Sup Forumsidya draw thread

Previous Thread:
>Post character name/franchise and references and keep them in a single post
>Keep it vidya
>The character(s) must be of vidya origin
>No bumping your requests
>Post an art sample with your "taking requests" requests
>If a post breaks the rules, DO report and hide it. DON'T respond to it.
>No OC requests. You can, however, request the creation of vidya characters.
>Everyone posting "LOOMIS" without explanations and proper criticism is just spam, which should be ignored and reported.
>Please bump if the thread reaches page 10
>Have fun

Post your art to the booru for anons to find later in case they miss a delivery or if it is NSFW:

Also, to those uploading, if you know who the subjects of the picture are, please tag them!
NSFW Deliveries should also be posted in
Want to learn how to draw or improve your drawing skills? Visit the /ic/ sticky

Other urls found in this thread:


Rizelea being a little bit healthier and enjoying a tasty donut or other snack food; or her fallen from grace and turned into a Dark Valkyrie or corrupted by darkness, etc.

Requesting a redraw of this with Wicke in Aether themed lingerie laying on a bed with bedroom scenery, please.

Requesting a generic user pulling Hyrule Warriors Ruto's nipple coverings down while distracting her with a deep kiss, and Ruto's embarrassed reaction afterwards.

Nice OP.

Almost as nice as how much your waifu loves you! Have a romantic evening together, why don't you? I'll foot the bill!

Hope i got it right.

Please and thanks!

Requesting some more cute Bimbo Aigis acting like a stupid airhead

Shatte wearing the virgin killer sweater, normally or in reverse style.

Your waifu loves you! She's always feeling it!

Requesting her with her shorts pulled down just past her ass and getting fucked hard, with the blue bandit mask over her face.

Requesting a handsome Siegmeyer, preferably lost in thought and with his long hair


The theme is Valentine's Day Photo Album.

The collab will be a scene with one or multiple photo albums where your submissions are the photos. You can also submit Valentine's Day themed cards or notes to or from characters. You can also submit a prop or similar to exist in the scene outside the photos. If you are unsure if your submission will fit into the scene it's better to ask beforehand.

Short Rules:
>Since this time the rules are so open ended, make sure your submissions fit the theme of Valentine's Day
>No size or shape limit for photo or card submissions
>Minimum character size 300x700px and transparent or a flat colour with clean hard edges background for non-photo ones
>Multiple characters in one image are allowed, multiple deliveries are allowed
>Perspective for the collab is top down
>Backgrounds in the photos are encouraged
>The collab is SFW

Link your submissions to this post and/or anchor.

The cutoff for entries is the end of February 13 (PST).

More about the rules and FAQ in the pastebin:

What is saved so far:
Notify me if you want yours added or removed.

Requesting Dr. Vahlen, from XCOM:Enemy Unknown, in the virgin killer version of her normal sweater. (also, no labcoat)
Additional references:

Good night drawthread.

Requesting a battle damged E102y Gamma.


I would like to request Sidorovich, from the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. series of games, selling an anchor for a "good" price.

Anchoring myself again

Requesting Fiora as a cute robo maid.

Requesting Athena in Serena's outfit.

Requesting the Pantheon Flyers from Mega Man Zero in the same poses as their sprites.

Requesting Jack Baker hanging out with Nemesis being bros

Requesting Dr. Junkenstein (or Junkrat) fondling Mei Boobies.

requesting something cute with goblin princess from world of final fantasy

reminds me of ashley from that no way fag picture

Cute monster girl.

Requesting Aigis in a dirty bathroom for public use being used as toilet covered and cum and piss with her mouth forced open with a ring gag and maybe if you want have her arms and legs removed and she is chained to a urinal or something.

>shit pic gets OP again
What's even the point of trying.

Requesting Barney Calhoun, from Half-Life, performing a crouching sweep kick, similar to the one Kyo Kusanagi does, like the one shown in the reference. Barney should be wearing his security uniform from the first game.

Same artist, I think.

Now that's a carpet.

how about u foot ur own asshole u shitposting faggot

What did you want for the OP, then?

Requesting a chibi totem pole. Or just the three being incredibly smug

nighty night

shes always feeling the needles i stick in her eyes while shes asleep and tied down

my dick

Requesting Bradford, from XCOM, (1 or 2, you can pick) holding Laharl from Disgaea, by the neck, in a situation similar to this one from The Dark Knight.

Bonus points if you have Bradford calling Laharl an alien and demanding why he is invading, and Laharl explaining that he is actually a demon.

draw it, shouldnt take long

He's just shitposting while referencing the drawfag who throws shit at drawfags who earn more (You)s.

Requesting Ranka Kagurazaka doing a Shoryuken

This request is awful and you should feel bad for requesting it and I thought you finally gave up becuase no one wants to do something that gross

Shulkfag, are you here?
What are fiora's appendages stuck on her back? Are they jet thrusts?

Requesting her having sex with a young man

Aigis memes will never die!

I'd like Mikhail doing his camp sitting animation, doesn't have to be animated

They're drones!

Requesting Zhao Yun and Xiahou Dun, in stillsuits, fighting on top of a Sandworm from Dune

Note that Zhao Yun fights with a spear and Xiahou Dun with a sword

Anchoring for this kind drawfriend


ill commission skits

Cute snake.

