Steam r8 thread?

Steam r8 thread?

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prifile pic feels so out of place

Found your hideout faggot

Ordering pizza now

Background is pretty gud too
Batman isn't that cool of a superhero.
Also you cropped out the video games.

add me up losers

Kill yourself



>tfw Matt Lillard won't be the Riddler in the DCEU
I'm looking forward to see more of Leto Joker tho

Nice background


Bad crop but whatever.

Mass Effect is pretty good, some hefty flaws aside.

Two Worlds is okay but is held back by core performance problems.

Forward to the Sky I honestly don't care for at all.

Faggot groups but otherwise pretty good. Wish they'd port Jet Set Radio Future but I guess JSR didn't do good enough.

Escape from New York is pretty good but Plissken acts like a total autist.

We're all faggots here.

Man, just screencap it, I don't give enough of a shit to really bother going to the actual profile.

Stop playing Binding of Isaac while you still can, it only gets worse the more mediocre junk they add to it.

Who even cares?

I didn't care for One Shot, just sort of a mediocre puzzle game. Don't know how the Steam version differs but it rides a lot on you caring about that cat character.

They fucking ported that F2P Phone title to Steam? Fucking Square-Enix. Wonder if it's any good.

I haven't heard any good things about SOMA. That's it, that's all I have to say.

Not sure what you see in Batman, but good for you, bud.

Pls no bully


how the fuck do you have 92 hours played for RE5?

phoneposting at it's best
I don't own isaac just have it in shared libraries
played it ton earlier though

That's some cool looking profile

Hey, sperg.

Back when it first released it was easy to find co-op partners to run through it together

The Steam version has larger areas and more areas, improved pixelart, and a slightly changed plot. It can also be played more than once, unlike the original. It wasn't changed enough to where if you didn't like the original, you'd like the newer version though. If you didn't care about Niko then, you wouldn't care now.

And yeah, SE released Mobius yesterday on PC. It had a rough launch since some people were randomly being forced to download the Korean version of the game, but that appears to have been fixed. The music is good at least.

Also 6/10 for bio/background/art showcase. How's Forward to the Sky?

Add me if you want to play Starbound or just want to talk about things. Weebs preferred.

Need to swap KOTOR with the sequel.

>Plissken acts like a total autist
Ehh, Plissken just want to be left alone, I can understand him since everyone in the Escape universe is fucked up
Have you ever seen Escape from LA? Movie is kinda bad but trashy-fun. Escape from NY comics are great too.

>tfw we almost had a game

Whoa, someone who might actually have been able to get the multiplayer achievements in a RE game. I never have.

Fair enough. Rebirth drove me a little insane with the secret item room droprates and then they added shit anyway.

Cheers, Remember Me is pretty mediocre but the backgrounds are tops.

It's true.

I might give Mobius a try, then, after I'm down marathonning the mainline titles.

Honestly I just found Forward to the Sky to be short and annoying, the gameplay is fairly jank and the characters sound like 30 years sucking on helium.

Wouldn't recommend it.

I guess I'll have to, I'm a sucker for B-Movies.

The Thing is still totally Kurt Russell's best performance, though.

>that game though

Nothing stopping you. Respectable profile either way.

1000 groups.


Ready, every profile here:

>add me up
>200+ hours in some popular multiplayer only game
>funny epic country noone has head of as their location
>more than 100 groups and or friends

Why are so many of you so similar.

What's wrong with being in 1000 groups?




It's a lot of groups.

I didn't even know Steam had that many groups.

I'm looking through them, most of the ones you're in are just anime memes.

Nice showcase but where's the games.

It's not that bad.

Hey if you like b movies then you're gonna enjoy Escape from LA.
Even Bruce Campbell's in it.

>The Thing is still totally Kurt Russell's best performance, though
Couldn't agree more
Also you should take a look at Body Bags by John Carpenter if you haven't already

reee someone add me right now or else I will bully you!


Ahh you are a Russian lookin' for CSGO stuff.

Thanks I accept any group invites.
Also steam used to allow for more than 1k groups but they fixed it.

>Private profile

No way fag

Fine. I will unprivate it just for your filthy autism. Filthy user.

nice alt

Thanks babe

>not using a private profile

It is not an alt. I was just gone for a year and came back to the internet. All of my friends removed me.

>Highest played game is CSGO

Sure seems like an alt

Nice friends.

It's not, but whatever you say.


Rate this.

And then tell me how I get this memory back.

The Thing is goat.

Have you tried getting new friends

To be fair I've had some 4-6s be pretty cool dudes. I can't stand anything past 8 or so though most of the time.

What do you think I am trying to do right now.

r8, pls

Email Ubisoft for help.

Talking to anons over the internet

D.Va is garbage, so is OW.

t. got the game ;_;

Bingo. Want to be friends?

Let me guess. Aquaman is your favorite super hero.

I like OW. I have fun playing it.


> You are a Lolicon!

Wait. How does steam allow this ?

Its the badge you get for crafting 5 Mayjasmine badges

Fucking weebs, man

I don't do much

They don't.
Steam moderators are manchildren who ban anything that they don't like. Especially loli.

>he says as he comes to Sup Forums to shitpost in a steam profile thread

Really makes you think
if you buy me dark souls 3 ; i ll help u plat dark souls 3

>weeabshit manchildren.


I have, too, but it lacks depth and every game boils down not to skill, but to abilites spamming instead. Only handful of heroes require some skill, but most of them are just spam it 'till you kill someone. Blizzard needs to make more heroes in vain of Genji, that before he got nerfed, had some depth.

>FBI is watching you
>loli is good
>I am not lolicon, I am a feminist
>You are lolicon!
>You are a perfect lolicon!

you're alright
you're alright too

>tfw I own both a ps4 and ps3 but barely put time into either especially with my job

Its kind of sad looking at those actually.

Furi was quite neat, one of my favorite games in the recent years.


>$2 a badge
How can these goys live with themselves

I don't see how this is relevant. I like OW because it's casual. If I wanted to play a game like it was a job, I'd go back to tryharding on CS:GO.

Pretty cheap for an obscure anime badge. Normally they run up to $5. $15 if it's a foil.

Good choice

dva is best girl

this is your problem, nigger


I also have this background that fits more with the blue color scheme of steam, but it annoys the hell out of me that the right side is empty

10/10, user. I'd let you fuck me in the ass

A man of taste. I bet you're handsome irl.

Only if you're cute.

Hang on, I thought the Steam Metal Slug ports were absolute garbage. Explain yourself.

>no world's greatest detective badge
Complete shit.

MS3 port is alright. I bought it cause I used to play it on the original Xbox with my older brothers back in the day

hello fellow frenchfags

quel age as-tu ?

yeah this is me

Oh, but my only complaint is the character portraits


I'm hot.

Nice choice of an avatar
c'est mon profil j suis neet MDRR

I'll gladly fuck your boypussy, user.

I love this artist.

i want to play with some of you autists

get me into anime and send me weird shit while i play


Me on the right.