meeting Sabotage
It happened, there's a story about someone making a treat with cum for a Sup Forums meeting, I think it was the auto board

>Getting Sup Forums At Mainstream Media
This usually happens as result of a joint effort, not one person's doing, the only times I can think of one person single handedly getting Sup Forums to the news was the person from r9k that said they'd an hero and actually did (or not, it's unknown)

>Manipulating Mods
Pretty feasible but I have no idea where to even begin attempting this

>Making ??? (500+ replies)
Pretty easy, many bait threads get 500+ replies.

>Intentional Thumbnail Swapping
As far as I know it's impossible without bots

>Keeping Logs On Users
If people can dox shitposters, they must be able to at least keep logs

>Board Entropy Increasement
I am confused about what entropy means in this case, if it's synonym of chaos and order then it means making boards more convulated, once again possible but I don't see what is special about this

>Reversing Meme Entropy
I assume this means killing memes. Yeah, pretty possible and surprising to pull off.

>Impersonating Protected Tripfags
Bullshit and a waste of time

is this what it feels like to be those poor bitches who are willing to suck dick for cigs?

You can't swap thumbnails at will even with bots, it requires way too much accuracy. It's been done in the past though, which leaves me baffled

I accept it.

They were all done in the past, but only once or twice. If you lurked more you'd hear about at least half of them in a few months since they are notable events.

>tfw nep-nep's figure is currently #1 most viewed on amiami and #4 on the weekly selling list on hobbysearch

>reversing meme entropy
Is this possible? My memetic thermodynamics class said you can't do that.

If we let entropy rise at will things would get out of control quickly, maybe there are people reducing it outside our view?

>suck dick for figs

>reversing meme entropy
Teach this newfag what the fuck is that

Happy to hear that. Not happy that I'm broke as fuck though.

Unless the dress is removable and has modeled nipples underneath who cares

I want to cum on this

Daily reminder that Noire has no friends

Any idea on how tall this thing actually is going to be?

I know it says 1/8th scale but what does that actually mean?

Is it like 6-8 inches or something?

Good luck ever getting that shit out of every little fold and corner completely.

20cm (7.8in) according to MFC.

>Second law of memetic dynamics: In a natural memetic process, the sum of the entropies of the interacting memes increases.

All memes die. Unless we can reverse meme entropy, our boards will die too.

Single handedly ending specific memes is reversing meme entropy, the easiest way to do this is to obnouxiously force it to make people tired of it but it doesn't really kill the meme off completely

This, we can't let shit get out of control

Nep has a great butt

>making hidden messages in posts
w-what, people do that? how would someone even put a hidden message in a post?

Too much money

Nice. Sounds good.

nep butt is best butt


Literally never done anything past "regular"

Is this a bad sign?

It's the cheapest nep statue available last I checked.

It's the only human form Nep-nep statue, and slightly cheaper than the Purple Heart dress statue.

Still, buying these things isn't for everyone, so I get where that guy's coming from.

I'm poor

Marblecake Also The Game

I want to lick her tummy and thighs

You bet your ass I did!


>correctly using spoilersez





You forgot the "when needed", dickass
Like, using spoiler tags when actually revealing a spoiler

>decided not to buy figures and stuff for a long time
>Decided that the nendoroid from a specific show was fine
>Decided than another nendoroid from another show I liked was fine
>Decided that a cheap statue of Miku was fine because it was dirt cheap
>Decided to splurge on jumbo Miku nendoroid because of a birthday shinanagans
>Now I have a gravity rush figma preordered
>Now I want a lewd nep statue 70% because I like small nep the best 20% it's made well enough and 10% other reasons I'm not able to admit openly
>These statues I swore not to partake in is starting to fill my life with simultaneous purpose and selective moments of shame and selective moments of confidence

I don't think I can do it, but if I land this interview coming up, I heard I can get a fat sign on bonus and totally preorder. Fuck, I don't know what to do.

Is this going to be really rare or short supply? I've never bought anything made by Broccoli before but I know people go nuts for them.

Well the figure itself doesn't become available until July, right? So I imagine you could probably just pre-order and budget for the expense moving forward.

How much girl pussy can I get if I show this off?

user, I don't think it's something that gets you laid. You buy it because you like lil' nep and think it looks nice.

All I know is this is like $229 on Amazon and it's almost as lewd as the nep one.

Half the shit below regular is shit from reddit, shit tier list.

>almost as lewd as the nep one.
lol that nepgear figure isn't anywhere near as lewd (or well made) as the nep-nep one IMO.

I can't predict how expensive the nep-nep figure will become, but it seems much higher quality and much more appealing to me.

Nepu nepu nep nepupu! Nepu nepu nepu, nepupu!




Possibly. This is the only Neptune figure (not Purple Heart) that isn't a Nendoroid, and even though it isn't cheap and the final version likely isn't going to look that good, I can see it getting a lot more expensive in a few years, still, people are probably going to think the same thing and preorder a lot of them, so I don't know.

I like nep too but I can't find the drive to play her games.

I am Nep

show us your butt


What's with the D-pads

They're for emergencies.


>There's actually an explanation
Was not expecting that. Well played

emergency pudding reserves

why would she need two of them

They're only D pads when she transform. Right now they're more like A pads.

To be fair, we don't know if she was joking or not.

The next moment they press one of her dpad hairpins and she moves to the right like so.

It's possible she was just making a joke to be cute. It's what she does.

Don't try to bring logic into it, user. This is Neptunia.

Complicated movements of you know what I mean.

I wonder if she can be controlled when she is sleeping... oh the naughty possibilities with a sleeping nep are endless hehetwo players?

I like sandwiches. I really like a good reuben.

>two players?

Praise Lady Black Heart!

jesus christ what is wrong with that nep? That's even worse than Nebu Nebu.

waifu material

Who /4go/ here?

what the fuck is a nep

A cute girl and benevolent goddess.

Still funny how Producing Perfection was literally made to be a Nep dating sim.

Nep is love
Nep is life

>want to get into Nep series because of that one Sadistic looking waifu
>buy first 3 games
>can't beat Killachine
>drop entire series

Wow, that's actually sad user. Sorry you suck so much.

Go grind?

How do get stuck in a nep?

>can't beat Killachine

I'm still salty that I can't play it on PSTV. If it was compatible, then I would've bought it and 100%'d the Neptune route.

I did watch it on youtube though.

She leg locks you and won't let you pull out.

>and won't let you pull out.