Isn't the Switch supposed to be next gen?
Isn't the Switch supposed to be next gen?
Who the fuck told you that? It's Nintendo.
>$300 for PS Vita graphics
holy shit nintenyearolds will defend this
Its next gen for Nintendo
they both look like shit tbqhwys
Certainly supposed to
Bottom looks better but they both look like shit
Doesn't the cartridge have both games?
Maybe that's why.
>porting DQ Heroes to the Switch
>but not DQ Builders
b-b-but it's a handheld
you're paying 300$ for 2 hours of mobility with a piece of junk that won't even fit in your pocket
this is the future of mobile gaming!!!!
yes, miniaturization > specs
One has a shot more lighting going on, so of course it's gonna look better since humans like brighter and shinier things over the alternative
user, it's been 3 generations of Nutendo releasing consoles with outdated specs but """""innovative""""" wagglin'
You should've known what to expect by now
i'm a NEET with zero future but even I'm that not much of a pathetic manchild
>Isn't the Switch supposed to be next gen?
In Nintendo's mind, the PS3 and 360 are still next gen
>still being a 2CPU pleb
>not linking all your computers in a super
>Bluray support: Yes
>PS4 Pro
>Blueray support: No Physical/Stream Only
Okay technically the switch comes with 2 controllers since each JoyCon is a separate one.
Also do list of games because the Switch has already quadrupled the PS4 which has 1 (Gravity Falls 2) good game
Its a handheld sooo...
Why do believe still believe the Eurogamer """leak""" for the specs?
Switch is 9th Gen console
because you know, generations of consoles have nothing to do with their overall hardware power.
It supports normal bluray but not 4k bluray, you have to stream 4k
Also can we wordfilter "wut" already, it's literally guaranteed to be the least intelligent post of a thread
Isn't Pony supposed to not be at the brink of bankruptcy?
>It supports normal bluray but not 4k bluray, you have to stream 4k
>Why do believe still believe the Eurogamer """leak""" for the specs?
Hmmm maybe Nintendo should reveal the specs so no one has to believe rumours anymore?
Oh wait they don't have the balls to do that.
>10 minutes into a train ride comparison
Sega Beena was 6th Gen
Does anyone have the image of the black guy playing his X-Box on the train?
>Playing an MMO on a train
yes this will surely happen
Why were you playing for 2 hours 5o minutes to 5 hours 50 minutes prior to getting on the train without a proper charger/battery pack loser?
It has a higher stated battery than the 3ds does, I guess that means the 3ds isn't a handheld then.
Nevermind found it
What kind of train has a park bench.
>Implying anyone on Sup Forums reads
Quentin, you gotta double the size of that handheld and add a bookbag for the fedora to carry it around with.
Even if you believe the Foxconn """"leak"""" the system is still a piece of shit. A die shrink is all Pascal is.
That is one big fat nigger.
I can't stop laughing at the people that think playing a Nintendo console in public is appealing.
What's the Xbox plugged into
Whats he playing?
>there is no 4k bluray distinction in the column
Your entire post is retarded and we are all dumber for having read it.
Why do they call it the Nintendo Switch? Because it switches between a handheld and a console, whatever's more convenient for a Nintendrone's argument at the time.
Kinda looks like Heather from Silent Hill
This. I only ready fine literature in my fine time. I just did my weekly rereading of the best novel ever made, "The Great Gatsby". Anybody who hasn't read that amazing work of fiction doesn't deserve to breath the air I do.
Patrish af
No. The Switch isn't next gen.
And that's not me attacking it or anything. It is not a next gen system because generations are determined by your competition, not your power.
The Wii U's competition was the PS4 and the Xbone, and since the Switch will also be competing against the PS4 and Xbone, the Switch will also be an 8th gen system. And yes, it's possible for two different consoles of the same manufacturer to be in the same generation, just like when the Atari 2600 and 5200 came out. They were both considered 2nd gen consoles at the time.
Holy shit I'm so dumb. Of course thats what it is.
wait doesn't that mean he's playing the HD collection?
What the fuck at that viewing angle
Hey he's still a nigger
>No matter how much you report them, Europeans will always keep making console war threads
... wut?
>yfw Nintendo is now stuck 2 full gens behind because of their shitty gimmicks and their refusal to compete anymore
>their refusal to compete
This is the biggest problem. Their game quality has suffered terribly since they decided they don't have competitors
>Shitch™ official system specs
>Custom Nvidia Tegra CPU™
>Nvidia GPU™
Thanks for clearing up the rumor, Nutendo!
PS4's HDD can be replaced to up to 8TB and can have external HDD up to 8TB as well
Switch version is comfier
Black out while pooping.
More content too, apparently.
>Oh wait they don't have the balls to do that.
When your competitors are talking about tflops and you're still under 500 gflops, it's probably incredibly embarrassing
Daily reminder that DQ Heroes Switch preorders in the West have all been cancelled. It's not being localized.
Nice non-argument
SONY PlayStation 5 2017
Their game quality and console quality. I wouldn't doubt this will be the last console Nintendo puts out.
I can't wait for Skyrim
The shitposting potential will be glorious
You don't deserve it
I could imagine it looking a little better if they made a version for the Switch and not just port over the PS3 version, but I really don't see the point of going through the effort.
>Encouraging chaos
Is this a white guy trait? A lot of white boys like to instigate.
Draw distance seems a little high for 300gflops.
> Because it switches between a handheld and a console, whatever's more convenient for a Nintendrone's argument at the time.
The Switch's main feature is that it can be either one, of course it's part of the argument
Sony fags bringing up graphics. WEW
>Switch will look like this
>AND have 20 fps
Nintendo has never been about graphics and specs, Nintendo is all about the games.
>the switch's levels are higher
Switch confirmed stronk
Not encouraging it so much as I think it'll be the only game that really demonstrates how weak the Switch is, since the Switch once again, like the Wii U, isn't getting any modern AAA games
I mean, I think it's really unfair of Nintendo to hide the specs like they are, and Skyrim might be kept as a launch title just because people could take one look at it and see how weak the system is. They don't want that, certainly not at launch. DQH's comparison shot is bad enough and that game isn't even AAA
Yes, please NEVER bring up graphics, it breaks my Nintendo heart
So....shitposting? Yep. Just another white guy.
Do you think it's honest of Nintendo to hide system specs?
>game quality
>Nintendo make the best and most fun games with massive replay value and unique gameplay
>PS4 gave us Souls, Souls But Bloody, and Souls Samurai Gaiden
Is it bad that I kind of like the look of this? I mean, sure, everything will be gray blurs up close, but it almost looks stylized.
Why the fuck does it matter, you white faggot?
What games?
m' old sport
>>Nintendo make the best and most fun games with massive replay value and unique gameplay
It's not 1998 anymore, user.
Drones can think of a defense for everything
If you were a real person you'd at least admit that they should disclose specs when they're selling hardware
I mean, this shouldn't even be optional. What they're doing should be illegal and I'm being completely serious. It's illegal for many things like cars
Too bad too many of them are unfun and/or writtled with bad ideas.
>It should be illegal
Why are you getting so triggered by it?
I wish it was, since you'd be negative 2 years old.
"I need attention! please!!"
Make a game then.
I'm not
Just calling it out as bullshit
And you're so desperate to evade any sign of fault that you can't admit it's shitty
Name one thing the white audience has done that's good for vidya. They do nothing but whine, cry, and encourage terrible practices like the current DLC model.