>main villain in game was actually being used by another villain
Main villain in game was actually being used by another villain
fuck off Sup Forums
Name THREE games that do this
>made up quotes in the headline
Nice. Not fake or anything.
>Vote in favor of a better Italy
What did they mean by this?
It's been a minute but wasn't Arl Howe manipulating Teryn Loghain in origins?
Persona 4
Twilight Princess
Final Fantasy XII
What do I win?
What are some games where the main villain is being used by another villain?
every political slogan ever
Throw a barrel at them!
Twilight Princess
Mass Effect
Half Life 2
Not convinced bannon is even smart. cheney narrative part 2
Final Fantasy IV
Street fighter IV
No More Heroes
Lol at all the people who voted for trump I guess. It's one of those things where you go
> Told you he was a fucking idiot. Why would you seriously elect a loser like that?
But then again
>Steve Bannon manipulating shit on the side
> being a "bad" thing for Sup Forums
Original Breath of Fire
Twilight Princess
I do not believe ANY news stories regarding trump
I could give less of a shit about actual politics, I'm just really glad that Trump winning means all those liberal SJW fucks are gonna spend the next 4 years sobbing and shitting their adult diapers
There's at least three games in the Final Fantasy series alone.
Twilight Princess
Super Paper Mario
Mass Effect
Cheney was actually smart though, and he didn't deny being evil
he shot a man in the face and the guy apologized TO HIM
Dark Souls 2
Arkham Asylum
Good job retard. You do know Trump supports cutting off your steady supply of NEETbux, right?
>net neutrality is gone and my tap water is flammable but at least the sjws are mad
Hyrule Warriors
Fucking idiot
Same. I don't understand why anyone is paying attention to the media whatsoever anymore after the debacle that was the cover of the election.
NEETs don't deserve free money.
wow... Trumpettes BTFO
>Villain realizes he's being used and ticks the one using him
Shhh he fell for the "SJWs are ruining gaming" diversion and does not yet realize that money is all that matters in politics.
Italian genocide
I don't live in the states.
Nice refutation cuck.
I have a job. That's why I voted for Kasich
hello trump
Uncharted: Drake's Fortune
>I don't care about politics
>I just don't like this specific group of people with these political views
naruto storm w/e
Grand Theft Auto Vice City Stories
Off yourself
Then you're either a disgusting South American with even worse governments than Clapland, or you're a dumb Yuropoor that doesn't deserve to partake in the beautiful, varied lands amd cultures on their continent
go back to playing a victim on reddit, Emily
hey hillary
I'm gonna build a wall and it's gonna be huge.
Disavow yourself, Donald. Mika is gonna cry if you refuse to do it.
how the fuck does nintendo design great looking villains and supporting characters in zelda but no fucking porn of them.
Professor Layton: Miracle mask
Pokemon Black and White
Hyrule Warriors
Because Trump, the pro-Zionist guy whose in-laws are all Jews and whose cabinet comes from Goldman Sachs, is not?
fight with the villain to kill the final boss>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>everything else
When did you realize donald trump was the Jar Jar binks character and banon was sheev?
cheney laughing all the way to the bank.
Chrono Trigger.
Is it just me or does this picture look vaguely sexual?
Don't you mean City?
I hope to visit the Great Wall of America in my lifetime.
Rise of the Tomb Raider
I honestly hope I get out of college before that and get to work on the wall.
>Name THREE games that do this
Basically every Final Fantasy game.
Name THREE games that do that.
Point is, bannon can't be an evil genius if he's just the average-brained king of dumbass mountain
I must be tired because I found that remarkably funny.
Alpha Protocol
wonderful 101
mario rpg?
don't worry you're just tired
the fact that liberals are pretending that since their hugbox didn't prevail the world's ending just shows how shortsighted and ignorant they are
>Trump doesn't know what executive orders he's signing
>Trumptards will defend that
Twilight Princess
Blazblue (every single game)
Last Story
Oops, yeah.
Renzi has already been btfo.
thats the best part
if only we'd do it to single moms too
lmao you guys can go on shitting your pants 24/7 over nothing after 8 YEARS of obama shitting on the constitution and you not saying a peep
yeah i bet you're really sincerely worried about the constitution and shit
My tap water was already flammable and tgere's only 1 non satellite internet provider for 200 miles
Yeah but that guy is implying everything is going to be shit for me under trump. In reality I doubt much will change.
Not an argument, Trumptard BTFO.
what do you think will be Sup Forums's reaction if he gets impeached
>inb4 pence would just be him again
no, he would be much more intelligent about it. trump is a retard, pence is an intelligent politician who knows how to get what he wants subtly
Except VI and XV
At least Republicans are smart enough to know that the evil bastards they really want in office are unelectable.
That was the big mistake with Hillary. Got to put a creature like that behind the scenes.
Ratchet and Clank 2016
Asura's Wrath
Twilight Princess
Halo 3
Instead of making salient points, you instead point fingers and hope to distract from real issues creeping up NOW.
>potato nigger trying his hardest to throw all the sand niggers out
>potato nigger thinks he's people
why does Steve (((Bannon))) try so hard to please his Anglo superiors?
You guys are constantly screaming about liberals bitching, yet you have to vehemently defend Trump every step of the way and let them know you won the presidency. You sound insecure.
What did Obama even do anyway?
>Got a Nobel Peace Prize for being black as soon as his presidency began
>Introduced a socialized healthcare program that was originally conceptualized by Richard Fucking Nixon
>Said healthcare program is a disaster across the board
Cheney Hunting Sim when?
You chose to live in the middle of nowhere.
You have the freedom to deal with your own choices.
nice, should break everyone's legs so they are at your level.
kek no i just know you leftists are completely insincere since you're shitting your pants over literally nothing after obama raped the constitution to hell and you fags never said a word
not anywhere near a significant percentage of you actually give a shit about this country and nothing you can do will prove otherwise to me, its as clear as the color of the sky
>be republican
>vote a man who
>wants to increase prices for exports because he doesn't understand that lack of human rights is what takes away jobs
>fired an experinced general in charge of security and replaced him with the ex-CEO of fucking Breitbart
>gave ISPs full control over how quickly things load
>thinks that global warming is a chinese conspiracy
>locked out Scientists and veterans from entering the US
>reached the lowest approval rating in 8 days
>allowed his spokespeople to blatantly lie to people
>encourages NSA spying and invading personal privacy by force
>wants to "bomb the shit out of ISIS" like every other president did, cutting another head off the hydra
>has a history of business corruption
>all because you were sick of those "gotdamn liberals"
You probably post cringeworthy shit like pic related with a "PISS OFF A LIBTARD WITH THIS IMAGE" caption
Well considering Sup Forums is a bunch of underage kiddies who ousted themselves as white supremacist LARP'ers. They would react to it as they usually do, post memes and convince stormniggers they're in good company.
Bannon is the evil guy you root for though.
He's bond-villain tier.
Yakuza 1 2 3 4 5 and 0
Did Hillary have a point when she called Trump supporters deplorable?
Basically hundreds of posts all saying "REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE"
What if us Kiwis just want to watch America tear itself apart over the next four years?