Requesting Dva (either her normal version or the gremlin, or even both) smirking while holding a bag of $30,000 and the EVO logo since Overwatch is confirmed as the 9th spot for EVO once she makes the donation

Bonus points if she's drinking on the tears of Skullgirls and Killer Instinct characters

Drones? Like they detatch and attack/buff stuff?

>when a drawfag has a sense of self worth
kek. literally kill yourselves

Requesting Jin Kazama and Ling Xiaoyu having hardcore, intense sex

Requesting some more thicc Shygal Aigis.

Requesting Yashiro and Shermie from KoF having intense, hardcore sex, with the purpose of creating the next host of the Orochi.

Both should be nude.

OR here.
Fucking sweeeeeet Re! Love it!
I see you take the hoodie down version. This is cute. Or better up? Or maybe both? Not sure! This is really up to you. I'm already happy with this! By the way, tail skin same color like her body skin. Some draw it more white, I prefer it when body and tail skin are the same.

Next results better for /i/, or?

You know, there's something I've been meaning to ask. While I have a feeling that you're the one that's shitposting on Mako's waifu's gender, and trying to start shit on our deliveries, one thing sticks out: why?

Why the persistence? What did Mako and I do to you? Can I assist in some way?
I like to believe I'm chums with my other shitposters (wtf-user and vomit-user), so maybe I can try to be chummy with you too!

i dunno if the requester for Muffet in the Virgin-Killer is still around.

I spent like all of yesterday figuring out the arms so here i am now with inks.


Requesting the Bad Rats game-cover with Puck (many of him) and one Vivi from Final Fantasy 9.

They don't they detach, but you can use them to attack. They're her Talent Art!

Requesting Ajna being trapped or stuck like in the first image wearing only her spats/bike shorts and asking for help.

Requesting Badsmella being redrawn to look like one of those old hagged smoker gals you'd see on TV, cigarette, clothes and all

Requesting Tsubasa in the passenger seat of a car giving a blowjob to the guy in the driver's seat.

Requesting Shantae Vs. Chloe.

Chloe on the right side of the picture attempting to strike shantae with a dagger, she looks angry and determined to hit her. Shantae on the left side of the picture blocking the dagger strike with her gold arm braces, she has a cheeky grin knowing she has the upper hand in this duel.

Not OR but Muffet is love! This is fantastic!
I hope you add colors later...


Thanks man

I'm still around, yeah. This is nice, thanks man!

I had a few ideas of Uzume.
Dressed like Ryo from Shenmue; drinking a glass of red wine in a dress; SFW or NSFW petplay with a leash and collar, dog ears + tailplug, optional mouth open and her tongue being played with w/ drool.

not or either but good job figuring out the arms. I may have just given her more boobs to make it easier for myself

I'm wondering if I can get a pegasus-centaur of Marcia please? And on the flipside, Jill from Path of Radiance as a wyvern-dragongirl too?

If you need more refs, here's a video of her gameplay! Slight spoilers and all that!

I'd like the spirits from Nioh to be redone as monstergirls. Any anons thing they'd be up for that?


I wanna see a cool action scene.

Her grin is damn cute! I look forward to the finished result. Really awesome!

re-class a cute

What's wrong with her eyebrows? Ok, never mind. lel
I think it's hot. Especially in this hair color.

Oh, yes! One more lovely monster girl. Muffet is my favorite Undertale character.

Can I get Shatte in some nonlewd scenarios like wearing a bridal gown or playing video games or doing chores like cleaning and cooking maid outfit optional?

Good job on the effort, looks like it'd be extremely frustrating to do

You lied to me
At 1:50 they detatch from the body

Pontiff Sulyvahn sitting on a nice comfy chair near a fireplace, with his two swords mounted on the wall above said fireplace, reading the newspaper. Bonus points if there's a photo of him, Aldrich, and the archdeacon

PoV blowjob please

Requesting bomb-related Sup Forums characters as proud ISIS members, dressed up like picture related.

Some examples: Bomberman from Bomberman, Bombman from Megaman, Fatman from Metal Gear Solid 2, Poppy Bros. Sr. from Kirby's Dream Land, Bob-ombs from Super Mario...
Group image would be awesome too.

swinging her rifle by the barrel like an axe (there's one on the stock) or brandishing a Ryobi power tool arsenal, complete with hardhat, gloves, and whatever other safefy clothing

then request one lmao

Yeah, I just remember that she had some attacks that they do kinda detach. Not gonna lie, I've been playing as Melia more than anyone recently, because I'm trying to get her affinity up to hearts with everyone before playing as Fiora. Hadn't played her as much yet.

A bomb?

Nips invented some of the best guns in WW2, but now we're stuck with retards drawing shit like this.


Requesting a thicc large breasted maybe shortstack Aigis in very tight fitting clothes maybe a micro bikini

I did though. Chloe vs. Shantae, ones a Dark Elf soldier the others a 1/2 Genie Hero.

Requesting the waitress from the game Need for Speed ( 2015 ) being softly groped in the butt by Spike and Amy in this scene.

Right? Oh well, not much you can do about it.

requesting these random "Everquest" NPC's posing for an ad/cola advert inspired by "mean joe"

Characters from vidyas they use often bombs or better as their main weapon. I think Fatman and Poppy Bros. Sr. are a good choice.

Anime was unironically a mistake

Cidney and Aranea Highwind doing a hearthand together
Cidney is happy and Aranea is forcing a smile
Alt. idea is them fighting over Prompto
